I haven't updated in a while, but it's probably because I don't think that anyone on the site really is that hung up on the goings-ons of Alexander Charles Hand, including myself.

I figured I'd update this little diddy if for no other reason, then for a change of pace in my life.

I don't think I've really wanted to put any thought into my...
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Er, I like that I have personality, too.
Today was spent making fresh sqeezed lemonade and Cleaning and organizing my garage. I feel that I suceeded in both today.

While cleaning out a garage sounds like a simple task in spring cleaning, it wasn't. It was Xtreme!!! Yes that's right folks, I was cleaning my garage while mountain biking and diving off cliffs.

Honestly though, having serious allergies and cleaning an old, dusty...
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hey man, how have ya been? still workin at starfucks? i am no longer at whole foods.
I've got a lot of journals. They all go back to Junior high days. I even have an old angsty online journal at diaryland that I wrote in for 3 years. When I go back through the stuff, I notice that about 85% of it is about the same angsty bullshit. This stuff has been such a theme in my self-esteem that I think it...
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Alright, summer, as always, has a way of re-evaluating what i've been valuing. Usually the dramatic flip of having no time to having nothing but time usually turns me upsidedown. This summer may be no exception.

I guess the main think someone needs is hope. Hope of a better life. In our society usually that means figuring out what things we can get that will...
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I never pay to have stuff framed.

Just go to Micheal's or AC Moore. If you can't find a frame that fit's it, buy one that is gernerously larger, buy some mat board and cut a mat yourself. Be sure to cut the window a bit smaller than you'd like. It's better to crop the image just slightly than to have a sliver of white showing around the edge.

I haven't really been to many craft stores around here, but I know the AC Moore and Micheal's back in MA both had a pretty good selection of frames. If you have a Charette nearby, they usually have lots of UMBRA frames.

good luck and be careful with yer mat knife!
Awww you are welcome! I just had my final critique today. I haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time all week and my brain is not functioning. Ahhhhh! Anyway, if you are going to be around Providence June 1-4 (i think) there is a show of selected works from seniors going up. They picked one of my pieces so I am uber psyched! You should come, it's free and I'm sure there will be tons of awesome work there to which mine will pale by comparison.

Finals will be over soon....until then, the studying shall continue until the robots decide that our human brains our obsolete!
I watched a video on dementia and altzeimers (sp) today for a sociology class.

Lesson learned: write everything down because you might forget it all, which is the essence of you.

So I thought of this....and then I thought..."But will anyone give a shit if my story is told or not?"
I think now that I will be having more time the prospect of girls and girlfriends is getting increasingly evident.

I know that girls aren't going to be pining after me for my looks, which is something that I can understand, but honestly i think there is enouch of me to make up for it in other areas. So really I think the main reason...
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Okay, I am too lazy to read your entry. but... This is what's going on at Charlie's in Harvard Square this Saturday:

Come have some beer with us this Saturday (May 7th).We will be doing interviews for the documentary. Feel free to participate or just hang out and meet people. We should be pretty easy to spot. Just look for the nerdy girls with lots of camera equipment. For more details check out www.blindambition-punks.com

The Darbuster/Slackers show is at the living room on the 14th. Both bands are awesome. You should go.

I was waitlisted for UVA...so all that stuff i was saying before...nevermind. frown
Okay, I know I haven't updated for a while.

Moving has taken up a lot of my free time and money, and with the stress of everything I wasn't in the right mindset to reflect on my life. At one point from all the stress of moving I found myself focusing all of my frustrations out on a problem that I had been having with...
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I think I'm becoming a workaholic busybody...and it's nice. I realized that I like having some sort of future commitment in something. I'm by no means to the extent where I'm working 40 hours a week and taking five classes, but you'd be surprised how 20 hours a week at work can fill out someone's social life. I think that in a way work has...
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I actually go to Brown. Yeah Rhode Island.
hey man, long time no talk. how is the new house? u seem to be doin better, that is cool.
I just saw the movie Sideways. It seems appropriate that I was watching such a mellow dark comedy at the last showing in literally an empty theater with no one but myself.

I related to the main character on a bunch of levels. But it definitely was that sense of personal capability combined with complete failure. It reminded me of fight club in how it...
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Perhaps the girlfriend would cost more if she didn't speak at all. wink
Have you seen American Spledor? I think the same guy plays the leed role, and it's pretty much the same character. I dunno. I get what you're saying about him being too cultured for certain bullshit. I think he was just a pathetic snob. Sure, he knew a lot about wine, so what? How does that make him more cultured than someone who knows a lot about comic books or cars?

I don't see how Bridgett Jones compares to it. Perhaps she was a bit pathetic, but she was hopefull. I think if anything, the reason why "Bridgett" was so pathetic was because she was kind of overlooked and insecure. She wasn't totally negative and unmotivated like the kind of male characters we were talking about. At least I don't see her that way. I dunno, I guess those kinds of movies in general train men to feel like no matter how unattractive and lazy they are they are still entitled to some amazing fantasy creature who will fix them and make them forget about all of the insignificant crap they've been torturing themselves with. They train women to want to be that ideal and want to be the one to fix things. In general I think media has ruined reality. People don't date the same way they used to partially because we are so phoabic of everything and partially because we are trained to seek an impossible perfection from ourselves and others. Anything else is unaccetable and unarousing. It's pretty sad.

As for St. Paddy's day, it was the opening of my senior show which is open through Tuesday at Woods Gerry Gallery on the corner of Prospect and Angel. I don't really think the show is all that impressive. This time of year a new show opens every Thursday at 6.

How was your St. Paddy's?