I'm fixated on moving to Seattle now. Anyone ever been there that can tell me more about it?

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I haven't even visited. But i'm tired of being here and from what I hear about Seattle, it seems like my kind of place. The music scene is definitely way more my style. So this time next year, I'm moving.
Either there, or...
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yeah, my best friend is interning at mtv this semester and lives in manhattan. so im going to hang out before summer school starts down here
Wheres your bar?
rut rut rut
I need money. Need to stop making irresponsible spending decisions. Need to cook more often and eat less cereal. Need to get a cat, but can't afford to have one. Need to move out west. Need to stop thinking that moving to a cool new town will solve the same old personal issues i've always had. Need to find the inspiration i...
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the girl's name is not alexis... but that's interesting that you know someone else who looks like her. i would like to see a picture of your alexis.

you saw seal? i would have enjoyed that, i think!
I hear you on everything but the cereal. I do actually cook a lot, so I advise you to do the same because it is rather wonderful to eat good meals! wink
FUCK. I deleted something i was writing. which is a pain in the butt. My internet's been in and out.

But hey! I wanted to write cuz it's the first time in a while i feel like writing and it's not just "angst angst angst..."

I moved about a month ago! Into another place in the same building. I went from having 5 roomates i...
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instant coffee? gross.
yay for considering your consumption choices. AND. have you tried a french press at home? if you measure the coffee out and put the right amount in, let it sit for the right amount of time, etc., it's always amazing.
I have a swollen bump on the roof of my mouth that's been bothering me since I got up yesterday morning. It was really distracting yesterday, as drinking, sipping, chewing and any of a number of other common actions would apply pressure to it and induce pain. But now it's gotten even MORE swollen and the pain is at the point where it woke me...
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That doesn't sound like fun. I would get that checked out. Actually, I probably wouldn't. I hate going to the doctors. Good luck.
I'm going through my entire digital photo collection from the last like three or four years (there's over 12,000 photos here) and it's just amazing what old photos can bring back. It makes me even sadder now. i feel like my happy days are behind me. I never feel like taking photos. i used to be so curious, so ambitious, so experimental. Now i have...
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I'm pretty glad that all the photos from _way_ back have been lost or at least removed from my computer. Its just one less thing to get nostalgic over. Although even photos from like a year ago gets me thinking... I've noticed that the photos, even recent ones, where I'm really happy doing something great is always far away from home and nowhere near University. Wonder what that should tell me.. blackeyed

It's wonderful to remember when you first fall inlove with a band/music piece. Like the smells, the weather, the things around.. the day that accompanied it.
we are havign the sedder but nothing more special than that really.
but the sedder is always alot of fun biggrin
I'm discovering that the guitar player from Incubus is pretty fucking rad. Currently, I am learning a bunch of tunes off Morning View and loving riffs like the ones in "Just A Phase"
Her movements are creepily natural. But no matter how much this stuff creeps me out, I still think it would be effin cool to have one of those vacuum robots. Just sayin'.
Oh, and if you see it, watch it in 3-D.
My depression is evolving. It is taking on a new form and a new tone.
Instead of self-loathing and a need to numb I am finding nihilism. I am really starting to believe that absolutely nothing matters. I spend more and more time thinking about the fact that sooner or later I'm going to be dead. And once I'm dead, everything I will have thought...
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thank you so much for stopping by. first i wanna reply to your blog entry.

you dont need to think about life and dead this way. i used to think about dead so many times, and i wrote really so many poems about dead and people who are dying. it was pretty hard times for me. i had to get those feelings out of me. so i wrote those poem. i am not able to show them to you, because they are wrote in czech language. i wanted die soo many times. i wanted die young so the people would remember me young and pretty... i did o many things. and then i had car crush, and when i ran from the car and my backbone hurt me so much. my boyfriend was crying and hold my hand, and he keeps saying: "honey, please, dont die... dont left me.." and this time i knew that this wasnt my time.. and i am told him "i am not dying..." i knew it.. i think that you will found when your time will come.. so you should enjoy your life as much as possible. for example - i believe in reincarnation, so i am trying my best in this life. i know how i died in my last life... and also i believe that every thing in the world must happened, if you will skip it, it will happened another time in your life. everything has its own reason

and now for your message under my blog.

i tried to find happiness so much time before i tried antidepressants for the first time. and i was pretty sad the most time in my life. since i was on primary school. then i met my psychiatrist for the first time and i was so happy to met her. i dont like pills at all. and i have many friends who realize that i am taking antidepressants and then told me that its evil and i have to try something more natural. but i dont think that i am so brave to try it without antidepressants. sometimes i miss some of the pills. i did it few times, because i though that i can beat it without pills.. but then i was mad, angry, bad and crazy... i was crying and kicking around and was bad to my loved ones..

about the running to new york - sometime i have feeling that i have to run away somewhere really far away and starts again till i still have some time...

hey, you are the same age as me, and also you are libra, i think that we have something in common...

have a beautiful day


oh yes yes it was just example. glad to know you!
Please, somebody help me wrap my head around monogamy. Because I can't see myself being polyamorous despite the fact that rational thought leads me to believe it is the "better way." But as much as I love somebody, I am all-too-often full of curiosity about others and want to pursue relationships (big or small, simple or complex, romantic or purely physical) with a lot of...
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As long as you're honest about it (and I know you are wink) I don't think it's stupid, childish, or selfish. I think if the time comes when you just want to be with one person, you'll know.
check it out. it's awesome. I had one of my most fun, memorable days in month with total strangers thanks to that site/program/organization. Love somebody, let them sleep on your couch.
I wish I could, but unfortunately I'm living in the flat of my best friend right now and when the neighbors hate her because of me she would fist me :/
I'm not sure. If I intend on living there for a little longer I guess I wouldn't have the guts. I'm great at writing letters and hatemail but almost never send them off blush
But if it was my flat right now I would do it. I move to another one on the 1st of April wink

The couchsurfing site sounds cool, I've been hosting many people from SG already. I'll definately sign up as soon as I have my own place again!