So my finace and I have just moved to Austin. Ah Austin Texas, how I LOVE thee! Let me count the ways!!
1. Whole Foods. Thats all I have to say
2. Cool downtown with lots of bars with lots of live bands
3. Cheap groceries at the H.E.B store!
4. Beautiful apartment!
5. Great weather so far (minus the rain today)
6. Awesome people...
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1. Whole Foods. Thats all I have to say
2. Cool downtown with lots of bars with lots of live bands
3. Cheap groceries at the H.E.B store!
4. Beautiful apartment!
5. Great weather so far (minus the rain today)
6. Awesome people...
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So, I'm back!
Someone, paid for my account! I have no idea who it was and I'm sooo curious! If it was you, send me a message so I can thank you!!
Someone, paid for my account! I have no idea who it was and I'm sooo curious! If it was you, send me a message so I can thank you!!
So, I'm back!
Someone, paid for my account! I have no idea who it was and I'm sooo curious! If it was you, send me a message so I can thank you!!
Someone, paid for my account! I have no idea who it was and I'm sooo curious! If it was you, send me a message so I can thank you!!
'twasn't me, but it makes me happy. 

Wow! Has it ever been a long time since I wrote in this thing. I don't have internet at my house so it makes it tough to stay in the loop. Things are going mighty well if I do say so myself. I'm getting married November 15 of this year! That is the best thing coming up in my life. Also, I'm graduating college after...
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Wow!!! Congrats on everything.
Nice to hear from you again.
Nice to hear from you again.
Yay!!! Congratulaions!!
It's nice to hear that life is treating you so well.

It's nice to hear that life is treating you so well.

Hopefully soon I will have pictures of everything!
Hopefully soon I will have pictures of everything!
i am so proud of you two.
i felt like crying the whole time at the airport. i'm looking at coming for four days the first week or october. cos this whole thing blows ass. it's only $119 if i come Oct 2-6th.
i was so not ready to come back yet. urrrg.
i felt like crying the whole time at the airport. i'm looking at coming for four days the first week or october. cos this whole thing blows ass. it's only $119 if i come Oct 2-6th.
i was so not ready to come back yet. urrrg.
yay for you! i've seen a photo of the ring and it is ridiculously lovely. 

I havn't writting a blog in a LOOOOOOONNNNNGG time. Mostly because I havn't had the internet at house! That's right. My boy and I got a house together, we're renting, but a house is a house. I'm uber happy and excited about it. Our relationship is getting better everyday...not that it was bad before but it is getting stronger. We never ever fight...
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i cant wait to see you!
kris continues to be horrifying, per usual.
call me asshole.
call me asshole.
too bad we cant practice together.
those conventions are fucking soooo much fun.
those conventions are fucking soooo much fun.
Coolness! A girl that graduated from college a few years before me took it for two years as part of her foreign language training.
Ha Ha! when i was talking to ^^ the other day and she mentioned you i was trying to remember where on the site i knew of you from. I just noticed where it was...
Warship fo-evah.
Warship fo-evah.

yuck, the idea of surgery makes me cringe. hope you heal soon!
What's the point of putting vegan butter and soy milk in your Kraft macaroni and cheese? I have no idea, but I do it anyway.
I've been having weird dreams lately. Maybe it's the stress. My boy woke me up the other night because I was pinching his arm in my sleep. I was having a dream that christina aguilera was trying to feed me...
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I've been having weird dreams lately. Maybe it's the stress. My boy woke me up the other night because I was pinching his arm in my sleep. I was having a dream that christina aguilera was trying to feed me...
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you should have hit her in the face with that porcupine.
porc-epic. ahaha.
porc-epic. ahaha.
So my boyfriend got a real look at what babies look like when they're first born. We were watching a baby story or something like that and when they pulled out the baby my boy goes, "EEWW! That's what they look like!? It's like a raisin baby! A fucking California raisin!"
I swear to god, if our babies look like this we're giving up for...
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I swear to god, if our babies look like this we're giving up for...
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thats what you'll get. no california raisins.

thats what you'll get. no california raisins.
School begins again. Wow. I had 3 days of summer vacation. Let me tell you it was awesome.
Anyway, there are some things in my life to look forward to:
1) I'm getting surgery on my nose to fix my deviated septum. I'll post pictures when it happens so everyone can see my swollen ass face.
2) My boy and I are seriously starting...
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Anyway, there are some things in my life to look forward to:
1) I'm getting surgery on my nose to fix my deviated septum. I'll post pictures when it happens so everyone can see my swollen ass face.
2) My boy and I are seriously starting...
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baby sis, your surgery will go great, i know it.
i miss you. call me tomorrow.
ps. dont be an ass to the doctors. it runs in the family, but fight the urge. cos one day i'll be the doc dealing with that bs. haha.
i miss you. call me tomorrow.
ps. dont be an ass to the doctors. it runs in the family, but fight the urge. cos one day i'll be the doc dealing with that bs. haha.