- on lita's video
- on oliviablack's photo
- on foodone's blog post
- on the most bizarre hello kitty things. in games, toys, & collectibles
- on oliviablack's blog post
- on milloux's page
I like to read and post as many enlightening things as possible. We all have a tendency to lose perspective and hope. I like sharing the things I find because we all go through situations that evoke the same emotions. Our stories may be different......but the way we feel is the same.
February 14th (first and foremost...Happy Valentine's Day)
Nobody objects to a woman...
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Problems are messages.
- Shakti Gawain
I always believe that the intensity of the whack along side the head that life has to give us is in order to get a lesson through to us is directly proportionate to the height and breadth of our stubbornness and illusion of control.
Problems give us the opportunity to learn something. If we don't get the learning
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