wow that last update was interesting....i guess i shouldnt drink and update this thing when ive had a shitty shitty week.
wow....life is insane. i dont know what to think anymore. i feel like im getting more and more cynical everyday. people piss me off so much that i want to kill them. ah.........yeah
man i got to see flogging molly and hot water music tonight and they kicked ass. it was the best show ive seen in a while and it was really nice to just get out there and let loose in the pit. seriously there's nothing like it. i leave the show feeling like a million bucks because all my frustration has left my body. i...
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That show kicked ass. TSOL is coming in april.
....i think flogging molly has hit dallas like 3 times in the past year and i've missed them EVERY-SINGLE-TIME.... i need to go to a show & let some aggression out myself. seems to be a quick cure.

take it easy
ok....ill admit it, im a dork....i like nascar and i dont like jeff gordon and it sucks that he won today...everyone laugh it up
wow what a shitty week. ive been sick as hell, missed a shitload of classes. oh and on saturday night or sunday morning someone broke into my truck and stole all of my freaking cds........im so freaking pissed. its not like anyone around my neighborhood listens to my kind of music. that was 4 or 5 years worth of collecting cds all gone in one...
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....its back.....

everything around here's just kinda blah lately. a girl at my school was killed this weekend and everyones been real down. its such a small school that pretty much everyone is affected so that sorta adds to the frustration.....

the rest is the same ol' crap.....annoying dog, annoy roommate, no money, classes suck, i could go on and on and on........ but i...
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the eagles are in the super bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it. im drivin to jacksonville in 2 weeks and getting hammered. this is amazing
have a good time. i only whatch the super bowl for the commercials whatever
haha in fact I am getting 2 pistols done in april and I fixed the appointment this week - not a born to lose tat but at least new ones wink
yeah so my roommate decided that itd be fun to move into our closet for some reason....i have no idea why. but anyway so my room's all screwed up right now, shit everywhere. its just kind of weird having someone sleeping in your closet but whatever. yeah so i realized last week that i dont have enough money for anything and im kind of screwed...
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yeah i think that about sums it up.
i totally agree biggrin
it was at raleighboys house
i figured id update the picture a little. this picture is more recent than the other. im back in charlotte, thank god. its like the calm before the storm though. classes start monday and this semesters gonna kick my ass. oh well. later.
woohoo - have fun on monday wink
Kitkat club is a mmh club where everything can happen - maybe thats the best way to describe it. It has a small pool and a bed for example - but it's not like a swinger club. Discoclub where f*cking around is allowed.
stop procratinating and get your ass in gear biggrin , how many credits are you taking