Best friends will ALWAYS act as pricks, specially if they're like your brother... I should know, I have one myself... Lots of hugs and kisses babe, you deserve them for working your ass off! Love ya!
Holy damn, sorry for the downer!
Really, it just kills me when I argue with my best friend. But we're On and off. I won't go into it....
Anyways, in other news, I scored 98 on my text translation test, but somehow my oral translation skills grade was an 82! My average, with all other grades, was 90. I feel I deserve more.
I'm really sorry I've been such a shitty friend to you.
I hope to be back all the way soon.
Thank you so much for putting up with me and coming here, even though i haven't been around.
Thank you for all the advice and input. It's comforting knowing people care.
I tried putting myself out there last night, and like every other time, I failed miserably.
I won't go into details, but it was one of the worst nights of my life.
So I made the decision to stop trying once and for all. Like, really.
What is it with the guys over there? Are they all media warped and only go after the "stick thins" that the media pressures onto them or something? Damn it I hate nights like that.
On the other hand, from experience its a really nice feeling when someone just falls into your pressure...just enjoyment. I hope the right person drops by for you somehow.
First I would like to say that you're absolutely gorgeous. I too find it strange that no man in Brazil is after you. Look I know it sucks at the moment, but for now just enjoy "YOU". When you stop searching for it, is when things tend to find you. Be proud of the wieght you lost. You sound like a cool female.Ejoy your life and you'll see that when you really love yourself someone else will love you too. plus if I were in Brazil, I would pleasure you over and over again!! MMmm, damn! Bye sexy.
I understand what you're feeling right now. It is hard to believe as I (and a bunch of male here I'm sure...) find you sincerely attractive (being over 300 pounds or not.. coz that does matter only in less-educate people), and difficult to live. I've been there. I felt like I was alone "against" the others, like useless, and like I didn't have the right to be happy...
The physical and psychological need is complexe... And how to explain how two complete different man and woman can meet each other and spend the rest of their life together ?... One thing sure, Life will always help these 2 guys to cross their way. Maybe several times...
All that just to say: BE SURE Time will arrive for you to meet your soul-mate (a little too romantic I know...), maybe in your neighborhood, or at work, etc.. And it's woth waiting for it... It is tough, but you can make it...
Between you and me, I can't believe People can't get interested about you !?
Something a good friend told about me sometime ago : "You have to open yourself, for people to get to see you"... a very suggestive remark telling me that people feel when you are emotionnally available, weak or closed...
Tons of Hugs and Kisses !
Turquoise Hair ? Nice. Plain black's cool too, or White ?....
Ai, ai..relaoes sao sempre tao dificeis n
Uma otima semana pra vc