The thing that amuses me most about my most recent set, is all the comments about fake action. Why so quick to assume nothing was actually going down? Genuine girl love!
Thanks for all the comments. This was one of my favorite shoots yet. Evette is so so so hot, and one of the coolest girls I've met. I totally forgot sean was even...
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Thanks for all the comments. This was one of my favorite shoots yet. Evette is so so so hot, and one of the coolest girls I've met. I totally forgot sean was even...
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Last night, I dreamt that Ashton Kutcher showed me his cock. He just sat there on the floor and said, What do you think about this? Clearly, I should have run away, but since this is fucko dreamland, I glanced, tried to look away, and then gave him an approving, and obviously impressed moan. Then I showed him my nipples.
I don't understand how this...
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I don't understand how this...
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I got raped by a dragon in one of my dreams, then he became my friend......hmmmmm. Less hobit reading before beddiby time.
That man always gets all the best girls, damn you Ashton damn you to hell.
LOL octobong.
What is RSI? What do you do for a job, is your workspace in your house?
That man always gets all the best girls, damn you Ashton damn you to hell.
LOL octobong.
What is RSI? What do you do for a job, is your workspace in your house?
that photo made me laugh out loud. also made me smile - super sexy in a natural kind of way... hotel room, music, hamburger, nakedness.. kind of sounds like nirvana to me. now.
in fact, it made me crave a good burger which is UNGETTABLE IN LONDON DAMMIT!
drat you.
in fact, it made me crave a good burger which is UNGETTABLE IN LONDON DAMMIT!
drat you.
sooooooooooooo cute. *sigh* just too cute.
I'm not ashamed of being naked on SuicideGirls. I used to say on the internet, but in reality, it's just SuicideGirls. It's not ALL over the internet. It isn't forty sites. It isn't any site that will take me. It isn't even hardcore, or offensive naked times. I made the decision to do this 3 years ago. Exactly 3 years ago, in fact. I haven't...
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i'm glad you're here.. i've always made a point to look at your sets.. and i think the nerd boys of the world must just cream their pants everytime a new posh the geek set goes up.
So to elaborate on the previous entry, my gmail, myspace and sg account got hacked this weekend. This kid stupidly proceeded to find numbers of kind of important people in my email and proceed to harass them. I truly am sorry for that, as it means telephone numbers are going to be changed. He's also called me with lewdness. Thankfully I have that message saved....
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Boooo! Lame on the hacking. Wtf, he must be a noob obviously. Missed the Shatner roast! =/ Thank you for reminding me though, I'll have to dl it. And Always, crap didn't mean to rhyme this, funny. I saw the one where the guy's grandpa was a Nazi lol oh man. Good times. Just watched some of Lucky Louie (?) tonight also, have you seen that? You should if not.
I love "Sunny in Philadelphia". But for some reason I feel guilty watching it. I think it is my sensitive side cause I sort of feel bad for the lives the gang destroys every episode. I just love how sleezy DeVito is. Do the opening credits remind anyone of the opening credits for Taxi...DeVIto's old show?
Dear internet,
Fyi, if you happen to get a message from me, via gmail or myspace, it was most likely not from me, but from pathetic twats with too much time on their hands.
Fyi, if you happen to get a message from me, via gmail or myspace, it was most likely not from me, but from pathetic twats with too much time on their hands.
someone hacked your computer?
well where's my message then?
someone wants to be ya huh?
someone wants to be ya huh?
Last night was all about the BBS revival. It was a random occurance that made my night. It almost took me back. Back to my first computer in 1994. It was a 486 built by my godparents' son. Complete with Windows 3.1 and a Dos menu. My games included Prince of Persia, Doom, Wolfenstein, Leisure Suit Larry and somehow a strip Mahjong game. It was...
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You've got to be kidding me! Stop being more awesome, Dead Rising is sweeeeeet! Man I need my own system, only playing it on my friend's is no good.
I remember my first computer...a Commodore. No not a Commodore 64, just plain Commodore. This was the type of computer with no internal storage, so in order to run a program, you had to type all the code in manually and then type "run". Ahh the memories of typing in 40 pages of code to play pong only to have your brother accidentaly turn off the computer just as you were about to type run!!!! Arrrrrr! I still hate him for that. (jk)
i want to run away to a cabin on the coast, garden and make babies that i won't let catch on fire. i'm very much in a run away phase. for the sole reason that everything is too complicated and i just want a simple life right now. i want to strip it all away. all away to the bare minimum. and never wear shoes....
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seriously. i always dream of a secluded cabin. off grid green energy. grow more than i buy. no one for miles. simple. i guess thats why hitting the lottery seems so dreamy, cause i could still live the same way, but with no concerns of responsibility.
oh, did you ever find a bag for your mac book?
oh, did you ever find a bag for your mac book?
Times like this where I really loathe living on the wrong coast.... Not that that implies anyone tagging along but it sounds so nice to me as well.
Huzzah for new profile pictures!
So today I bid farewell to my two little friends. My two little furry friends that weren't really friends at all. No, they were evil and full blood lust. Off onto fantastic garden adventures they went. I can only imagine at some point a few hours later they made some kitty, off on fantastic garden adventures, very happy. Mantooth and...
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So today I bid farewell to my two little friends. My two little furry friends that weren't really friends at all. No, they were evil and full blood lust. Off onto fantastic garden adventures they went. I can only imagine at some point a few hours later they made some kitty, off on fantastic garden adventures, very happy. Mantooth and...
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Thanks for your thought about Lily. We need all the happy thoughts we can get right now.
Hehe silllyyyy I love it! Totally cute. You make my life.
I should start things off by saying I picked up some kind of bug whilst down in a whale's vagina. The throat, it itches, and the head is stuffy. Combined with the epic heat of SoCal (I truly believe we've started our descent into Hell), all I want to do is sleep. Sleep on a bed of ice. Well wishes are welcome!
So, Thursday I...
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So, Thursday I...
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So how's it been to hang with Alex and Kevin on Diggnation over the past couple of episodes? - hopefully they're coming over the pond sometime to London so if they do i'll try and get down to buy them (lots) of drinks - they crack me up when they've been drinking a little too much.
Erm, a whales virginia? is this one of those things i'd be better off not knowing?
Tare care.. x
Erm, a whales virginia? is this one of those things i'd be better off not knowing?
Tare care.. x
i see you writing it in a comment, but i don't see you putting it in your profile.
Uh Oh, Polio!
Oh man, I just found out that the Flaming Lips are playing an early show next Friday in SD. Free. With the purchase of a race track ticket? Few hours of Comic-Con fun vs. Flaming Lips. Hmm.
This weekend has been awesome. On Thursday, my 60 Druid found her way over the Dark Iron. She's been renamed to Poshya. Ha. Obviously, this...
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Oh man, I just found out that the Flaming Lips are playing an early show next Friday in SD. Free. With the purchase of a race track ticket? Few hours of Comic-Con fun vs. Flaming Lips. Hmm.
This weekend has been awesome. On Thursday, my 60 Druid found her way over the Dark Iron. She's been renamed to Poshya. Ha. Obviously, this...
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We're posting at the same time! asdlfkjsdalkcladsknflj!!
Also, the whole I love it thing doesn't bother me at all, but at the end of the comments on one of my sets I have one person with a ton of 'i love it's' in a row. Like 10 of them. That I don't get.
Also, the whole I love it thing doesn't bother me at all, but at the end of the comments on one of my sets I have one person with a ton of 'i love it's' in a row. Like 10 of them. That I don't get.
there are, as of yet, no promos of it in The Realm. though as usual i totally didn't even think of the most obvious option.
with Air / Flint / Ons we could totally trio anything in the game. i need to make sure those nublets get their pally epics so we can have a Pretty Pony Party(tm).
i have had that show on my list since like forever (say it the way scudworth from clone high would say it).
with Air / Flint / Ons we could totally trio anything in the game. i need to make sure those nublets get their pally epics so we can have a Pretty Pony Party(tm).
i have had that show on my list since like forever (say it the way scudworth from clone high would say it).
thanks for both of you