we live in a society driven by a single engine: capitalism.

we live in a culture that tolerates only one agenda: consumer materialism.

we live in a country that treats its citizens as goods and commodities for profit and the word "rehab" is just another slave program.

any suggestions on what to do in austin for a couple days?

i swear, somewhere around here there...
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wow..i always got the impression that, for the south, new orleans is fairly openminded. i lived in baton rouge for a few years so i've visited a few times. it seemed like more of a city for freaks than closedminded people, though appearances can be misleading. it just seemed to not exactly fit in with the mentally of the rest of the south, i just thought it was kind of different.
though you should note i've only really been to the southern states + michigan so my opinion might not be so educated. smile
austin sucks.

the deep south is a scary place.

a month, a month.

every girl down here looks like jessica simpson.

a piece of me died when they took her.
hey peter, i've been a friend of naomi for a couple of years, i was curious if you have her booking # and know when she's getting out. i wanted to write her and send her a book she wanted. it was nice of you to drive her down there. smile
The only places I am traveling is out of this country! haha. Um, I chose the Honda Hybrid because I have drove one before and I thought it was great! I really need a hybrid so I can drive without feeling as guilty...frown

i had no idea i could love so much.

for some reason, gino's words are comical when you consider the source, but i understand the sentiment perfectly.
hey there. how goes it. loving is rough stuff. i agree.

my advisor is eric oliver. he's new - just hired in two years ago. he was at princeton before. he's very cool - he surfs and went to burning man and wears crazy pants and is totally chill and loves crazy ideas.
yes very much alive
why does it hurt so much? its never hurt this much before.

sometimes i wish i could die.

how did i lose my way so badly?

buddha, why do you mock me so? my buddhist brother who told me i will need to make most of my time b/c it will be short, tells me i'll die alone. somehow i'm not surprised.

"...All the joy...
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I guess so. Things are depressing as shit lately.
i cant believe i still get that nervous excitement where my palms sweat, my heart races and i wonder stupidly, "do i look ok?" that i still like her even though i love her and am in love w/ her.

tonite she sleeps w/ her fists clenched and i can read her knuckles. maybe right now its only in your dreams but soon it'll be...
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exactly! blackeyed
I've smoked a lot of weed for a long time and it has probably changed the way I think but schizophrenia isn't something that I worry about too much. When I hear music in my head or my brain goes into overdrive, when it's flipping over and under and throwing out crap (haha? Crap my bottom. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I generally don't miss it for the world) I can reassure myself that it is really late and I had been on a bender. However, I am not quiet mind in my mind. I've only had one introductory session with a psychologist. They will tell me that I am a naughty, hyper, damaged person. Or at least, that is as much as I can hope for. I'm definitly a bit autistic, but that's linked to my dyslexia, the severity of which is compensated for by loads of hard work. That's why I don't post as much as I'd like to. Often I know what I want to say but the prospect of sitting here for up to an hour while I spell it out is too much for me. *In Marches The Indifference*

Fixed titles bore me and I've actually never really had one, just a lot of nicknames. They called me 'Walker' at school, (it is my last name) and Pete mostly at college but I didn't like that either. Don't you think that life would be more interesting if we didn't use the same name, or a name at all? We could all have a code that changed according to the time elapsed since our birth. We might meet a lot more people that way and because we can learn so much from oneanother, that be a good idea!

You seem really nice, for a boy. Tell your friends that they shouldn't leave you. I hope I don't pose a "guilt by association" issue too.
so when and how did i become such a depressed and hateful person?

damnit vina, why did you leave me? i'm all alone now. my cries are drowned out by the violence in that war torn country, and there's too much static in my head for me to hear your comforting words. big sis, i really needed you tonite.

Uhtun deh nun jook goh sheep...
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"The passionate pursuit of the nonessential and the extravagant is one of the chief traits of human uniqueness. Unlike other forms of life, man's greatest exertions are made in the pursuit not of necessities but of superfluities."

-- Eric Hoffer
I have seen many an animal pursue the absurd. Critters get passionate lookin' when persuing the absurd. Humans love it too. nonessential and the extravagant = the absurd i reckon.

Exqueeze me. I must get back to chasing my tail, else it will have all the fun without me.

Comprenday Comprenday!
i like that quote. it's a definite discussion starter... smile
when tears erupt from my eyes, each drop filled with unspoken frustration, i feel out of control. there used to be a time when i held my life tightly controlled and clenched with iron fists trying to make sure i left nothing to chance. these days those fists are open palms and outstretched arms and i can no longer make head from tails.

these days...
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i hope one day you find it.........maybe its just not here, not now.
to me that was a big fuck you to GWB but take it how you read it. You'll find yours.......it's happen if your not looking for it. wink
voting for bush is like jumping off a bridge, voting for kerry is like shooting yourself to get the free medical care.


sometimes i feel like the catcher in the rye.

i'm hungry.

i love.
hehehe Let me introduce you to my iron lung.......... ooo aaa
i'm so frustrated.
I know you are.
i hope one day it won't be hard for you to communicate.
I hope you're feeling better.
i just got your note. thank you so much.
really. smile
in those 30 minutes you held your breathe, i saw more in your eyes than anything you could've ever said to me with words. i just hope you know thats how i feel about you too.
yea - and my life shouldn't be so bad this year. i mean, i hope not (more to do, but i have a better hand on what i need to do to get done what i have to - by the way, that is the vaguest phrase EVER, thankya). so let me know when you'll back in the city of broad shoulders, and hanging out will commence. smile