So I went on a date tonight. (Hell freezes over!) I'm not sure how it went, really. We've talked over e-mail and the phone pretty extensively over the past week, have tons in common and the conversations have been generally awkwardness-free. But now I'm thinking I may have goofed up tonight cos I'm so backwards and shy when meeting someone for the first time. It...
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Oh, and I'm starting my 4:00pm to 12:30am shift tomorrow, so it'll be even more impossible for me to attempt to fashion a social life.

blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.

At least I really like my new apartment.
I am pretty much the same way... Life could be terrible as hell but I'm happy because my condo is excellent. Kinda feels like being Edward Norton's character in Fight Club.
I must ask. Do women always compliment you on your good looks? -Gina
"Do women always compliment you on your good looks? -Gina"

Heh, perhaps in Fantasyland.
Why is it impossible for me to find a decent woman? I like to think that I'm not terribly repulsive, and at least halfway interesting.

Is it that I live in Pittsburgh, and that it's just a city filled with people that don't find me interesting, and vice versa? But no - there seem to be plenty of interesting people in my area on this...
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Went to see Batman Begins tonight after work. Holy God, this film is perfect.

This is the best comic book film ever made. I'm not even coming close to hyperbole here, either.

Everything about this film was pitch-perfect. As much as I love the Burton films, I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to watch them and enjoy them as "Batman" films, just as...
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That's what I thought he gave him. I was just a little confused that in a movie that I think we both agree is really well written and tightly constructed, that this item doesn't come back in any meaningful way. Specifically, that it is not put to use, or that it does not further the plot because people point at it and say, "look that kid has batman's night vision scope, he must be batman's friend. (Jeez, you don't think he's going to be Robin?) I guess the point of the earlier scene is just to introduce this sort of "innocent", so that when he's threatened later he's not so anonymous. Of course the flip side of that is something I'm not so comfortable with, which is that the kid only has worth because batman knows him, and that everyone else in the Narrows is expendable. I also don't like the fact that out of everyone in the Narrows batman runs into him twice. a little too deus ex machina for my taste, but considering how minor it is I can let it slide.
Supervillians teaming up?

How about supervillians double-crossing each other.

Really, I mean come on, supervillians can't stand to be second fiddle, they can't stand to have peers.

I see Scarecrow and Joker plot turns, which might see the crow's demise as Joker rises to power.

BTW. Incredible movie.

So I found myself a new apartment. I'm so excited - moving in three weeks, and it's going to be a long three weeks at that (especially with the weather - living on a third floor apartment in this heat is NOT fun).

It's a nice little one-bedroom at the very edge of this complex's property, so my little patio overlooks a swatch of grass...
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*gasp* Your username is from one of my favorite PiL songs! love
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Bob Dylan - "Love Sick"
I'm walking through streets that are dead
Walking, walking with you in my head
My feet are so tired, my brain is so wired
And the clouds are weeping

Did I hear someone tell a lie?
Did I hear someone's distant cry?
I spoke like a child; you destroyed me with a smile
While I...
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bob dylan. nice. very nice. wink
One of my favorite Dylan songs.
Well, it's certainly been an eventful week or so. I guess I'll start with the easy stuff - my new job.

They called an offered me a position and at a salary much higher than what they were originally offering. So I'm ecstatic about that. Had to go for a physical and a drug test yesterday, which I was worried about, since I had smoked...
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i like it when Dylan cracks up at teh beginning!!

Also, is ti yr birthday? Why, yes it is!!!

Come on over. I have the spanking machine all ready to go!!!! smile biggrin confused

No. OK. Well happy Birthday to ya anyway!
I can't sleep; too nervous. I'm going back to Matthews for a third meeting with them, also to take some standardized test that the project head told me is rather SAT-ish. I swear, this is a lot of hurdles to clear for what's essentially an entry-level job. God only knows what comes after this if I do well - they'll have me thieving the golden...
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Good luck with your test.

And believe me, I understand about the little things -- kisses, cuddles, whispers and laughter before bed, etc. Those are the things I miss the most whenever a relationship ends.
After listening to Mclusky all day, it really hit me (yet again) how horribly disappointing it is they broke up. They were everything a great rock band should be.

Mclusky - "You should be ashamed, seamus"

hey! hey! heroes of stayaway fiction
what's the point of leaving home when you own it?
what's the point of do it yourself when it looks so shit
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Why do I have to find so many women attractive? And to boot, why do I have to be so shy? The bane of my existence.

Yeah, I need more friends here in the 'burgh.