happy new year everyone. hope this year is good for everyone. im ready to go back to north carolina already.
I've been to munich about 3 times....nice city but mmmh not exactly my taste to be honest. Quite conservative
Berlin of course - the Kitkat club !
merry christmas to everyone, i know im kinda late but im not on the computer as much when im home in jersey. last night i went to the electric factory and saw agnostic front and hatebreed. holy shit. that was crazy. agnostic front got screwed out of their set time and only played for like 20 minutes but it rocked. it was like hardcore metal...
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so yeah finals are almost over, just one more speech and one more paper and im done. this semester was pretty good, i like most of my classes. next semester is gonna kick my ass, i was stupid and took 21 hours. im not really looking forward to going home for break. i mean itll be nice to see the family and all but its...
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Where from my work?
merry xmas cutie kiss
wow, ever get the feeling you have just wasted a complete day. i feel like if i were to die tomorrow that id be real pissed b.c today sucked so bad. mad frown
thank god all my papers are done and over with. only a few exams now then this semester is over. maybe ill try harder next semester.
how is everyone doing? hope you all had a good thanksgiving. i finally had a chance to relax and do nothing. i shouldve been writing papers and doin research but oh well. ive been in new jeresy for the week with the family. i got to go see the bouncing souls play on sat which kicked ass (from what i remember --- i was a...
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hey, i know i havent updated in a while but i dont know if anyone reads this so anyway. things have been kinda crazy around here. school was kicking my ass there for a while and it seemed like i never had a chance to do anything. no that schools settled down i have more time and all i do it sit and brood in...
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brooding on thoughts is a good thing...sometimes...

glad school's getting easier for you. i've learned how to manage my time! boy does that make a difference. biggrin
so call me a dork, call me a redneck, call me what you will, i love nascar. ive watched it since i was little and always knew everything about it. anyone that knows a little about races, its god damn expensive to go. well this weekend the races are in charlotte and i was going to go to them. but...this chick hooked me up with...
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thatl all anybody who i work with talks about. my favorite driver is dick trickle, does he still race?
things are getting better. the past few weeks have been real crazy but things are starting to settle down. i have to write a paper but im putting it off till after the last minute. i do this all the time and dont know why. oh well i better get started at least.
i, also am trying to write a paper...but...i dont think it's gonna happen.

charlotte, ay? me too. biggrin
hey i got lucky and the internet on campus was down, even though im not on campus, but the paper got moved back till wed. rock on
what a fucking week..... my roommate and his girlfriend broke up this week and its been real tough for them and for all of us who are friends with them, i dont think anyone knows what to do. my mom and grandmom are in town for parents weekend at my school, so thats pretty cool (especially the food and stuff she got me). and then...
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