mmm. took a half day today. I'm taking a week's vacation week after this coming but it seems so far away. I'm not going anywhere, I just don't wanna be at work. I plan on smoking, cleaning, and going to the doctor. good times to be had.
I got a blackberry storm. So, who is on twitter cuz i can waste mega time at work...
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I got a blackberry storm. So, who is on twitter cuz i can waste mega time at work...
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So, it seems i really need more friends. Or really i just need more stuff to do with my time. I'm at home too much and I feel like I have no life of my own. I'm looking up knitting groups in cincy and parrot owners groups. I donno what else I like to do, other than bitch. I wonder if they have a good...
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i know how you feel, I just stay home and play on the internet all the time.
betch im your friend!
i just need to see you more than twice a year
i just need to see you more than twice a year

+1 to the count. bitch

i love your comments the most! f'reals
we could totes do a multi set for february.
me with my eyepatch and you with your bird! lol
awww how cute

we could totes do a multi set for february.
me with my eyepatch and you with your bird! lol
awww how cute

So cpop and I are waiting impatiently to get out of our contract with sprint and move on to verizon.
They have all the cool phones. I'm gonna get my ass a Blackberry Storm. I'm excited.
cpop is looking at the LG Voyager. It would fit him.
The storm is a lot smaller than I thought it would be.
The guy helping us was SO...
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They have all the cool phones. I'm gonna get my ass a Blackberry Storm. I'm excited.
cpop is looking at the LG Voyager. It would fit him.
The storm is a lot smaller than I thought it would be.
The guy helping us was SO...
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Im with AT&T, Im pretty happy with them, I have a Pantech Duo.
Wow that is really cool, I had no idea that PetSmart gave discounts for stuff they dont even sale, sounds like your getting a great deal.
Wow that is really cool, I had no idea that PetSmart gave discounts for stuff they dont even sale, sounds like your getting a great deal.
i hear you...................sprint used to make me scream
Alright bitches. Happy new year. Don't do anything I wouldn't tonight.
Got a new tv. 42' Panasonic 1080p plasma tv. Its fuckin BITCHIN! Watched The Dark Knight blu ray on our new PS3 and it was CRISP! I'm hooked.
cpop's head gasket cracked last week or somethin. It sucks. We're ridin' dirty in his mom's minivan til his car is fuxed.
Work is nutty. I've...
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Got a new tv. 42' Panasonic 1080p plasma tv. Its fuckin BITCHIN! Watched The Dark Knight blu ray on our new PS3 and it was CRISP! I'm hooked.
cpop's head gasket cracked last week or somethin. It sucks. We're ridin' dirty in his mom's minivan til his car is fuxed.
Work is nutty. I've...
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I want a copy of that warning!
I went out but I didnt drink.
Damn you are so lucky, I would love to have one of those TVs, so let me ask you, what is the difference between a high definition TV and a plasma TV?
I hope his car gets fixed soon.
That is probable the best warning I have ever read.
Well I went to my mom and step dads house and got a Sonny surround sound system that came with a DVD player and got some clothing and polo black and then that night I went to my grandmother on my dads sides house and got some DVDs and then Christmas day I went to my dad and step moms house and got some money.
Damn you are so lucky, I would love to have one of those TVs, so let me ask you, what is the difference between a high definition TV and a plasma TV?
I hope his car gets fixed soon.
That is probable the best warning I have ever read.
Well I went to my mom and step dads house and got a Sonny surround sound system that came with a DVD player and got some clothing and polo black and then that night I went to my grandmother on my dads sides house and got some DVDs and then Christmas day I went to my dad and step moms house and got some money.
PetSmart is stealing my soul. When I am not there I am sleeping, usually passed out on the couch. I feel like I have no life. I'll be glad when the new year gets here and I can take a vacation. Also, new year means health insurance! I can get new glasses or some contacts and get my teeth fixed and get a physical, i...
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I would kill to work at petsmart, my job has killed my soul, my job is hard on the body and I work all the time, I would take a pay cut to get out of my job.
Wow it must be really nice to get all that money, what is a Bear Mount? I hope you enjoy your new TV.
Wow it must be really nice to get all that money, what is a Bear Mount? I hope you enjoy your new TV.

ugh. *high five for soul crushing jobs* woo
gah. i cannot get used to this new SG. I really don't like it. I don't care if people that are not on my friends list did shit in groups I am a part of. I am more interested in which of my friends posted a blog which I can't fucking find for the life of me unless I click on their names. boo hiss....
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i hit a patch of ice spun out of control and rolled into a ditch off the side of the highway in the middle of bumfuck vermont

Oh I am TOTALLY doing puppy training at PetSmart, I just have to wait til I get home from my Christmas vacation. So, I get back on Jan 4th, I just need to get him to stop peeing on the floor til then.
Ok, so we moved across town and the cable company is about to get beat down by me. We still don't have internet after a whole week of bullshit. I am stealing someone else's right now.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Love you
Now, to reacquaint myself with this crazy new stalker SG.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Love you

Now, to reacquaint myself with this crazy new stalker SG.
Hang in there!
Haha, 'cos he didn't deserve a comment back-- who the hell doesn't understand that bad haircuts are in fact bad??
I hope he gets a Moe haircut someday
I hope he gets a Moe haircut someday

You know what really grinds my gears? My mom is in the hospital again. Now she has COPD. But I know she is gonna start smoking again once she is discharged from the hospital. Her mom and dad both died from lung cancer... and now she is starting down that path herself.
You know what else grinds my gears? When people let others determine their...
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You know what else grinds my gears? When people let others determine their...
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I cut it. It looks ok. I'll take pictures sometime or another.
So, moving on saturday. Not me moving really as i have to work that day (even tho i requested off) so cpop is moving with a bunch of people while i am dying at work.
voting. oh jeez.
in OH.
Yes on 6: how do you say no to 10,000 jobs?
Yes on...
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So, moving on saturday. Not me moving really as i have to work that day (even tho i requested off) so cpop is moving with a bunch of people while i am dying at work.
voting. oh jeez.
in OH.
Yes on 6: how do you say no to 10,000 jobs?
Yes on...
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I can't wait to see the photos.
I hope the move goes well, you are lucky that you have a lot of people to help you, when I move it is always just me and my dad.
I'm not sure what 6 and 5 mean.
That CA 2 thing is a really hared one.
Do what you want, it is your journal.
I hope the move goes well, you are lucky that you have a lot of people to help you, when I move it is always just me and my dad.
I'm not sure what 6 and 5 mean.
That CA 2 thing is a really hared one.
Do what you want, it is your journal.
I am not the person to ask about Hair cuts.... I had the Samurai hair do fr many years....
i agree with aaamy
About time you got back
NICE couch.
And you buy the best present.

NICE couch.
And you buy the best present.
I hope the move goes well.
That is a nice couch.
Work is killing me to.
Damn that is going to take a lot of work.
That is a nice couch.
Work is killing me to.
Damn that is going to take a lot of work.
I have a twitter account but I haven't done anything with it.
I miss you so much! I hope everything is going awesome with you.