Why do I feel sad to night? I was crying earlier. No one hurts my feelings. I relatively am a happy person, but maybe I put to much of a front up to much.
When did this all stop making sense? I use to care about someone, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I would have met a certain friend. We...
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When did this all stop making sense? I use to care about someone, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I would have met a certain friend. We...
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Yes, I am still alive. I lived through the massive thousand crowds of people. I wanted to yell at some people at one point, but I was on good behavior. Jem played and she was so simply dressed. She just wore a jean shirt and bikini top. It is great not to see a performer be great but keep it simple. Dresden Dolls had a...
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hairy butt cracks.

Thanks for the birthday message Stimpy! You sick little monkey!

I wanna dance
And tomorrow I will be. Maybe I will dance myself away...
Well on another note I have fianlly stopped stressing for at least a day. I went shopping and bought some pants that are supposed to be a skirt. Just trying to mixed up my ward-roped. It seems I have way to much pink. I use to have to much black,...
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And tomorrow I will be. Maybe I will dance myself away...
Well on another note I have fianlly stopped stressing for at least a day. I went shopping and bought some pants that are supposed to be a skirt. Just trying to mixed up my ward-roped. It seems I have way to much pink. I use to have to much black,...
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Oh, and may 8th is when you have to change the credit card info or your account will end.
I love pink! Can't have too much of it (you, not me.)
A black leather jacket would be hot!
Glad to hear you're not stressing.
Have a great rest of the weekend!

A black leather jacket would be hot!
Glad to hear you're not stressing.

Fun Stuff
Wow, so much is happening. I need to keep a calm head. So much is at stake on my part on how I handle issues going on at the moment. How can I put heart into what I do and not make people feel like shit.
Thank you. I appreciate your kind words.
Yes, stress is not good. I will be sure to have lot of fun and celebrate.
You have a good weekend too!

Yes, stress is not good. I will be sure to have lot of fun and celebrate.

You have a good weekend too!
Have fun at Coachella Fest!
I am so happy. I just got my airplane ticket to see Marybee. I haven't been traveling in such along time. If I don't get out of Joshua Tree, it gets to me. I miss going to events in LA, but I have Coachella Fest. coming up next weekend.
Know I just have to download some more pics.
More pics coming soon.

More pics coming soon.
Cool gift! Nice guy. 

beep beep

Well I just got back. It was a weird night. Stealing more innocents, no I just want people to be happy. I have been everywhere all at once. In my head I know I have so much to do, take school for instance, I have to decide all my classs by the end of the month. But do I know what I am studying, No....
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Most time spent worrying about the future is time wasted. Decide what you truly want out of life and go for it. As far as decisions, weigh the pros and cons, make the best decision you can, commit to it, and move forward.
And, by all means, have fun! They say youth is wasted on the young!
And, by all means, have fun! They say youth is wasted on the young!

I had a really great birthday. I had 2 cakes. I am so sick of cake
. Well, in other news marybee and I will be reunited in a month or two. I miss you so much, but only for a weekend
. I will take what I can get.

Glad to hear your bday was great.
Yeah! MaryBee is coming. Good for you. I'm sure you'll have a fun time together.
Too bad it's for only a weekend.

No problem. It happens.
Yeah, I have only so much time for sports. Looks like you have a lot going on anyway.
Have a great weekend!
Doing anything fun?

Yeah, I have only so much time for sports. Looks like you have a lot going on anyway.
Have a great weekend!

This time today, great day in a long time. So much learned, and I'm not ready for so much. Spring in to action, but that soon went down the drain. Thats ok, drains can be cleaned.

Happy Birthday! I hope you and Marybee have a great day.


I am running high tonight. Got invited to prom from a younger friend. I never went in high school. Now I can play dress up and steal innocence at the same time, sounds like a good night to me.
My insight fullness to night is in words of Dj Rap "Fuck with your head, fuck with your brain."
Sometimes it's good to fuck with people,...
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My insight fullness to night is in words of Dj Rap "Fuck with your head, fuck with your brain."
Sometimes it's good to fuck with people,...
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I am finally part of the SG experience. Hi everyone. I am turning 19 on 420. Yes the day of all days to be born:
It's Hitler's birthday
National Pot Smoking Day
National Hippie New Year
and a whole bunch of other things.
P.S. Does anybody have any idea what I should do before I turn 19?
It's Hitler's birthday
National Pot Smoking Day
National Hippie New Year
and a whole bunch of other things.
P.S. Does anybody have any idea what I should do before I turn 19?
Hmmm, are you having feeling for someone other than John? Who?

Oh, and it depends on the guy. How young is he.
The plumbing leak has now taken over the weekend. It's ruined our Mother's Day plans to visit family. That sucks.
Sorry to hear you're feeling sad. What you have to remember is that we are emotional beings. It's not possible to just feel happy all the time. Think of life more like a roller coaster, a series of ups and downs. Just know that when you're heading down, you'll shortly be heading right back up. Enjoy the ride.
Be there for your friend when he needs you and he'll do the same for you.