"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

- HL Menken

(side note: I'm just about done working out my deep-seated hate through the...
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Oh yeah, and you need to move to NYC. I've read your posts in the bodybuilding group - and I need a workout partner! wink
you know what it seems to me? Opiates for recreation and opiates for real pain relief are not even in the same ballpark. It's like brontosaurus (I grew up before he changed his name to apatosaurus) and Allosaurus. They might have some common ancestor way back when, but damned if they aren't at each other's throats now.
In the days leading up to the election, but especially after, I had been trying to get a handle on the way people (who don't think like me) think.

As the debates reached a fever pitch both in person and on the internet, I began to feel less like I'm talking about actual issues with reasonable people than I am caught in some struggle against...
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That's pretty much it. Not everyone will be as willing to acquiesce to tolerance, however, and that's why I'm laying plans to get the hell out of here before the next civil car starts up. As fun as it might be to just give in to bloodlust and kill me some Republicans, I clearly don't have that in me, and, as boring as it sounds, I'd really rather be freezing my ass off in Canada than getting shot simply because I dont see the harm in two dudes kissing.
"It is true that this shows that al Qaeda has gained, but on the other hand it shows that the Bush administration has also gained...and it all shows that the real loser is you." -OBL

You crazy towel-head motherfucker. Why do you have to be so right?
It's a sad, sad day. I wonder what fun suprises Bin Laden has in store for us now.
I'm trying to get as excited as I can about today.

But I think we all know when it comes to the scariest day of the year...Holloween's coming two days late this year. skull
It's looking like a scary day for tomorrow too!!!
Someone hold me...
Ah wishlists. They're not about having someone actually buy you anything. They're really about showing the world just how cool your taste in books, movies and gadgets you can't afford makes you.
biggrin The term "intellectual property circlejerk" cracks me up. If there was ever an area of human experience that needed more dirty words associated with it, it's the American legal system.
If you were a hot chick, and you put out, you'd get things off your wishlist.

Hell if you put out I'll get ya something on your wishlist. Anyway. wink
A few more days of sowing wild oats (not to mention harvesting hops and barley) down in Tampa and it's back to work. A special someoneo will be missed terribly.

Not quite sure what lies ahead up north. The living with the 'rents situation will have to be addressed stat. As will the the being in the middle of buttfucknowhere problem.
Hey, we Northerners ain't so bad! wink
When are you coming back?
Bah. Time for you to move on up to NYC. Screw the 'rents.
The best part about Florida after a hurricane is that all the chain store signs are torn down. And for a moment...just a brief moment...you can tell one stretch of road from another.
Oh yeah, and you do actually need to write an essay to get into NHS (sorry, I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.) But I do think you would really like it - let me know if and when you do and I'll make sure to put in a good word for you.
I was reading an article recently that went pretty far in supporting my theory that love is a form of mental retardation and impairment. According to a recent fMRI study:

Among other areas, parts of the pre-frontal cortex a bit of the brain towards the front and implicated in social judgment seems to get switched off when we are in love...The parts of the brain...
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I love that picture - but probably not for the reason you think I do.

Actually I love it because it shows how our preconceived notions can bias our opinions and take away our ability to critically evaluate data. Those fMRI images were taken from monkeys repeatedly injected with "typical" doses of MDMA as part of a study that was published several years ago (and repeatedly cited) to show the dangers of ecstacy usage. The picture is striking, no? The only problem with it - last year it was revealed that rather than being injected with MDMA, whose effect is unknown, they were mistakenly injected with methampethamine, whose effect is clear. The published paper was subsequently retracted and in fact that jury is still out on long term effects of MDMA usage. Food for thought.

As for your entry, that much is true - love clouds judgement almost as badly as most chemical impairments. The idiotic things people do when they think they're in "love" suggests that there should be a law against driving while in that state.

On another note... are you at all familiar with SG:NHS? You of all people would fit in that group rather nicely, I think.

And as for salon.com.... I'm still waiting to hear from them. They say to give them three weeks and if you still haven't heard you can assume that they aren't interested. It's been one, but I'm not holding my breath. I won't give up though, I still think I have something meaningful to say.
I am already aware of this phenomenon, and my henchmen have been working on a methadone-like chemical substitute for this "love" scourge for some time. We're close to a breakthrough, and I'm hoping to obtain FDA approval early next year. I expect initial sales to be high, but just in case they're not, I've already enlisted the help of thousands of cherubic orphans to administer the drug to random couples by bow-and-arrow.
Well, apparently the editor of wired took a gander at one of my articles and I got an email about it. Total warm and fuzzies.

Good thing. Encouragement isn't something I've been getting much of for the last couple...well...ever.

The thing that makes a good writer is being able to completely ignore that they're being ignored and keep on rocking in the free world.

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i'n mot a bad riter:am eye?

I didn't know you were trying to write for Wired. I actually sent a couple of pieces off to Salon a few days ago. I'm still waiting to hear from them. That's kind of my dream job is to write for them (on the side) since it's one of my favorite publications. Good luck with it though!
Random sleep anomalies are kicking my ass.

Out of all of them, sleep paralysis is probably the worst. Basically morning comes and my brain wakes up. But the part that connects brain to rest of body doesn't. So I can't move and all the while this weird seizure-like electricity shoots through me. Sometimes I get really vivid (and I have to admit, occasionally awesome) hypnogogic...
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Now there's an interesting condition, I've never heard of that one before. Hopefully it isn't too disturbing for you. If it keeps up you may want to go to a neurologist.
Yeah, supposedly most people don't dream in color. I don't know why.
As for just "knowing", you're probably right... although one time I THOUGHT I knew, but it turns out I was wrong...