MELODRAMA! Whoo! Man, my life seems filled with it lately. What the hell, I mean, is this drama karma? Sounds like an emo band.
Oh, so now the rapist rumors have resurfaced, like a bloated festering corpse. Now I'm a rapist with more rapes in my past and I force girls to drink. When Jeff and I heard this rumor we both had the same...
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Oh, so now the rapist rumors have resurfaced, like a bloated festering corpse. Now I'm a rapist with more rapes in my past and I force girls to drink. When Jeff and I heard this rumor we both had the same...
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People never cease to confound me. It strikes me that people never really have their acts together, and most realize this about themselves. Why then, are they so exclusionary? I mean, if you are having, say, an existential crisis concerning growing up, why then do many refuse to stray from their path? Why are people afraid of new people and experiences? If you move into...
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I had a dream about you. It was kinda odd and took place in a jewelry store.

It was kind of confusing but we were in a mall after coming from like a battlefield with guns and lots of shooting fun. You ran into the jewelry store to show me something and my glasses broke. Then you brought me over something I couldn't see (I think it was a small cute little pink gun) and I woke up. I think we were assassins.
So the semester is gearing up, cogs churning and producing sparks. Due to the classes I'm taking this semster I might just get out of here in 4 years after all, quite a shock.
February is the light at the end of the ISP tunnel. My experience in January proves the misleading nature of averages. Meaning: this month I had either really great times or...
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February is the light at the end of the ISP tunnel. My experience in January proves the misleading nature of averages. Meaning: this month I had either really great times or...
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=D Why thank you .. now you can miss me all you want.
I DO know that Mark Hamill is my MIsta J. Ive never been so sexually excited by a laugh.
I DO know that Mark Hamill is my MIsta J. Ive never been so sexually excited by a laugh.
January was like that for me to. If something was good, it was extremely bad, and if it was bad, it was as bad as it can get. It sucked, but such is life.
Hope your February is much more enjoyable!
Hope your February is much more enjoyable!
Since the crisis has been averted I should probably update. I just talked with the girl I hooked up with about her friends publicly saying I am a rapist and she says that she has and will continue to straighten them out. To a certain degree I think the damage has been done, I have still been given a black mark of sketch. Girls will...
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heh, awesome. i am glad that things are working out and people that spread fallacious rumors of rape are not coming out on top.
fuck orlando, come hang out with me in san diego.....or dont...either way......
fuck orlando, come hang out with me in san diego.....or dont...either way......

and imagine i will. hope the good times continue my friend.
It's official, the world is fucking against me. My ex-girlfriend hates me for any number of reasons both contrived and a few not. The friends of this one girl I hooked up with want her to press charges against me because she was drunk and high at the time. So apparently consentual sex, albeit in mutually altered states (I wasn't high but I was drunk)...
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I understand how these things go. I have seen my share of bullshit. Ah to be this old, and still have not clubbed anyone like a baby seal.

i want to come visit and hang out with you and make you feel better with video games and comics. also people are scared of me...especially hippies.
one of the reasons i still dont drink.
one of the reasons i still dont drink.

Something is burning deep inside me. I go to the doctors and they all look afraid. It's going to escape, erupt, I know it. The bubbles excitedly reach the surface and I can barely hold them back. Now the flood gates are corroding, this is the end of all you know and love. There is nothing to be done to stop...
Ok, Jeff, Terry, and...
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Ok, Jeff, Terry, and...
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it does not go, as of yet. i dunno whats up with it either. meh, i have more important things to worry about right now know....the band and the album. but yeah, i get to miss megacon this year.

haha. I think I might just have you kill me. I think death might feel slightly better
So it is pretty apparent that no one cares what I think about DOA4. That's ok, I won't take it TOO personally.
How can you get up, turn off an alarm, go back to bed, and not remember any of it? I've done this two days in a row now and today it made me miss class. Seriously, can someone pass me a study on...
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How can you get up, turn off an alarm, go back to bed, and not remember any of it? I've done this two days in a row now and today it made me miss class. Seriously, can someone pass me a study on...
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So when do you go dim
[Edited on Jan 19, 2006 4:10PM]

[Edited on Jan 19, 2006 4:10PM]
Well my plans failed. Laura was just too loyal to Maia to let Jeff date her. Now as a result she has gotten back with Dave and Jeff is probably going to get with Maia. This might not mean much to anyone else but to me this is a grvious pair of tragedies. This next semester will be chock full of dramady (comedic drama).
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So this week in meddling: I'm trying to hook my friends Laura and Jeff up. They are both rarely single and even more rarely with people who appreciate them. They are two of my best friends at this God damned school and they are also both totally great people. They're both the type of person who buys significant others "just because presents", which says a...
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I was talking about the present. I wasn't directing that at you. Sorry.
i was talking with laura. we were getting on well. too bad i left florida at the precise moment she became single.
It's that time again. ISPs are amongst us and they spell only one thing: trouble. I have yet to succeed in one of these endeavors. My first was on Mark Twain and his works. I wrote 50 some odd pages of analysis and it still wasn't good enough, mostly because the guidelines I was held to were so flexible as to be gaseous. Then as...
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I went to Gainesvillle just recently where I pretty much just worked out. I also partied a bit and watched Death Race 2000. Seriously, why are depictions of the year 2000 from the 60's and 70's so much cooler than the year 2000 actually turned out. New millenium: you've let us all down.
I recall there being some various morsels worthy of sharing with the...
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I recall there being some various morsels worthy of sharing with the...
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yeah, shouldn't we be driving around in Jetson cars and all have cool Eames furniture by now?
I tried to call you. Merry Xmas and I made it to Vegas and already won $7 and had my first free legal Vegas Drink.
Dear me,
This is a letter from the past. Seriously dude, stop being a pansy. You see something you want, go for it. In the long run it won't really matter. Life accomplishments might eventually matter but for now, have some fun.
Sincerely good advice,
This is a letter from the past. Seriously dude, stop being a pansy. You see something you want, go for it. In the long run it won't really matter. Life accomplishments might eventually matter but for now, have some fun.
Sincerely good advice,
Happy Merry Holidays
Happy Merry Holidays

"Isn't it about time somebody saved your life"
[Edited on Feb 11, 2006 2:47PM]
in response to the points at the end:
how so?
right on.
glad you kids are getting on well.
you are good with everyone in that game.