Today's question. Who's your hero?

My Answer: Greg Graffin, lead singer of Bad Religion, PhD in Zoology, author, university lecturer, Naturalist. It's this combination of things that make him such an inspiration, how intelligent he is in everything he does and has achieved massively in 2 fields that I myself love (Punk music and natural science).

Two very awesome things to report:

The first is...
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Yeh I heard of them.
Attended a show.
Chatted at length with Lindsay...... Then 2 hours later I realized it's the same guy off radio!!!
I was a tad off my face...
So last night I did video log, I actually quite liked it because it makes things a bit more personal. Expect more to come, Enjoy tongue

What was the best gig you've ever been too?

My Answer: Muse, Wembley Stadium, 2007 I believe, this was before my punk days and the sheer scale and energy of the performance was mind blowing, simply massive mosh pits too biggrin

Seeing the greatest band ever tomorrow evening, BAD RELIGION! biggrin

Maybe if I'm lucky I'll meet a nice girl who also happens to be a Bad...
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While it was nothing I would have done on my own I would have to say the Maroon 5/ Kelly Clarkson on 8/9/13 just because of the fact it was my daughter's first concert. We had good seats. It will forever be a cherished memory.biggrin

This would be about how far away we were but more to the right.

No question today, too tired to think of one. Nights like this are definitely one of the good things that have happened to me in the last year biggrin

In December I was out with my cousin and some of his mates, I was just going for a taxi home when I was picked off the street by some other punks saying "Oi punk, you're coming...
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Cool well good luck with your band. My bf wants to start a band too. I'm not so sure how I feel being boarded on with that. This song is very well done I love it. When you get some guitar! to go with it.... post it here so I can check out what you've done with it :}
That's such a cool way to make friends! Haha I love that x
Rather down on things again so I need to ask a positive question.

What's the best compliment you've ever received?

My Answer: In conversation about something I posted on Facebook having a go at all the closet xenophobes and racist who were posting so many appauling things after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, a friend pretty much compared me to Nikola Tesla, Martin Luther...
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I started my work out today. Going to try and work some of this belly off. smile

As far as best compliment I've ever received I'm not sure. It is cool that he did compare you to those guys though.
I see quite a difference. Very nice smile

Best compliment? I dunno if best, but today was my last day at the office I've been running for this last year. Nearly everyone said I'd spoiled them for any other post master. They had cards and goodies for me. I felt truly loved and a little sad to be moving on. The new office was too good to say not to. Much better hours/money and the location is closer to home.

Oh well
What's your favourite film?

My answer: Red Cliff - It's a Chinese epic directed by John Woo and centre's around a battle during the Chinese Three Kingdoms period (made famous by the Dynasty Warriors games) and is 5 and half hours long in two parts. Whilst it has some of the most epic large scale battle scenes featuring thousands of extras, it also has martial...
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people suck!
Favorite movie? gosh you pick hard questions.
fight club

there are SO SO MANY.
So many fav movies.... Here are a few.....
Girl interrupted
Silver linings playbook
A beautiful mind
The hangover (first one)
Zac and Miri make a porno
Get him to the Greek

I'll stop now lol.

Ps your "friends" sound like knob jockeys.
Nothing new to really talk about, so I'm just gonna ask a question again.

What your favourite song and what does it mean? - Comment an answer and music video biggrin

My Answer: Sorrow by Bad Religion

A lot of you already know this as the lyrics on my chest are from that song. Sorrow, despite containing the lyrics "And there will be sorrow no more"...
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Stellar by Incubus
"how do you do it? make me feel like i do? how do you do it? its better than i ever knew."

Slipknot "Snuff"
seriously has some of my favorite lyrics EVER.
bury all your secrets in my skin. come away with innocence and leave me with my sins.

I Want to Conquer the World by Bad Religion
such a good song when i need to get amped up.

there are so so many more but i'd be here all day smile

btw i love these question things you're doing. lovebiggrinkiss

thank you! that was lovely. xxxxx
I'm gonna try and do something new with my blogs, anyone can write at length about their life and themself and I will continue to do this in part, however I'm going to try and always ask a question, it may be something deep and philosophical, personal, preferences, political, or just plain silly. Try and get some discussion going to make my blog more than...
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I know right?! It's getting there, just taking forever!
How are you anyway? X
Glad your jobs getting better! Still a lot of the year left for it to get better smile
I'm ok! It'll all sort itself out smile x
consider your whimsey feared, my good sir!
I'm SUCH a sucker for pretty eyes. It's almost not fair. Like I have big "doe" eyes, but they're brown. I wear green contacts sometimes just to feel like i have neat eyes lol. whateverlove

And thank you for the well wishes! kiss
So the scenario paintballing this weekend was a complete joke, the game was moved from an army training base to a regular paintball site due to the MOD needing the facility at short notice, this wasn't the problem, the problem was we still had to use clear paintballs just because the organiser had aquired loads for use at the MOD site and still needed to...
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