Can anyone tell me what the (0) next to my name means??
Yeah, it's hard, the friends thing.

And the (0) means that you have 0 comments. If you check it now, it will say (1) because I just posted a comment in your journal. biggrin
December 7th was my birthday. The night before (saturday the 6th) I braved the blizzard to go to a bar and celebrate the little get together was a lot of fun and I got very wasted
I also had a misadventure getting home with my friend from VA whow as crashing on my couch...

here's the resultant convo between me and my friend Animal about what happened. I'm "Inquisitor Ace"

BootNYC: so what was this you had to tell me about the party
Inquisitor Ace: yeah when Tommy and I left my memory ended
Inquisitor Ace: tehn it continues again with me sitting in a subway station and not knowing where Tommy was
BootNYC: do adamantium claws pop out of your hand??
Inquisitor Ace: then I realized I was in queens on the uptown R line and neede4d to go back downtown
Inquisitor Ace: my landlord had let tommy in (I had introduced them that day)
Inquisitor Ace: apparently we went past 25th street on the train and when tommy woke up he was almost in coney island
Inquisitor Ace: and I somehow went uptown to queens
BootNYC: oookkkaaaayyy
Inquisitor Ace: yeah
Inquisitor Ace: he's like "you passed out, then I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up you were gone and I was nearly in coney island"
Inquisitor Ace: it was kind of scary, I was in this train station, standing there, with no clue why I was there or where I was
Inquisitor Ace: I felt like the guy in memento
BootNYC: like I asked.. do adamantium claws pop out of your hand??
Inquisitor Ace: no
Inquisitor Ace: I wish
BootNYC: ok.. so you definitely werent in canada
Inquisitor Ace: nah
BootNYC: does the name Victor Creed ring a bell??
Inquisitor Ace: RAAAARGH!!!!!
Inquisitor Ace: umm, I mean.. no
BootNYC: lol
BootNYC: visions of floating ina suspension tank??
Inquisitor Ace: the funniest part is this is how long I was missing:
Inquisitor Ace: 1> tommy went back up to 25th street
Inquisitor Ace: 2> he warmed up his car, turned the heat on for about a half hour till teh car was hot, turned it off then slept 5 hours
BootNYC: dude.. that's a fucking long time..
Inquisitor Ace: 3> he then decided to try and wake me up by banging on my door, at which point the landlord saw him through the camera and let him in
Inquisitor Ace: 4> he fell asleep on my couch after trying to call me
BootNYC: you probably went to queens and back
Inquisitor Ace: well no, I must have gotten off the train in queens andfallen asleep on the bench
Inquisitor Ace: then when I woke up I didn't realize I had to get to the other side
BootNYC: you are lcuky you didnt get rolled
Inquisitor Ace: I thought of that
Inquisitor Ace: I think I slept on the local train ride
Inquisitor Ace: but it was 8:58 when I first checked the time on my phone
BootNYC: hah hah.. happy fucking birthday asshole
Inquisitor Ace: thanks
KC was the best time of my life, and I may just want to move.
Well, last night was Drama Night at wherever the hell Steve ended up. I narrowly avoided having to soundly thrash several people. Now I'm just in a bad mood.
I'm selling some stuff I never used before I move. I love ebay. I'm getting rid of a kid's game that I never opened (I won it in a contest), and an add on for it.


Project: Move Near A Cemetary begins today. I must haul ass with some minor objects while taking measurements and repainting rooms. Wish me luck!
I reply to your stuff!!!

You're moving next to a cemetary? Damn, now that's creepy!!
If everything works out (which I can guarantee it won't) I will be living in Park Slope by next month. eeek
It's cool though if I get the place my rent will be slightly less, and my neighbors will be dead people.
ok I get all the records I care about....
now my needle is broken.
OK looks like I'm stuck where I'm employed. I just spent a shitload of money on vynil (records) and a few CDs. Time to hook up my record player... love
Got a job interview for Deutche Banc, and the recruiter never gave me info as to HOW to get there. I'm gonna have to call the place today and ask. By today I mean after I wake up after going to sleep at 1am. Tehre's a critter in my wall, too. Somehow it got into one of my drawers and ate soy sauce and taco...
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OK McFarlane is a sick bastard. I envy his mind. Check out his new line of TWISTED LAND OF OZ toys...


I think I have a porn that looks like that dorothy figure...
That man is a genius.