god you have no idea. if you could have seen me you would have been cracking the fuck up! but in a way that shows how disgusted you were by my addiction to nicotine. i was flipping the fuck out!
ok I don't care what people say about Adam Sandlers acting ability Reign Over Me is an incredible movie and it had me in tears more then a few times, rent it it's good, nuff said.
One other good movie that you must rent, Black Sheep !!!! , no this isn't the old movie with Chris Farley this is mother fuckin killer sheep in New... Read More
a) very good criticism of the movies, you made me want to watch all of them! although i must admit i already did, but you just completely reaffirmed my decision!
and b) kudos to you for being up as late as me! i thought i was the only one of the group that had ventured into the "early morning!"
ok today is a better day, no clue what happened yesterday I am guessing drinking chocolate milk was a big no no and my lactose intolerance kicked in and my body said fuck you and revolted worse then ever before. Vomiting for two hours straight messed me up and being in the hot sun for three hours messed me up more. Now my throat hurts... Read More
Yeah I had to throw up...then I had about a million trips to the potty. I think the next thing we do will be to have a cooking/movie party. So if you would lke to come you are invited. You're a good guy.
From left to right is the limited edition gray 10th anniversary Hulk "Jekyll & Hyde" statue, Francine from Strangers in Paradise, and Jack Sparrow Animated... Read More
ok I wanted to leave that last post up so more people could see how bad my boss is (he got even worse he just got our store evicted and the bank is foreclosing on the business so yaaaaa got a lot worse) anyyyyways I am not here to blog about that that will be later ok so ya I'm crying right now and for... Read More
God 28 Weeks Later was such a damn let down, it wasn't even worth leaving work early to see the free screening !!!!!
I was soooo worried when I heard they were making a sequel and that it was the Americans "saving" the day.... This movie was super Americanized and it seemed to have some deep parallels with the US being in the middle east.... Read More
I had a feeling it was going to be really, really bad.
I was pretty angry when I found out there was going to be a sequel to be honest, because I knew it wouldn't give the first justice.
Ok I'm putting this out there for all the locals, does anyone want to see a secret screening of 28 Weeks Later for free Thursday May 10th 7PM @ Mission Valley AMC??? I have 16 extra tickets so first come first served
If you want to go drop me a message as soon as possible or email me at pikahyper80@hotmail.com it will be easier if... Read More
ok I think I am at about 90% better, I am keeping myself busy. I still don't know what all that depression was I am guessing it was just some neurological misfire of some sort but ya my last blog had some weird wording that people took that I wanted to kill myself, not true, I just wanted the depression and anger and sadness to... Read More