Phlegm phlegm phlegm phlem,
phlegm phlegm phlegm phlem,
phlegm phlegm phlegm phlem phlegm phlegm phlegm phlem.


I think I'm starting to get better though.
Try that Mucinex stuff over the counter. I know the commercial is kind of creepy, with the little cartoon phlegm-man packing up a suitcase, but a friend of mine bought it last month and it worked.

Get better soon!! smile
Homer: We can outsmart those dolphins. Don't forget -- we invented computers, leg warmers, bendy straws, peel-and-eat shrimp, the glory hole, AND the pudding cup.

Yes, he did say Glory hole.

Oh, the other thing I hate about my kids going to school. Colds. I now have a nasty head cold. Thank you baby Jesus for the blessing of snot.

Go team, go. Yeeeeeaaaaaa flem.
me too....we have been sick everyday since school started back up......fucking germs..... kiss
Every time I go to the doctors, there are sick people everywhere. I swear it's a racket.
For the last 6 or 8 years, I have worked Tues. thru Sat. Which means that my 'weekend' is Sunday and Monday.

During the summer this is wonderful. As we head to the coast for the weekend, we pass everyone else heading back to civilization. Uncrowded beaches and shops, cheaper rates in motels, ect.

But then comes Fall, and the start of school. This is...
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Oh, sounds like you need a love day wink kiss
I am game, of course, that sounds very nice smile

And I have to say that moving up there is looking more and more like its inevitable - I love it up there, and I have the chance, why not go for it?

It's so nice to have time with the person ou love without the kids around - you need that time!
Pretty Hate Machine, on repeat, all night, = interesting dreams

So, I haven't been feeling all that great about myself lately. Work has been very unsatisfying, the manager at the store is not pleasent(let alone competent). Half of her sales staff are not fun to be around(I'm trying to be nice about how I phrase it). I used to love my job, and all the...
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I have a lot I want to write here, but don't have the time right this minute....

More later kiss
I think you probably know where I feel about where I am in my life right now.....

What I'm going to do about it is in the works. Sometimes I feel like I have a place where I fit in....sometimes not. Certain people make me feel that way.

So what's going on with the mid-life crisis thing? Bored.....restless?.....questions for another time and place probably smile
How old is Clive these days?
Damn early school days!!! tongue
Chinese Proverbs
1. Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone
2. Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day
3. Man who walk thru airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok
4. Man with one chopstick go hungry
5. Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails
6. Man who eat many prunes get good run for money
7. Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk
8. Panties not best thing on earth but next to best thing on earth
9. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night
10. It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it
11. Man who stand on toilet is high on pot
12. Man who fart in church sit in own pew
13. Crowded elevator smell different to midget
From an interview of Larry Flint

Is politics something you've always been interested in?

"Yes. Since I was a child I've always questioned everything in my life, whether it be authority, politics, religion or whatever. I sort of inadvertently got involved in this First Amendment battle, and it's been going on now for over 20 years. I think I had to stand in a courtroom...
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Yeah she's hot. . . but she's not a nerd man. smile
Bravo, Lar! Sage words.
(Gotta love the slimey, free-speechifying ol' crip. Alas, I wish I could...)

Thanks for the kind comments, my friend. I have indeed been doing my share of solitary loafing and reading. (Just finished up a recent copy of Rolling Stone. Not terribly challenging...or unpronouncable.) No working, not much socializing. Returning to my hermiting, slothful ways, I fear. Good thing I live with such a loving, tolerant man. (And one that happens to be employed, thank gawd!) Hit with twinges of homesickness, off and on. This is definitely going to be an adjustment. smile

And how have YOU been, guy? Boys doing well?

Take care!

PS: Would you happen to know what happened to Stormy?? (Girls seem to be disappearing left and right around here!)
I'm not really in the mood for this shit,
I don't think I care much for humans anymore,
Why do I fucking bother?

I went to a reading last night,
Richard Hell, what a Voidoid,
He talked about the "seedyness of portland,
How you could almost smell the drugs and decay in the air,
I loved it.
He then read a passage from his book,...
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Your description reminds me of a scene in Northampton, the "Berkley" of this area; I saw a bunch of college kids pan-handling outside of a bagel shop once. I was sickened to see they were clothed in Abercrombie & Fitch or some other capitalist-insanity clothing brand that costs more than my rent. I thought, these kids will never know what it's like to be alive, or to struggle to stay alive. Begging was a pastime to do between shopping excursions and frat parties. It made me sad.

Hopefully you're not done with your WRITING... which reminds me: I'm still waiting for that ending! Send it as a full piece, so I can read the beginning again.
The past few mornings I have awoken to a brightly moonlit bedroom. I lay in bed looking out the window and gaze at the moon, and all is well with my world. Except that I am alone. I hate sleeping alone, but the girl always sleeps on the couch when she doesn't feel well, and she has been sick for the past 4 days or...
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I can't see the pic, it's just a red x smile


Maybe thinking about.....hot sex?
eeek love miao!!
How's it goin'? 2 more wednesday nights at P.I.R. left, I'm gonna try to make them.
yep.... smile 'nuff said!

ps: you're out of non-dairy creamer, dammit; no more coffee at your house! LOL!
The government failed to respond adequately to Hurricane Katrina, Bush said Thursday night from storm-damaged New Orleans as he laid out plans for one of the largest reconstruction projects ever. The federal government's costs could reach $200 billion or beyond.

Don't worry, be happy.


U.S. House Republican leaders said they would seek to pass a $70 billion tax-cutting measure that would extend a 15 percent...
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Yes. I just saw a bit by a comedian that had the closing lines, "I don't blame President Bush for this mess. I blame the American people! Y'all knew he was a moron and you voted him in anyway! It's like blaming a blind guy for crashing your car when you're the one who gave him the damn keys!"

Damn conservative Heartland and Bible Belt; they f*&cked us up. Bush is just an idiot.
Awwww, what a cute pic, thanks for posting that! And thanks for the birthday wishes too.

I will keep your number in mind when it all gets to be too much smile