mondays, i like them somehow. brainstorming over the weekend about whats to be done in the next week and then finally when monday's there.....doing it.....
Its thuesdays that are harder and not only because we celebrated the magic monday....but hey got a rehearsal with a new band tomorrow and tonight someone asked me to play in his band as well....
still there is someone i...
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Its thuesdays that are harder and not only because we celebrated the magic monday....but hey got a rehearsal with a new band tomorrow and tonight someone asked me to play in his band as well....
still there is someone i...
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its saturday now(saturnus) ive been working like a good boy in my studio this week and the new sculpture is half way ready. i had a crazy week, some unexpected crisises taking control of my body and mind. time, the me the you....but had nice rehearsals with two new and when and who is it gonna be?