yesterday I we made my sleeve next week another date, but I think it will need another date. but it looks greate and i love it.
I cant wait for the end, but then I think I will start another tattoo project
still ill, but I cant wait for next week, I will go on with my sleeve, it will be so cool.
On saturday my next shoot for SGs starts and I hope I will be healthy.
I just have slept the whole day, I havnt slept so much the last time that means I am really ill.
tomorrow I will met an ex colleague for...
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I have flue and I could sleep the whole day. But the best thing is I cant go to work. The last time I have no motivation because it is not the job I would like to do. I have a view new job offers and hope I can change.

On Saturday I will have my next shooting for a SG Set I hope it...
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You should check out section #6.24 of the Girls FAQ for instructions on uploading photosets. wink
It's hard to find a job you really like. But it does happen.

I can't wait to see your set. You're gorgeous!

Hope you feel better soon.
So now I am back. The weather is not so good like in Italy. We had such a nice time. In London I bought to much stuff but it was so funny. The trip to Italy first started like a nightmare, our car was broken down and we had to go to a garage. But then we could rent a car and the journey began....
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yes it is the best love
Thanks for adding me sexy! Its great getting more ladies as friends!

So I am back and it was so great and tonight I am leaving for Italy.
hey guys,
yesterday I arrived at london and I joined my friend at a photo shoot, it was so cool. We had a lot of fun, today I will go to the Buckingham Palace and the British Museum and tomorrow I will met a friend from the London Tattoo Convention.
And on Saturday we would go to Camden for shopping.
Hope find something useful. But...
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Tomorrow I am going to London to Sunday. And after that I will leave Germany for a week in Italy.
That will be the reason I am not so often in the www the next two weeks.
See you soon
Looking forward to your set!
thanks hope you like it
It looks like the world ends in Biberach. It is stormy and its raining it is so unbeliebable, i never seen something like that, I am glad that I am at home and not at work anymore.
Today my boss asked to renew my contract until the end of the year. I said yes. But I don`t know if it was the right decision. I don`t know what to do at the moment.
It is because I had an affair with my tattoo artist in my town and I felt in love with him, but his girlfriend got it out and know...
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Congratz smile
Yesterday I was at a party from my ex collegue. She is sweet 18 and it was so nice. So I had a short night and I have to do a lot of work today. I have to do my tax return and I hate something like this. And I have to pack my bags. because I fly to london on wednesday and tomorrow I...
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Good luck with the interview smile
Is this a picture of you enjoying the sun today?
no enjoying last week, it is 8 am and I have to do a bit of homework before I can go