I've been very busy. Too busy for such things as porn, and general pleasure surfing. Exams and what not.

Now that the exams and what not are complete I can get on with the real stuff. Like quitting my job and starting my new/old job again. Then I get to pay off my debts and then get in debt again!!! That'll take all summer me...
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you can be over debts so quickly, and it took so long to pay them off then frown
Do you ever start to get really pumped for a party and then something comes up and then you're hooped and you can't party? Well fuck! That happened right now.

beh ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
I just found out that a guy I went to school with is dead. I was never really his friend, but we were on chummy terms. He was my best friend's little brother's friend. And now he's a dead guy. Died in a wretched car accicdent, and he was thrown sooo far from the car that police dogs were the only way to detect that...
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I went to the beach last night. I mostly went to see the grave of the owl I hit to make sure it was all good. The grave was quite undisturbed. The forest was awsome though, it looked like some fantasy movie or something. The fields were covered in drifting fog, the moon was extremely bright and made dramatic shadows everywhere. There air was really...
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I made a video last night of all my posters and stuff we wrote on my walls for the last 9 years.

Timmy the pig that wants some butt, and Joey the mouse that isn't up to it.

Judo Man

Millions of Nirvana posters going back to 94.

Trent Reznor, Marilyn Manson, A puppy, halloween stickers, a baby doll drinking bleach, superman, Dr. Frankenfurter, Johnny...
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