Hey you guys. Seriously, I just had the most emo moment of my entire life in this post. I wrote this horrible angsty thing that I'm ashamed of but that I've decided to keep up b/c it's true and I just needed some kind of disclosure. If you want to keep respect for me then please don't click the spoiler, it's there for your protection....
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Just shoot me in face. Where's Dick Cheney when you need him?
dude, the new penny arcade explains just how i feel. i am so glad it isnt just me.

Break a Leg.
Hey everybody. The azithromycin (ie big fucking antibiotic pill) is kicking in and I'm feeling around 75%. Rough night last night, stayed up working till 3 and couging until 5:30 then woke up at 8:45 for class. Thanks immune system!
Had a conversation last night with stingy, demanding, yet incredibly attractive bank owner (
). Apparently I have a lot of debt to pay. You...
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Had a conversation last night with stingy, demanding, yet incredibly attractive bank owner (

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I'm sure Tapirs could be graceful!

I woke up coughing up yellow and green shit again so I decided to stay in Sarasota and not get Spidey filled in. At this rate it will never be finished. Plus I had to cancel plans with people I wanted to see (especially one in particular despite her insidious plot
). I'm a very sad panda.
Went to this bar Shakespeare's with Laura, Lauren,...
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Went to this bar Shakespeare's with Laura, Lauren,...
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Such mockery of the bank will not be tolerated. There will be a fine assessed for this.
We do apologize if this brings you further into debt but I'm afraid we had no choice.
We do apologize if this brings you further into debt but I'm afraid we had no choice.

ohh thanks... there's not much time to rest, but i'll try

Here we go last 2 and a half weeks left of school. Looks like a storm is on the horizon. Bring it on.
Might get Spidey filled in some Saturday. Depends on whether or not I feel better. Signs point to yes if today is an indicator, but still don't feel 100%.
Did anyone know they killed Gambit in the Ultimate X-men? Now he lives...
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Might get Spidey filled in some Saturday. Depends on whether or not I feel better. Signs point to yes if today is an indicator, but still don't feel 100%.
Did anyone know they killed Gambit in the Ultimate X-men? Now he lives...
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LOL where did you hear Parker and Stark are going to have a falling out? That would be sad
. I actually like the new costume. When I was young my cousin used to be really into Spawn, and that is why I even care about comics, because I looked up to him. Spidey's new costume is Spawn esque which is why I like it so much. I've been buying 4 issues of every comic with the new costume on the cover.
How could you be skeptical about Civil War?! Shit is going to be HOT! In the first issue they talked for like 95% of the book. That shit was beast, it was Stephen Strange, Mr. Fantastic, Black Adam (? the inhumans guy I forget if that is his name I feel like it's not), Professor Xavier and Namor. Namor is such a hot head and in one instance when he didn't like what Stark was saying he just beat his ass, great book. And at the end some noobie super hero fucked up and like 300 children were killed, WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!

How could you be skeptical about Civil War?! Shit is going to be HOT! In the first issue they talked for like 95% of the book. That shit was beast, it was Stephen Strange, Mr. Fantastic, Black Adam (? the inhumans guy I forget if that is his name I feel like it's not), Professor Xavier and Namor. Namor is such a hot head and in one instance when he didn't like what Stark was saying he just beat his ass, great book. And at the end some noobie super hero fucked up and like 300 children were killed, WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!
lol that is AWESOME - I probably even saw that episode!
First: a complaint. Is it not Monday, or as I think of it, webcomic day? Why haven't all my comics updated. Only dinosaur comics and overcompensating didn't let me down. I know the others will be up eventually but we live in an instant gratification world and I'm an instant gratification girl.
Went home again this weekend after the double week from hell. Last week...
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Went home again this weekend after the double week from hell. Last week...
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haha, cute. I wouldn't trust my dad near my hair, though! I'm not sure he knows how to operate scissors and he has shakey hand syndrome
[Edited on Apr 26, 2006 12:35AM]
[Edited on Apr 26, 2006 12:35AM]
Feel Better

Shit! Did anyone else know that yesterday was National High Five Day? Apparently it's the 3rd Thursday of every April. I feel like I've missed a day full of amazing opportunity. Why oh why couldn't have Jeffery Rowland have informed me sooner. Well, rather than wail, gnash my teeth, and place upon dust my head, I am going to celebrate this epochal day TWICE...
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Delete this please.
Fuck, I meant to write this in my comment above.
[Edited on Apr 24, 2006 10:31AM]

Fuck, I meant to write this in my comment above.

[Edited on Apr 24, 2006 10:31AM]
I can claim righteous victory in the silent war of attrition that has raged between one of my roommates and I.
I've never related my living situation here b/c there is normally nothing of interest to relate. I live with three girls: two with b/fs, one who is probably a lesbian, and all three of whom I rarely see. The one whose room is next...
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I've never related my living situation here b/c there is normally nothing of interest to relate. I live with three girls: two with b/fs, one who is probably a lesbian, and all three of whom I rarely see. The one whose room is next...
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I have had a week for the ages. My mouth has been cursed by the dreaded warlock Kankor and the underside of my tongue has felt his wrath. My old hard drive is almost as fucked as Jack Abramoff. My car cried wolf but it turned out that it just wanted attention. It got oil and brand new CODES, apparently this spring line is very...
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Also, Mister Rogers had about 25 cardigans... all hand knitted by his mother. =D
You might also like the book Wanted from Top Cow. It's about a kid who is a complete loser then one day finds out that his long lost Dad has died and has left him a massive fortune but to obtain it he must take his Dad's place as the best Supervillain of all time.
This sounds AWESOME. the book is called Wanted... or is it Wanted from Top Cow?
I wanna look it up. =D
You might also like the book Wanted from Top Cow. It's about a kid who is a complete loser then one day finds out that his long lost Dad has died and has left him a massive fortune but to obtain it he must take his Dad's place as the best Supervillain of all time.
This sounds AWESOME. the book is called Wanted... or is it Wanted from Top Cow?
I wanna look it up. =D
Well ok might as well.
Well ok might as well.
My computer esssploded. I won't be around as much as a result. When I get the chance a full update on my Epcot dolphin adventure today and maybe how I explained PDP is the best way to explain connectionist networks to people ever. But for now, I have a presentation I haven't started on due in less than 8 hours. I'm gone like a woman's...
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Awwww, that's ctute! Mmmmm shows and late night food.
If my computer exploded suicide would be in order... My car less so, but if I couldn't leave my house while my computer was fucked up? Then suicide would be the next step indefinitely.
Thanks to all of you who took the time to give me such kind words on my tattoo. Thanks again to all of you who didn't laugh at me and call me a dork. It all helps me justify the money I'm spending on it rather than food.
I realized last night that my love life is in shambles. The only woman currently allowed in...
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I realized last night that my love life is in shambles. The only woman currently allowed in...
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hee hee thanks
So one fairly big thing I left out that I did over Spring break was get work done on my Spiderman half sleeve. Right now it is just an outline but Thomas at Bad Dog put a lot of fucking effort into it so I'm posting the work. Patience be damned.
Also thanks go out to Nikkita for photographing and shopping. Seandave for taking me...
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Also thanks go out to Nikkita for photographing and shopping. Seandave for taking me...
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i did not even realize that. i guess i do that a lot. oh well.
That tattoo is PHATTTTT!
"Shoot me first,
If you honestly feel your changing for the worse, assess the situation, figure out what the undesirable traits you have are and work on changing them for the better. What I found works best is to find the problem almost as if you can look at it in your hand and then make it not exist. For instance you show up late all the time, well that is the problem, so work on it not being a problem and then problem solved. I only know what's best because I spent 6 years being depressed and I changed that shit around with no help form anybody (not because I didn't want it but because nobody cared). But like Adria said you can only take responsibility for what you did, if you change (or feel as if you really didn't change in the first place and people just suck a big fatty, possible but not probable) and people are still complaining about the same old shit then that's just people being shitty people. I'm surrounded by that all the time....
BTW the Daredevil story line OWNS!
It'll improve, life always does.
I'll shoot you first if you want me to,
EX - EmoKid