when does comedy turn to irony? is it a twinge of sadness? a turn in luck? what doesnt have a bit of sadness to it? at least anything worthwhile? even happiness has sadness in it.
i have a knack for making friends w/ people who are running away, and it almost always coincides w/ running away from me.
the next coming weeks mark the most...
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i have a knack for making friends w/ people who are running away, and it almost always coincides w/ running away from me.
the next coming weeks mark the most...
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Ive got more stories than the Bible,
Hit harder than Coyote whacked with an anvil
The most boring still more exciting
Than your most dangerous peril.
If I told you Id be leaving you haunting
Your life is nothing, open your eyes,
Wide like a girl with her first menstrual cycle.
Listen up, or too late youll realize
All the history youve slept on
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Hit harder than Coyote whacked with an anvil
The most boring still more exciting
Than your most dangerous peril.
If I told you Id be leaving you haunting
Your life is nothing, open your eyes,
Wide like a girl with her first menstrual cycle.
Listen up, or too late youll realize
All the history youve slept on
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I'm definitely not stuck. I'm heading out somewhere. Just trying to figure out where.
wow! there's an oreo commercial with a cute little asian boy and his grandfather. since when has tv started using asians not named margerat cho and sandra oh?
i thought i had this brilliant idea: putting hidden microphones at every table of a chinese restaurant and having someone listen and then write a very personal fortune cookie by the end of the meal. but then...
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i thought i had this brilliant idea: putting hidden microphones at every table of a chinese restaurant and having someone listen and then write a very personal fortune cookie by the end of the meal. but then...
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I'm glad you liked the pic in my journal, it was from my flapper burlesque routine.
That commercial is adorable. But I still hate Oreos.
You know I really do like to fight. I thought I would grow out of it. But I haven't. I enjoy it. I really do.

You know I really do like to fight. I thought I would grow out of it. But I haven't. I enjoy it. I really do.
i may be late to the party, but i saw "prey for rock and roll" and it was really good.
its nice spring weather here...good times are ahead, i can feel it.
its nice spring weather here...good times are ahead, i can feel it.
i used to think i was oblivious to weather ... but i feel so GOOD this week, i know i was lyin before
...far far away...
what if one day you realized you had become everything you didnt want to be? that you had sold out, that you were boring, that you were no longer what you had been, or worse - what you aspired to be? what do you do when you look in the mirror and see a monster grinning back at you? what do you do when you...
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you take small steps to reclaim yourself. the first one is the toughest. but it gets easier after that. you just can't lose faith that you can be better than what you are.
hell, i feel the same way. i've been feeling the same way for years. and i have been waiting. until one day i realized i had to make the change myself. or itherwisw i'd be waiting forever. so i'm trying. real hard. to go forward.
small steps. but at least i'm moving.
more later. after coffee.
much love.
hell, i feel the same way. i've been feeling the same way for years. and i have been waiting. until one day i realized i had to make the change myself. or itherwisw i'd be waiting forever. so i'm trying. real hard. to go forward.
small steps. but at least i'm moving.
more later. after coffee.
much love.
Difficult is an understatement. I think what makes it worse is that the women in my family (not that there are very many, which is part of the problem) tend to be very meek and complacent. Which I am just, not. I never have been and that is and has been at the heart of my continuous clashes with my father.
When I feel like that, I pack up and leave, start over. I am not saying it is actually a good thing. And it may not be feasible for you. But it is what I do. Only advice I have.
I used to relish in the misfortune of others and I think it was in fact because I had stopped feeling pain. I thought I was emotionally invincible. When I found out I was wrong I started to realize how many people I had hurt and I stopped. Tough way to grow, though.
When I feel like that, I pack up and leave, start over. I am not saying it is actually a good thing. And it may not be feasible for you. But it is what I do. Only advice I have.

I used to relish in the misfortune of others and I think it was in fact because I had stopped feeling pain. I thought I was emotionally invincible. When I found out I was wrong I started to realize how many people I had hurt and I stopped. Tough way to grow, though.

"dont you have a darkside? you are probably one of those cheerful people who dot their "i"s with little hearts."
i never liked zach braff or scrubs, but i saw garden state and really liked the movie and mr braff. now, i like him and scrubs. go figure.
i never liked zach braff or scrubs, but i saw garden state and really liked the movie and mr braff. now, i like him and scrubs. go figure.
i havent seen garden state. i've been told that i should, though.
hey, thanks for the kind words,
which lolita movie did you like?
stop by again some time.
which lolita movie did you like?
stop by again some time.
There are days like today where I wake up and remember Im an alien. Its very Kafka-esque. I spend the rest of the day feeling uncomfortable and agitated, wondering where my true home is and why Im here. I sit and stare at people wondering who the other aliens are, and who the zombies are. Sometimes I can tell those who share my citizenship. Sometimes...
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ahh..i've just finished re-reading the metamorphosis by kafka for spring break. becoming an outsider in your own home, there's nothing quite like it. however, the one benefit is the introspection it brings. maybe even then it's not completely worth it.
you can find anything at wal-mart from first-born children to evil fish. all at reasonable prices! however, they do not have the oh-so sought after rock paper scissors card game. no life is complete without this relic of geekdom.

you can find anything at wal-mart from first-born children to evil fish. all at reasonable prices! however, they do not have the oh-so sought after rock paper scissors card game. no life is complete without this relic of geekdom.
I try to avoid spitting loogies and the farmer's blow, but, I will confess to the later on occasion. I try to be discreet about it.
I am all too familiar with the emotional mask and the feeling that you do not belong. I don't feel that way as often as I used to, but, when I do, I don't really have anyone to trust. Not anymore. I wish I still did. I envy that you do.

I am all too familiar with the emotional mask and the feeling that you do not belong. I don't feel that way as often as I used to, but, when I do, I don't really have anyone to trust. Not anymore. I wish I still did. I envy that you do.
Some thoughts from the Q train....
An artist can never create art without the participation of his or her history, experiences, beliefs and context in life. The irony though, is that sometimes great art can be appreciated outside of the consideration of the artist. Why is it that we have a greater admiration for an artist who consistently creates greatness compared to one who makes...
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An artist can never create art without the participation of his or her history, experiences, beliefs and context in life. The irony though, is that sometimes great art can be appreciated outside of the consideration of the artist. Why is it that we have a greater admiration for an artist who consistently creates greatness compared to one who makes...
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Hey there...it's been a while.
Hope that you're doing okay!
Have a good Tuesday!
Hope that you're doing okay!
Have a good Tuesday!

gods. last night every dog in the neighborhood was going nuts. for hours on end. i blame ghosts. or some imminent disaster that they can sense and i can't. because i need more irrational, non-existant worries in my life.
i have to come back and give an actual thought-out reply to you're entry. it's just not in me right now.
much love. talk later.

i have to come back and give an actual thought-out reply to you're entry. it's just not in me right now.
much love. talk later.
some thoughts...
today i saw a cute young girl dressed in a green pea coat and hot pink pants run after her father as he pretended to be an airplane circling her. he even made the "airplane sound" and had his arms extended like wings as her hello kitty back pack bounced around on his back. she shrieked and giggled as she chased him, ready...
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today i saw a cute young girl dressed in a green pea coat and hot pink pants run after her father as he pretended to be an airplane circling her. he even made the "airplane sound" and had his arms extended like wings as her hello kitty back pack bounced around on his back. she shrieked and giggled as she chased him, ready...
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hey i miss you its wierd when i read your journals at random they are usauly very random entries its funny i had a dream last night that made me want to kill myself when i woke up that ever happen to you ha but anyways i was in a mental hospital and in the world there was this couple that always got away from the cops and so if anyone was caught talking to them and not trying to get them into custody could be arrested to so my job was to do the laundry and shit and they were living in the laundry room so i would hang out with them all the time but one day one of the staff came down and so i freaked out cause i was gonna go to jail but then he turned into this beutful freak with tatoos all over hhmmmm and we walked away into this locker room with pink floyd posters everywhere and i fell in love and he was really shy and scared and defensive and shit it was really cute and then we started to have sex and then i woke up with cumm all over my pants ha ha and then i wanted to go to sleep again but i couldn't i just got really depressed but maybe that ill hook up with staff at job corp ha and will listen to pink floyd or something right ha ok anyways call me bitch
ha ha, best dream ever!
Money does funny things
To your feelings,
Your yearnings.
But remember shorty,
Life is nothing but a dream,
A game with no team,
Just you, so please lay off the morphine.
Trust your instinct,
Careful, if you blink
It might be mistaken for a wink.
Trust the ones you love,
Like angels from above,
To guide you and help you,
Youve been too many times...
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To your feelings,
Your yearnings.
But remember shorty,
Life is nothing but a dream,
A game with no team,
Just you, so please lay off the morphine.
Trust your instinct,
Careful, if you blink
It might be mistaken for a wink.
Trust the ones you love,
Like angels from above,
To guide you and help you,
Youve been too many times...
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Some are from kitty death (three different cats, two are mine, one a friends) some are from being hit by cars and some deaths are unexplained
How are you? I didnt ask before I dont think, did you write the piece aboue? I like it

thank you!
Life is full of anomalies. We try to find an order to all the chaos and disorder, trying to give sense to the senseless. What more is anomaly than human error?
Is it genius or insanity? Or both? Why are the genius tortured? Why is ignorance bliss?
When we want to find meaning, when we look for something beforehand, you can find what you are...
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Is it genius or insanity? Or both? Why are the genius tortured? Why is ignorance bliss?
When we want to find meaning, when we look for something beforehand, you can find what you are...
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i wish i had something important to say, but i cant think of anything.

"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -- John F. Kennedy
If you think about this quote, you will realize how Bush feels about the...
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If you think about this quote, you will realize how Bush feels about the...
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the short answer: no.
the long answer: happy isn't really what i strive for. it's a chemical high. it's not real. you can imagine some highschool psuedo-philospher looking up from his neizche book and sneering this, if you want. it sounds ridiculous and pompous. and it sounds bitter. i mean, why wouldn't you want to be happy? but there are better words for it. or better words at least for what i want to feel. i'd rather be productive, prolithic, proactive; i'd rather feel like there are things to look forward to than feel like i've reached that peek. i reckon i equate happiness with contentedness. and i equate content with not wanting to better one's self, not wanting more for one's self. if i ever feel like i'm living out my best days, or my best days are behind me, i figure i might as well be dead.
fear is an odd thing. it can be a motivator, or it can make you freeze up and do nothing. i suppose it depends on the person, or on what you fear.
right now i'm frozen up.
the long answer: happy isn't really what i strive for. it's a chemical high. it's not real. you can imagine some highschool psuedo-philospher looking up from his neizche book and sneering this, if you want. it sounds ridiculous and pompous. and it sounds bitter. i mean, why wouldn't you want to be happy? but there are better words for it. or better words at least for what i want to feel. i'd rather be productive, prolithic, proactive; i'd rather feel like there are things to look forward to than feel like i've reached that peek. i reckon i equate happiness with contentedness. and i equate content with not wanting to better one's self, not wanting more for one's self. if i ever feel like i'm living out my best days, or my best days are behind me, i figure i might as well be dead.
fear is an odd thing. it can be a motivator, or it can make you freeze up and do nothing. i suppose it depends on the person, or on what you fear.
right now i'm frozen up.
Hey there...thanks for the e-mail...just stopping in to say a quick hello and to check up on you all.
Talk to you soon!
Talk to you soon!

where have you gone, by the by?