Day before my first anniversary smile yay! im so stoked... i feel so nerdy but o well!!! im excited to see what im getting lol
Good luck doll.
So today has gone pretty well. Havent really done anything but im just in an overall good mood so that makes it a good day for me lol. I went out with a guy i met on here last night. His name is Dan. smile it was alot of fun.

I know, I know, never meet people you meet onlline.... blah blah,... i brought my knife...
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Glad you had a good time and got home alive, lol. Are we still going to meet when I get back? Take some pictures to make my wife's head explode, lol. Take care, talk to ya later. Oh yea, if you only get on msn after 10 your time that's like 5 a.m. my time, lol.

IM SO BORED!!!! I've been downloading music for the past i dont know how many hours and god knows how many different types of cds i will be making lol....

HELP ME!!!! robot
You should get on MSN once in a while girl. I'm on every night. I can at least type stupid shit to keep you entertained, lol. Did you ever finish my story?
It sucks doing all that work, but to have all that music ready to go feels soooooo goood smile
Well today I feel so much better! love now that i think about it everything is getting better! like im pretty much over being sick, me and my man decided to take a little time apart so we will miss each other a lil and have a good anniversary on friday and a good v-day.

And! I have an early out on friday so technically i...
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No help on the music, lol. Glad to hear your feeling better physically. You need a little break now and then. Sometimes you can just be around each other too much. Hope things keep going well for ya.
Ugh.... sunday....once again.. i hate sundays. I have no idea what im going to do today. i might go to the gym.. thats probably a good idea, im gettin outta shape lol.

I also have to write a 500 word essay over Macbeth and write it from the feminist viewpoint... 500 words aint that much its just the idea of actually having to put forth...
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You need to talk? You can message me your number.
And your name is Amanda right? I swear we've met before. Probably at one of those 'burg parties. House on broad street mayhaps?

I'm redfernsandroses friend that swears he knows you.
UGH!!! i hate being a woman.... I'm feeling emotional, irrated, and like i wanna cry.. and im not even pmsing yet.

My boyfriend has just effin rubbed me raw today. Like he was helping his dad all day today, which i thought was only gonna take a hour or two. Like, i was waiting around for him all day, and that's when i realized, i...
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That's a tough one. Someone being faithful is critical to relationships. Maybe he doesn't know he's being the way he is. Maybe just a talking with is in order, let him know how you feel about things. If he cares, he'll listen.
Eh, you're still young. Go with your gut feeling, trust your heart and try not to think too much about it. Things have a strange way of working out in the end, no matter what way you swing it. I guess I can't say much, myself, going through a divorce and all. Figure out what works between the two of you, and make a decision that benefits you both. If it's meant to be, nothing will tear you apart.

Also, hi. I'm from the 'burg.
I skipped school yet again. still sick and miserable. puke

On a better note i went and saw tim burton's new movie Coraline! it was so cute! biggrin and a bit twisted of course! skull

I'm thinking about maybe getting a half sleeve done in Coraline. Like have the good side, and the bad side of coraline and her parents... like all fucked up and shit.

So its...
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Yes, but it's a damn shame for a girl to go unsatisfied, lol. Just breaks my heart. So I'd make an exception for you, lol. Actually, I mean your too young to marry. Which I'm not necessarily looking to do for a while, but I'm sure your not looking to do it for a long damn while, lol. But, if your just looking for some fun and a few orgasms, then I can help ya out, lol.
dannosaur biggrin i work at coleman's corner im sure you saw me there lol
I missed school today and i've been bound to the couch all day... frown my best friends right now are my box of tissues, with lotion of course! love and my pillow.

Ugh... being sick sucks... frown
I went away for work again like 3 days before my girl n the kids all came down with the flu. Yaaay me ^_^ tho still I wish I could be there to take care of everyone now.
You need to kick your boys ass for giving you cooties, lol. If he really loved you he'd have said sorry baby I'm sick, I don't want you to catch it, lol.
Ok paperwork is filled out now i just need a freakin scanner! lol

Oh, and my wonderful loving boyfriend who apparently loves to share got me sick!!! puke

Ugh... someone come make me some chicken noodle soup..... whatever
I'd bring ya some by and whoop his ass for making you sick, lol. You should check out the SGKC group. There might be a photographer who'd help you out. I know your boy wants to do it and all, but. Well, I'm going to be flying for the next two days so..
Ok, still have paperwork to do.... Im gonna do that here in a few.... I still have to get another form of id cause all I have is my military id. That wont get done til sometime next week.

PLUS, I don't have a good camera yet and I'm completly broke. frown So who knows when I will be able to submit a set.... Ugh... I...
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Patience, lol.
So my application got accepted to become a sg. Im pretty excited. tongue

I just gotta fill out a bunch of paper work.....ugh paperwork.... puke

Wish me luck!!!! love
Best of luck, you certainly have the looks and attitude. You just need some good photos. Too often girls submit crappy photos and it hurts their chances. Buy or borrow a good camera and take lots of shots and submit only the good ones. Any tips I can give, you know how to get ahold of me.
lol idk just wierds me out lawl!
Ugh, So, its tuesday.... I have my math class to go to here in like 30 min. frown I have no idea what im gonna do today after i get back from class. frown

Ideas anyone?
Is there anything to do in Knob? Take naked pictures of yourself. Make a set for SG. Good things to kill time, lol.