Not really much to talk about, will be getting my haircut, but not until September time as I want to get a few gigs out the way first, Anti-Flag @ Electric Ballroom 4th July, Bad Religion @ KOKO 20th August, Rebellion Festival in Blackpool 8th-11th August (Such a sick line up too) http://www.rebellionfestivals.com/

My birthday's in 4 days, the actual day itself is not gonna...
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I know! Its just frustrating. Trying to figure out if he is really on the level now... So we shall see!
rebellion fest *__*
I've been there back in the days and had sooo much fun!
Considering they're my favorite band, I would totally be into that. Haha.

Why do all the boys with good music taste live in other countries? >:-(
I know! he's like twice my age but i have such a schoolgirl crush on him haha
The upcoming trials for Team GB paintball actually gave me the most obvious idea for another Suicide Boys set, paintball, DUH!

The outer clothing is quite baggy, but the padding under is quite tight and actually makes the wearer look quite buff, plus posing with "Vera" (my gun) in various paintball poses while naked would be quite sexy, no? wink

Just for a reminder, here's my...
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Heartbreak and the following assorted other emotions are a great forum for song writing.
Little Honda civics are fun! I love little buzzy cars. So freaky fun.
Good news everyone!

They finally announced trials for the mens British National Team, for PAINTBALL!


It's a very slim chance that I will get in, it's very competitive, there will be dozens of people trying I have no doubt, and they mostly know in advance who they want based on reputation but I'm still gonna go.
Unfortunately it's the same day I was planning...
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Cool!! Shoot 'em up!!
Ooooo hope u made the squad!!!
Yeh my car is naughty.
Goes fast.
Goes sideways sometimes......

Classical is awesome !!!

What car do you drive ?
The 13 year old daughter of a friend passed away last night unexpectedly in her sleep, she had been very ill for a long time, a form of cancer I believe but I never asked the details. I never met my friend's daughter yet it was obvious how much she meant to her. I can't begin to imagine the horror she went through when her...
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BAH! Little annoyed right now, what was suppose to be an epic weekend turned to shit!
I spare yout he details about last night, but tonight was drinking all day at a friends house for her birthday, a lot of people I didn't know but my mates were there so all good. A group were heading into town including 2 of my mates, except one...
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in these situations i get horribly drunk, make a tit of myself and call it a good time smile
whatever That's is annoying. It's just like when I hang out with they guys and one of them n his girl fight. Kinda ruins the night for the rest of us.
Just need to have a little vent.

I saw my ex for the first time since we broke contact 8 months ago and her boyfriend (the guy she left me for) in town yesterday. They were walking in the opposite direction in front of the shopping centre and literally passed within a few feet of me, luckily I didn't spot them until they were just...
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That's the best revenge
Right there
Being happy and moving forward
Shitty Exes hate that shit

What an intersting night, started as standard night down the "Cowley Club" a bar/cafe/venue/library owned by a collective of people, so undergroud that they actually have a door slot to slide open and check who you are before letting you in tongue

But after we left, we were chatting outside and my mate goes skating down the street and accidentally swerves close to these guys who...
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I don't see how those types of crowds can't end their evening without starting a fight on an innocent person. Makes me sick.

Hope yourself, friend and his partner are on the mend.

Well dam that could've been worse! Glad everyone is ok for the most part.
More song writing biggrin
I've really got into it, I've got loads of ideas and a few new ones but some still need work, so not being shared just yet wink
This one's about a problem I think we all encounter, not knowing quite what you mean to someone who means a lot to you and is actually about many people throughout my life, something that in...
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Songwriting is so cleansing..... Like a weight loss challenge!
I really should start jamming tunes again...

If guitar didn't stick.... Try another instrument?
A soldier was murdered by probably muslim extremists today in Woolwich. I just put a status up on Facebook that I'm sure will get me backlash from a lot of people, but I must speak my mind against all the hate and evil such acts bring out in otherwise good people, it's this that makes me even sadder than the act of violence itself, times...
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While I understand what you're saying I do find that sometimes death penalty is a much better thing cause then we are just paying for someone to sit in jail for the rest of their life while others are struggling to get by every day. This just happened where I live Girl found My thought is it's a slap to the face to person that gets murdered, regardless of who they are or why, and their killer gets to live better then a lot of people around. With no worries of when they get their next meal, a place to sleep, medical attention, even tv and a gym, just to list a few things.

To me it's being "soft" on those that do evil so that's why I find that people like muslim extremists do it. They know not much will happen to them and even if they do die the become basically a martyr for their cause. So it just keeps going around in a cycle like you said. It's that that makes me sad for the human race is that we a not only destructive towards those who are different but our planet at the same time. Hopefully some day the human race can evolve enough to make peace with each other before the planet has suffered to much damage.
Just heard about that on radio.
WTF is wrong with people !!!!????