I feel manky puke
Cardiff was great fun! smile

We nearyl missed our train to get there, but luckily it was late (it's not often that i'm glad a trains late). Our first stop was Weatherspoons for a pint and something to eat, then we went and booked into our hotel (the Holiday Inn right in the centre of town, well near enough in the centre). After a bit of...
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I've been loving my time off! smile

I really haven't done a lot, and i've enjoyed every minute. So far, all i've done is meat Andrew for lunch, watched Silent Hill (an ok movie, but not a patch on the games) and played way too much Animal crossing on the ds (damn you Nintendo for creating such an addictive game!).

I've got next week off too,...
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Work is normal again! (well, as normal as it gets at my store!)
We final have a new manager, and she's a lot like our old manager. so she fit's in well with everyone at work. Despite work being ok, i still can't wait for the next two weeks cos i'm on holiday! Not that i'm planning on doing a lot. In fact all i...
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Ah sleep, how i've missed you!

for the first time, in almost 10 weeks, i've had a good nights sleep. I'm now wide awake and ready to face anything the world can throw at me!

Things are slowly getting back to normal at work. Alright, there's only me and one supervisor to run the store. and we're both doing about 20 hours extra a week,...
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By the way, you are right. Spaced is amazing!!! xx
Yes, there probably aren't too many people on SG who have heard of the Forest of Dean. In Bristol, the Forest of Dean, or rather the idea that there is such an identity as 'Forest' doesn't get that much mention. Since I've been working in Gloucester, I've found that people are very much aware of the 'Forest' identity. Some of the things I have overheard suggest that there may even be a derogatory 'Forest' stereotype being bandied about. Apparently 'Forest' people are strange. When I mentioned that I had 'Forest' ancestry I was advised that "You don't want to go telling people that round here!".

So what kind of store do you work in?
I bought myself a nintendo ds today.

I've wanted one for a while now, and i earnt a bit more cash last month than i expected so i thought "what the hell, i'm gonna treat myself". Just waiting for it to charge at the moment.

Hi hi smile

Its been waaay too long but anyway...I'm not sure if I ever said thanks for commenting on my new set, so thanks! smile Glad you liked it smileblush

My nose doesn't like the heat! frown

I was sat in my small windowless office, that is also very defficiant in air-con, doing some mind numbing paperwork when i noticed big drops of blood on the desk. It was a bit of a shock. It bled for ages. The last time i got a nose bleed like this i was sat in a sauna, so it's...
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You'll get here some day!

Still happy! Not sure why though...

Got a nice day off tomorrow, and i'm possibly meeting Andrew and Gem for a pie and a pint in the evening. Other than the evening, my only plans for tomorrow involve parking my arse on my sofa and watching a shit-load of anime..

Have a good 'un smile
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set smile
Feeling a lot happier now! smile

I've still got a lot of problems to deal with at work, but i'm just not letting them get to me now. It's a tactic thats been working so far, i've been happy and stress free for a couple of days now. Plus, the weathers too nice at the moment to be all stressed and depressed.

hope everyone had a...
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Fuck it all!!! mad

I've had enough! Work is really starting to piss me off. It just seems to be one thing after another at the moment. It started off with pretty minor things but it's just esculated from there.

First i get showered in Pepsi (which was pretty funny realy, but not that nice in the heat. i was attracting wasps!)
Then my foot gets...
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My foots better! The one toe is still swollen, but it doesn't hurt anywhere near as much (don't worry, i wont inflict any more pictures of my foot on all of you!).

zombification of the victims, rar rar rar.