The new site looks pretty cool. I haven't been on here in a while, so it was quite a shock and took me a little while to get used to everything. I just got back from NJ and that was a great time. My brother graduated from high school and we had a great party on Saturday. I'm back in NC now, things are alright....
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what you were saying about your girlfriend is exactly what's happening with me and my boyfriend.... maybe its the full moon. how was the souls show in NC? i missed them in NYC all 6 days... major bummer. i'm sure that everything will work out fine with the wifey... Good Luck!
Congrats for your brother!

I am taking some time to get used to the site. I still haven't figured out how to see friends' journal entries (arranged in the order of who updated most recently) like they used to appear.
Well here I am again. It's been a while since I've had the time to sit down and relax. I graduated this weekend from college with two degrees. One in History, the other in American Studies. I got to hang out with my family which was great. My roomates' families were in town to so that was cool.

We're going to Charleston again this week....
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Congratulations on the degrees! I earned my history BA in December, so I know how that feels. I'll take some vodka shots to celebrate for you.
Hey its been a while since I've been on here. Life has been pretty good lately. The world is going insane and I think its ending but thats the historian in me. I need to get some sleep for once.

happy birthday!
happy birthday
Hey. School started today which wasnt bad, it was nice to see everyone again. Last semester......for now. Work's been slow, but it's not too bad. Dave is moving out this week and it's going to suck seeing him go. I'll have my own room then and we're starting to get our shit together so everythings going to be orderly. I have a really cool girlfriend...
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I have a really cool girlfriend that keeps me on track which helps- hehehe one of my friends would be a wreck if I wasn't around to check up on him and keep him on track of things he needs to do and the others that he needs to stop doing.
Hello to anyone that stumbles across this. i havent updated since october so it's definetly been a while. things are going alright. i have a pretty good job, nice girlfriend and a pretty sweet apartment. i got the suicide girls dvd for christmas and it rocked almost as much as the show at the knitting factory. basically thats it and hope everyone has a good...
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good to see that your alive. did you move?
it was really sweet to see the suicide girls burlesque show for the second time the other night. it was even cooler to hang out with some of the members afterwards.

school and work is pretty damn crazy these days. it seems like all i do is work and go to school. i really need to get out and fix my truck because its starting...
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riding a bike would suck big time- liking the profile pic - it's cute
my lovely weekend....

so this weekend my roommate and i flew from charlotte to baltimore. from there we needed to get to jersey, but didnt know how that was going to happen. we bought tickets and took the amtrak to philly then a few more trains to my town. we borrowed a car and then drove to new brunswick, nj where my roommates from. from...
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holy shit!! i did'nt make it to the protest either. i came odwn with a nasty case of "cough your lungs up". hey, are you still going to the SGB show in Charlotte? if you are i got some questions to ask you wink

[Edited on Sep 27, 2005 9:08PM]
hello! lovely meeting you at the SGB show. kiss
school is too easy this year. the work is just tedious and gets in the way of my learning. i feel bad for people in my classes because i feel like theyre wasting their money and their education. i cant wait for next weekend. on friday my roommate and i are flying to baltimore and finding a way from there to nyc to go see...
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That sounds like it's going to be a kickass weekend! smile
the world is ending and i cant wait to watch it all (i just hope it doesnt end before the suicide girls come to charlotte)
thats a good question, i have not a fucking clue why i don't have today off. did you like "on the road" i read it and found it to be quite dry.

i here you on the world in ending bit. i feel like the whole world is going to explode from tension any minute now. revolution is in the air smile
hey there - thanks for joining my new Souls group! smile

hopefully i'll do my best to make it interesting... tongue

just added a thread about the latest bunch of US dates - this is really geared towards the US fans, but if you get a chance, see what you think. its people like you that i need in the group (ie ones going to see the band in the US!) biggrin
the administration at my school has no clue what the hell is going on. i did not get into one of my classes, which i was one of the first to register for, they cancelled another one, and waitlisted me for another. i am sick and tired of paying way too much money and getting dropped from classes and having them cancelled for no reason....
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man i really need to fix my truck. i hate depending on people for rides. im supposed to go to atlanta tomorrow but i dont know how. its really weird because life kinda sucks right now but im content and happy. i have little money, a dirty apartment, i drink too much, my truck doesnt work, i have a lot of bills, cant find a...
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i like you new profile pic. whats wrong with your trunk? by the way maybe i'll get to see you if your going to the SG burlesque show in charlotte wink
wwwooooo, someone in NC!!! Charlotte even, what's up man?

mew mew mew
miao!! miao!! miao!!