cat !
OOOOOO...I have a cat just like that!! I'll have to take photos and post.

I miss you...how's life...love...work...creativity???

I'm sorry I haven't been in touch...truth be told I needed to take a break from here to really focus on art...and it's paid off.

Write when you can...I should be in NYC this Oct...

Tea!?!?! Yes...long overdue TEA with YOU.

haha. i accidentally posted this as a comment on my last blog yesterday... here's what i meant to post yesterday

Been kinda working myself to death in the last week. I did 7 straight days at Le Poisson Rouge (http://lepoissonrouge.com) all early morning shit. I got like 10 hours of sleep in 4 days last week, including a 36 hour stretch that i had stayed...
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much interesting news to write about. very little time. will try to get back to this later!

Fuck computers. I keep writing long entries and keep accidentally getting them deleted w/o being able to recover them. It's horse-shit I tell you.

Long story short:

I had a shit day at work because something happened that struck a very personal problem for me. I was so upset (and this is at like 1 AM on a saturday on a rainy night) that...
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that sounds awesome. i've always felt the urge to take the guitar out into the wild and play there and see what happens. like if you get a different perspective when you're not in the usual guitar-playing environment like at home or in a ... i just realized that i have no idea what you'd call a replokal in english. rehersal studio? (but its not a studio..)
what im referring to is the dingy space that you rehearse with your band in. in swedish there is one word for that and another for studio, which is why its so confusing hearing people in english talking about theri studios all the time when there is infact no recording equiptment in the place.

i'm not the best letter writer either. i used to be as a kid - i had tons of penpals.
incase you decide to leave then the best bet would be keeping up on flickr is my guess. but do you blog anywhere else than here?

thank you for your feedback on the set! xx
it's as rainy here as in seattle... we have almost identical climates. it's the default state in winter. very depressing.

that view of the ocean is from fairly near my house, yes. well, it's definitely a bike ride away. beaches everywhere, to the north anyhow. i'm closer to another body of water than that one.

i would love to come across someone drumming on a bridge - oh how cool!
I'm reading "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand. I had serious skepticism about her writing and philosophy which, sadly, stemmed from what I knew of her fans and not what I knew of her - this is especially offensive to me, because I know that Dave Matthews gets judged much the same way and it is something that I have always resented people for.
Err. That...
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Aw, Pizza is so beautiful! (that sounded pretty surreal)
After a couple years of dwelling on the subject I've decided not to buy a cat, since my future apartment and work situation is so uncertain and all that, but if one came to me like that it would be a different story.

Well, it makes total sense to not keep renewing something that you don't feel is giving you anything.
Eventually all phenomenons sort of.. I don't know, die out on their own. I'm not saying that is the case with the site, because here I sort of feel it becomes what you make of it, but still... we all need to move on after a while. Or reinvent ourselves at least. I have a LOT of friends on the site though, and no matter how much you promise to keep in touch on myspace and those sort of places I know I wouldn't. Mainly because I detest Myspace, and I don't have Facebook. I think the best way to keep in touch with me might be traditionel letter writing. *such an anti-technologist* tongue
My name is Dan. I am 21 years old. I love cats and indian food. I can talk about why I love Radiohead for an hour straight. Then I can talk about why i love Kanye West for another hour. And so on and so forth.
I enjoy reading. I occasionally enjoy writing when the inspiration hits me. I love listening to music, thinking about...
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You actually purchased Lightroom? My god, that is ambitious. Im a total pirate, haha. I couldn't afford those programs (CS4 in particular) even if I sold most of the things in my apartment.

All my self-shot sets and portraits are with a timer and tripod. So I keep having to run back and forth. But thats ok. Makes everything feel a bit more turn of the century. Hehe.

Now that school is done for the term I'll have more time to be here, especially if the weather keeps on sucking as much as it is right now. From the 1st of July I'll be gone again for quite a while. Going hiking, faaar away from the internets, and then to the island where the internet at the place I'm staying is too slow to use. It'll be just the kind of break I need, because no matter how much I've kept off the internet to get my essays done in time I've still been stuck infront of the computer for most of May.
Whats keeping you away? Work, choice?
^^ Or what I rather mean to ask is, is the reason you're not renewing your membership because you feel this is stealing time awat from more important things? Or just that you as a person get nothing out of being here anymore?
biggrin nice photos
make me want to move.
and that guy really is awesome. ..looks-wise ofcourse.
anyway, the movie is great. it was really enjoyable and very funny. yes. all those references and lame jokes, WIN! biggrin
thank you
that made me feel very special. and i think its a good plan. all of it, cultivating communities and moving and stuff.
Anyone wanna start an a capella singing group in NYC with me? I miss singing in choir and barbershop quartet and all that jazz. And i just think the sound of voices harmonizing is so nice. We could do interpretations of modern songs if we'd like, but i have no real preference of what kind of material we do as long as it's moderately challenging...
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yeah, you definitely need to carry a bag with you if you want to carry water with you. i've tried hitching my water bottle to my belt with a carabiner but it's really annoying - swings into my hip and all, yanno? ha.
i've not drank much well water in my life. i remember drinking it at my grandfather's house when i was a kid, and my poo was green. i was concerned but apparently that's healthy, or so said my mother.
I'm stuck in the tardis
Trapped in hyperspace
One minute snake charming
The next in another place

All the right moves and
Earn the right percent
Watch me dance like a puppet
You can almost see the strings

Give me an answer
Give me a sign
I've been climbing up this ladder
I've been wasting my time

So long, so long
So long, so long...
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I think it was the largest earth worm in the world. But I can't remember where it lived, if it was in South Americas rain forrest (sp?) or in Southern Africa.. Anyhow I'm pretty stoked that it's not anywhere near me.

Lately I've been taking a lot of random everyday pictures with film-cameras. It has made me feel a lot more easy going about taking pictures and also helped me realize what kind of photography I like to do the most. Which is intimate, spontaneous shots making the most of available light. I used to worry that I HAD to learn studio lighting one day to "become" a "real" photographer, but I've realized that there is no such need over the last year. It all depends on what you want to portray I guess, and spontenaity (?) that turns into something beautiful is what I'd like to get better and better at.