A new Foamy ! smile

Smoking level: I'm doing actually. I haven't smoke smile And no cravings. smile

But this morning, while I was with KOD blush , I got a really terrific cramp, I was sure I was going to puke . I had to stay in the bathroom for 20 minutes. Talk about a turn down. tongue

Anyhow, I have the best boyfriend in the world: he prepared me...
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re: your comment on my set.

not a new look! an old look! my last three sets have been shot since then. biggrin
Ha ha, I'm not doing so well either: smoked two cigarettes last night, drinking around at a friend's house...

Haven't spent anything today, but am wondering about buying an album by Morley and Thorie du Bloom from amazon.fr...

Also can't decide whether or not to drink/smoke tomorrow night... after all, 2006 doesn't begin until minuit passe...

Also wondering about cutting down on my carbs, but fear that could prove expensive...
Decisions decisions....
Listening to Devil's Driver until the show on February 19th.

I've just subscribed to FlyLady, again. I did this system 3 years ago. I hope it will help me with procastination.

Here's some love for you:

love love kiss kiss

Thank you James for showing me that the force that drives you can simply be life itself.

Otsu will be back stronger than ever and ever before!!
Montreal isn't as far away as New Zealand! So you're really not that far.
Ah procrastination! Not such a bad thing in the general scheme of things but it does make one feel like crap since nothing ever gets done.

Looking forwards to the new, stronger Otsu! Who I'm sure will be just as sweet as the old version (Otsu v. 1.0) wink

Like usual, I woke up, open the computer and just took a look at the new sets like every morning...

whatever It's been 3 hours!!! I'm still in my PJs. There is too many awesome people on SG with great journal update!

As for me, I just don't know what you write here anymore. confused

Otsu likes:
smile Having to sleep in every morning until school starts on...
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I agree! That dragon needs a home!!!

Trailer Park Boys is a series on Showcase about a group of guys who live in a Trailer Park. It's kind of hard to explain but it involves alot of crime, swearing and drinking! It's really funny and you can't help but feel better about yourself after watching it because at least you don't live in a shed on a car!

I'll certainly keep you posted as new movies appear on my radar! I'm sure I'll find something good sooner or later.

Have you seen "Memento"? or "Salton Sea"? 2 great movies I watched for around the 10th time over the weekend!
Memento is one of my favourites! The idea of tattooing yourself so you don't forget was brilliant!

My friend had a dvd version where one of the extras played the movie in chronological order. Very bizarre! A completely different movie!
I miss the '90s, you know the time when all the movies like, Johnny Mmemonic, Threesome, Barb Wire, Strange Days, you know Those great movies.

I miss the time in the '90s where everyone was wearing jeans, a shirt maybe a jacket and it was okay. Your look didn't need to be about every details.

I miss the kinda -devil-antechrist-good and evil, sex and violence...
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I saw the list of movies above... Seems you really like the old Cyberpunk Genre. So here is a story you may like wink


Oldtimer, they called him. He was thirty three years old. In the Zone he was an oldtimer. He was down on his luck. His partner nearly got iced. He was still in the hospital. Already one week longer than the doc said in the first place. Something about complications, and the rest had been med-talk. You dont let your partner down. He had raised six grant for the hospital from some small-time fixer. That guy seemed to want his money back, urgent. Yesterday he had someone deliver this message with a club. The messenger did not listen when he told him that he always paid back and that it would just take a little longer this time. A bad move.
A boy ran into Oldtimer and pushed two fingers into his side. A nice move. Oldtimer knew that boy. One of the Cockroaches, friends of Oldtimer, and the fingers were a warning. So two guys were following him. This was the Zone, but the Zone is not as dead as some beavers think. During the day the bigger streets are rather crowded. Still it took Oldtimer not too long to spot these two. They were not of the subtle kind. He must have been sleepwalking, not to spot them earlier. Bad habit - can get you killed. The way they were pushing through the crowd they were closing pretty fast. If he started shooting now, he could get away in the panic he would be causing. He would not start shooting in a crowd. It was too messy. That was a lie. He didnt want any bystanders to get shot. Conscience - can get you killed. He ducked and slipped into a side-alley. They two guys were already close behind him. He had no time left to look for cover. He ran. One turn and he had to realize that he was caught in a dead end. Know the streets and know always were you are. Not knowing the streets can get you killed. He whirled round and started shooting real wild. Well he wanted to be shooting real wild. He was not good with a gun that was why he was carrying an old 9mm Stechkin pistol. It had twenty shots. Only this time it did shoot just once and jammed. The casing had ripped open inside the chamber. Never buy old Russian ammo, especially when the dealer says it was a bargain out of old Egypt army supplies. Bad ammo - can get you killed. On the other hand he was lucky and that one bullet did hit. It dropped the guy. The bullet went through his head and killed him instantly. The other one had a fully automatic polymer gun. A dangerous weapon for both sides. These toys have the bad habit of melting when used in full auto mode. Oldtimer knew for sure that he was dead. The one sure thing in life might be death, but its time is mainly left to powers unknown. Oldtimer's opponent could see that Oldtimers gun was jammed. He said, I kill ya my way.", and put down his gun to draw a pair of monoblades. He advanced slowly, but was whirling his blades real fast. It looked really impressive and the monoblades being of the kind that glows from within it was very flashy too. What the guy really needed was a mirror. Oldtimer unsheathed his old Bowie, the size of a short sword. He seemed slow. He let the other one a little more time to show off. Giving the boy some chance to realize how slow this old man was. Then Oldtimer made his move with lightning speed. He was not boosted by drugs or cybernetics. He was just guided by years of experience and the know-how that comes with them. His strike seemed to be aimed at the others face. The boy brought by instinct both of his blades up to parry. He helped Oldtimer to achieve what he wanted. The stroke was meant to shatter the kids monoblades - it did. Oldtimer did not wait for the other to recover from his shock. One kick just beneath the knee and the boy was getting down on the same knee. Oldtimer past him turned and kicked at his back. The boy was flat on his face. A moment of hesitation conscience struggling with better knowledge. Conscience losing. A final kick at the others neck. Over.
Oldtimer picked up his gun and left the place. A thought crossed his mind. Never show off. Just fight. Showing off - will get you killed. He did not know, exactly how much the loan shark had invested in sending these two after him, but the investment would sure pay off. Oldtimer whipped out his cell phone, grinning. He called Mortimer. Mortimers business is to be a full-time vulture. He told him of two bodies, mostly intact. One was missing insignificantly in the brain department; the other one had only a broken neck. They were still warm, but he did not know their chrome to flesh ratio or how juiced up on pharm they were. Well, bodies are just parts and parts are currency. With some luck he might be able to pay off the debt after all. On the street you often paid in blood, question is it yours or someone elses. He knew from the beginning, that it had not been very bright to accrue a debt with this oily loan shark, but his buddy had been in need. Loyalty is a currency too. It is rare and he treasured it, both ways.
Why thank you! I get next week off so this week shouldn't be TOO bad...I hope. eeek

Last day of school for this year, and then 3 more months of school, and 1 of practice in a bakery and I'll be a boulangere. smile smile Then, a trip in Europe to celebrate! biggrin

I'll probably not be updating much in the next two weeks since KOD is in vacation too and addicted to Warcraft right now. tongue But I have books to read and resolutions...
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06 the apocalypse at last, Ive been waiting for this for ages *gets popcorn*
Everybody seems to be christmas shopping or christmas partying. I'm so happy I'm out of the game this year. biggrin And the only answer I need to say is: Sorry, I'm a buddhist. tongue

I've seen three new movies lately (besides all the movies that I constantly watch over and over and over): Deuce Bigalow European Giggolo, I've laughed but it is still ridiculous. The Virgin Suicides,...
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ill be xmas shopping on friday since i havent even started!

ive been doing alot of SG surfing lately too...im addicted!
I liked the Devils Rejects. I haven't seen house of a 1000 corpse yet. That next on the list.

Happy Holidays smile

kiss kiss
I've just updated my space on MSN.
I could complain but it's a waste of time. Fucking holidays! mad
I could caught up with my update but the past is behind me and you didn't miss any exciting events. tongue
Waiting for one more HotTopic order and then, I cut my credit card.
I have some resolutions I want to take for the new year, most of...
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That sounds like fun - supporting each other and celebrating at the dawn of 2007...

I'm rather afraid I may not make it that long, but we'll see...
I didn't think of that! I was blaming elves but now that you mention it...Curse you Napoleon!!!!! Leave my microwave alone!!!!
I've just updated my space on MSN.
I could complain but it's a waste of time. Fucking holidays! mad
I could caught up with my update but the past is behind me and you didn't miss any exciting events. tongue
Waiting for one more HotTopic order and then, I cut my credit card.
I have some resolutions I want to take for the new year, most of...
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I went to school, school was closed, just came back.
dishes to wash, girls dinner tonight and a sleepover.
so much pics to upload and too many stupid and useless things to say.

kiss kiss
i think im gonna plan a trip to canada sometime in the new year cause there are several people i wanna meet & hang out with...plus, aside from windsor...ive never been to canada!
really? i could stay with ya? its probably not gonna happen till spring or summer, but im starting to at least plan! how far are you from toronto?
I wish that all my actions and all that I say would start by: I respect and finish by: thanks and love.

I've finish working yesterday. Horray for me. Now I have a shelter (my big appartment), food (the good side of spending time with family that cooks) and most important: time ! I even have extras: a loving boyfriend and a wonderful place where...
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Awww... yeah it sucks hey..... one of things you just never asked for in life but it came anyway blackeyed
damn i dont think ill live that long. let alone bake........ biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
China is going to hell

I've finish work today smile smile smile

More later.


Edit: I'm so happy, I never want to leave this magical place. I must not forget this moment, it's illumination.
I was actually born and raised in Canada. My sisters came over a long time ago when they were very little, with my parents.

It is a shame chinas government is a bunch of asshats, but well lotsa governments all over the world are asshats...lets say America for example? biggrin
Ive never been a big fan of any of the parties in saskatchewan, but the liberals in Saskatchewan have always been amazing in terms towards students and what not and even just regular old people. Since the liberals in saskatchewan are just regular old people, since everyone in Sask is poor!
But as for liberals everywhere else, their just asshats. But I still see liberals as the lesser of 3 evils, the NDP close following, and well as for the conservatives? Well fuck them after the last time they was in power we are still trying to clean up their retarded mess.
Once and for all, I really have to learn to say no.

Happy Thanksgiving for everyone in the US.

kiss love kiss love smile
Big secret tongue
hi honey!!!...sorry for the giant delay, i've been busy with my new temporary life in louisiana...i'm in abbeville, home of the giant omelette festival, in southwest louisiana...i met a beautiful freckly girl here with bright red hair...my dream girl...things are going great, we're taking it slow physically, but super fast in the dream world of "are we meant to be together forever?"...

how are you doing?...

ps...a lot of people speak french down here!

smile smile smile smile smile

[Edited on Nov 26, 2005 2:40PM]