I'm catching myself earlier when it comes to falling for girls because they are a certain "type". i.e. people that work too hard to fit into a unattainable ideal are stupid. It's the emotional equivalent of dressing up an 84' nissan to look like a time travelling delorian.

I used to be attracted to the girls who were one of those "original" types who all...
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Thank the lord for spring break: I needed it badly.

I'm really becoming more of an academic person that I thought. It's really not hard to earn good grades when you're excited about learning.

If I really stick to this intellectual stuff I think I might end up a professor. There really isn't a lot of business opportunities in anthropology, but it's such an interesting...
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Why oh why oh why do I put everything off till the last minute.


And then spring break....Thank GOD.

I sent out an application to University of Virginia. Still need to spend send out my high school transcript and then that one will be done. Who knows where I'm going to be next year. Hopefully not new england. This blocky little guy needs to...
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Jim Goad is a douche.
I have class at 8am. Right now It's 2am. Somehow I feel that there is going to be problems in my near future whatever

Today conflict with a friend was resolved because I admitted to being pissy. From the best I can tell I was taking life, work and school WAY too seriously. I had been going to work and seeing friends with the wrong attitude...
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YOU ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS! what a great way to start my morning...a fresh cup of crazy, provided by the oh so cool ONE_PURE_TOUGHT...is starbucks really a good company to work for, though??
Lately I've had this crazy feeling of impending doom. That sort of feeling that you think you forgot something in the back of your mind, I've been feeling that all the time. Right now I'm trying to juggle a good amount of stuff between work, college apps and school, but more importantly i'm trying to do a good job in both. I've had busier scheduals...
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Honestly...I'm not sure how I feel about the pats winning the superbowl this year. I'm against dynasties as a rule of thumb, but it's especially hard when it's your team. I feel the same way I feel after winning at a game of poker....sorry for the opponent. I mean, when you get down to it, Philly would have enjoyed this win a lot more than...
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Wow, you really do overthink everything! Wish I had that problem more often. Though I do understand what you mean.

biggrin hope things are good
I don't like the social scene at school.

Basically it comes down to the fact that you're expected to make friends in a very INDIVIDUAL atmosphere. You're studying and doing the work and taking the tests all without the needs of anyone else. You can't make friends in class because no one is really approachable. You're all basically strangers to the point where you can...
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Goddamnit! My entree just was erased! I'll kill you all!!!!

Alright. Well. I know it's been like a millenia since I've updated my journal. Sorry about that folks. Oh, and sorry about my ridiculous last entree. Frankly it's because I've felt a little decatched from the community; combined with the fact that what's been on my mind lately is a little too personal for this...
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hah hah hah! I laugh at your facile schedule! What is that 15 hrs? Dude I have 36hrs of in class time per week! Not only that, but I started class on the third! Heh heh. Then again, I can do most of my homework while listening to DEVO so I can't really complain.

Man, you can probably apreciate this:

I just walked down angel street wearing my backpack with my computer and a six pack of beer in it and a bag of groceries. When I hit the corner of Angel and Prospect, you know where it geets really steep, I wanted to just slide down on my ass. Amazingly I made it home without falling on my ass once!

I saw some guy on skis being pulled down Thayer Street by a car.

Anyway, I hope all is well. Good luck with your new classes!
Hey its 2005; thats if you believe in the concept of time however.

I myself think that it's year 19. I'm narcissistic.
well dear you dont have that many friends!

AND you dont update that often...

BUT here I am to say HI HI anyways!
thanks bunches!
comments are good for everyone, glad i could help. smile wink
Well, vacation is here. Thank God.

It's really fucking nice having more than one day off in a week. I mean, real nice.

Have to get my life in order, or at least try to.

School was alright. 2 A's, 1 A-, 1 B- (400 level mistake-of-a-economics-class). Wish I could have pulled off a 4.0, or at least learned more. Fuckit.

Need to transfer to...
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Fucking Livejournal.

A few of my friends have these accounts which are filled with loving friends and missing being loved. These are my emo friends.

I really don't know what to do about these people. I met them at a time of my life where I was fairly mixed up socially. I had all this pent up idioticy and immaturity that needed to be released,...
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Hey, I didn't say that it works both ways. You can look dull and still be dull wink I attempted to clear that up in my journal and just ended up deleting it. I don't think there is anything wrong with having your own style and expressing yourself. I just feel that some people spend more time cltivating a bohemian/unbathed artist look then they actually spend creating art and educating themselves. If you've walked around the risd campus you know exactly what I mean.
PS LJ sucks. I've never had one of those, but I know people who do and they are always writing crap about other people in them, and then feelings get hurt and drama ensues. LAME! I'm sure the same thing happens here all the time too.
Well, My crisis of career thing has subsided.

The way I see it, I'm probably not stopping anytime after I'm done with my Undergrad, so at this point I should just try to do something I'm interested in, not necessarily career oriented. So with that in mind, I don't want to pick a major that has a narrowing affect, like people who are business majors...
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