Is anyone else disturbed by this?
I Love Egg song
So my big news is that I really really am going to Iceland. Woohoo! I don't have the whole itinerary planned yet, but it's only a week. I think it will include lots of Reykjavik, plus a little sightseeing in the West and South. Certainly not skipping Thingvellir, Geysir, the Blue Lagoon. I'm trying to...
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I Love Egg song
So my big news is that I really really am going to Iceland. Woohoo! I don't have the whole itinerary planned yet, but it's only a week. I think it will include lots of Reykjavik, plus a little sightseeing in the West and South. Certainly not skipping Thingvellir, Geysir, the Blue Lagoon. I'm trying to...
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wow... I want to express my undying love for eggs now.
It is, in fact, a fraternal order of douchebaggery, only available to those who have passed the trials and tribulations of urban yuppiedom.
I am alive, really.
The interim saw me through much spotty internet and a trip upstate. I thought things might slow down in July but maybe I need to learn to say no to work a little better. The fun thing is that now that I have some distance from college and I'm not writing letters that aren't really from me, writing doesn't feel like...
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The interim saw me through much spotty internet and a trip upstate. I thought things might slow down in July but maybe I need to learn to say no to work a little better. The fun thing is that now that I have some distance from college and I'm not writing letters that aren't really from me, writing doesn't feel like...
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I think I'm down for a battle. 

well, there is a possibility that i might come up for coffee or something during the week. :3
This time I promise I won't make you look at pictures of what I'm eating.
I am getting ready to be ridiculously busy. Starting Thursday, I may not have any days off until April 20. (Wow. I should do laundry tomorrow because I might not get the chance otherwise.) But I love it. I'm already working on the show, reading sides in auditions and conducting...
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I am getting ready to be ridiculously busy. Starting Thursday, I may not have any days off until April 20. (Wow. I should do laundry tomorrow because I might not get the chance otherwise.) But I love it. I'm already working on the show, reading sides in auditions and conducting...
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I am not sure what games I want to play yet. I have only played a little bit of the following: GTA:San Andreas, Rockband, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and Guitar Hero. I did have fun playing those ones though.
dmac sent it to me from Portland, OR. No idea where she got it from... but it is awesome!!
Yeah, I kinda like this one.

thank you.. I can't believe i"m done!! Woot...
okay the question is now what?
okay the question is now what?
I may want to buy cheese from you when/if I go up there. I can't seem to find aged Gruyere in my neighborhood for the life of me. There's a cheese market in Chestnut Hill, a 15-20 minute train ride, but I get all of my other groceries from the co-op and it's a bit out of the way.
but it's also a cheese that's not very bad to travel with. I'm sorry, but life really is lacking something when you don't have any aged Gruyere.
but it's also a cheese that's not very bad to travel with. I'm sorry, but life really is lacking something when you don't have any aged Gruyere.
I actually don't complain about this much, but for the last 10 or so years, I've just notice the same patterns even when I think I really had a chance with a girl. I just became tired and jaded.
I actually don't complain about this much, but for the last 10 or so years, I've just notice the same patterns even when I think I really had a chance with a girl. I just became tired and jaded.
So it's been over a month and that's lame.
Unexpectedly good: liverwurst and ginger sandwiches, openfaced on rye.
Also try sweetbreads w/ bacon and granny smith apple a la The Oakroom's New Year's Eve menu. They paired this with a nonobjectionable Riesling, which I find to be a rare and lovely thing.
All I want to talk about is food. I'm so hungry, and...
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Unexpectedly good: liverwurst and ginger sandwiches, openfaced on rye.
Also try sweetbreads w/ bacon and granny smith apple a la The Oakroom's New Year's Eve menu. They paired this with a nonobjectionable Riesling, which I find to be a rare and lovely thing.
All I want to talk about is food. I'm so hungry, and...
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ohhh, the books.
damn the books....
i think i might have to part with some of those things.
and the huge bags of fabric.
damn the books....
i think i might have to part with some of those things.
and the huge bags of fabric.
Im trying to step away slowly from general sales. what Im going to do now is just call a ton of companies until I find a contact who doesnt say No right up front, then pass it along to a sales rep.
I am procrastinating on my brother's Christmas present. Argh. It is literally exactly half-done. But I'm in a good mood and enjoying the day.
I've been busy, and not just in the "I got my hair done" kind of way. I officially have three jobs now, in addition to the important things I do for myself and don't get paid for. Working, crocheting, getting...
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I am procrastinating on my brother's Christmas present. Argh. It is literally exactly half-done. But I'm in a good mood and enjoying the day.
I've been busy, and not just in the "I got my hair done" kind of way. I officially have three jobs now, in addition to the important things I do for myself and don't get paid for. Working, crocheting, getting...
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It was great meeting you, too! I can definitely say that you are all awesome people, and I'm so glad that I finally made it out to an event. I'm loving my present, by the way! Hope you had/have a safe trip back to NY! 

nice seeing you too. have a good trip back.
I got really good news today. An old friend who was lost has been found! This makes me happy. I don't know much more than this myself, but it makes me happy.
There are no lost causes.
Miracles do happen.
People have a way of finding home.
Show mercy.
Be kind.
Take care of each other.
I wish everyone who reads this peace and warmth.
There are no lost causes.
Miracles do happen.
People have a way of finding home.
Show mercy.
Be kind.
Take care of each other.
I wish everyone who reads this peace and warmth.
Ha ha! Oh no thats great! I loved your comment. There are a few "healther" cookies out there now.. (I laughed when my sister told me that. haha
But on a sidenote. My sister's troop is also selling nuts.. like $5.00 a can!!
But its my sister so I have to help.. if I didn't I know I would get hell.
So has it snowed up there yet?
But on a sidenote. My sister's troop is also selling nuts.. like $5.00 a can!!

So has it snowed up there yet?
Do you mean found in the missing persons Law and Order SVU kind of way, or the you lost touch kind of way?
Oh new post.
I went out to the farm this weekend. It was nice to hear what rain sounds like when there are no buildings to get in the way. Ate a lot. Made sausage.
I completed my first skein of yarn today. Handspun by me, 100% angora. I'm so excited. I'm going to put it in a scarf for myself. I never make things...
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I went out to the farm this weekend. It was nice to hear what rain sounds like when there are no buildings to get in the way. Ate a lot. Made sausage.
I completed my first skein of yarn today. Handspun by me, 100% angora. I'm so excited. I'm going to put it in a scarf for myself. I never make things...
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happy halloween to you too. time for the orange glazed donuts.
The next time I'm in NYC, can you give me a lesson??
Been doing lots of cooking recently. Asterisked items available at farmer's market--what you buy at the store will taste stale compared with the stuff at the farmer's market. Buy local whenever possible!
Nicely spicy corn relish: an amazing condiment for almost anything
3 ears raw corn*
one handful raw jalapeos*
cilantro to taste*
coarse (sea or kosher) salt to taste
white wine vinegar
Cut kernels...
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Nicely spicy corn relish: an amazing condiment for almost anything
3 ears raw corn*
one handful raw jalapeos*
cilantro to taste*
coarse (sea or kosher) salt to taste
white wine vinegar
Cut kernels...
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RE: this comment
I do have a vegan cook book that has some good baking recipes (I've tried the cookie recipe in it) but the cupcakes looked so good! They turned out to be ok. The frosting was really good but the cupcake itself crumbled faster than a 3000-year-old scroll! I had to eat them over the sink or else the crumbs would be everywhere.
I do have a vegan cook book that has some good baking recipes (I've tried the cookie recipe in it) but the cupcakes looked so good! They turned out to be ok. The frosting was really good but the cupcake itself crumbled faster than a 3000-year-old scroll! I had to eat them over the sink or else the crumbs would be everywhere.

Who's a bad internet friend? That would be me.
How have you been, hon? Those recipes all look fantastic. Especially the lavender chicken!
How have you been, hon? Those recipes all look fantastic. Especially the lavender chicken!
Posting and doing laundry seem to go hand in hand. Again. The flop of my clothes in the dryer makes a lovely soundtrack.
I had a lovely weekend in DC. Kept it pretty small, other than the party. I had some things on my mind, increasingly so as the weekend wound on, that preferred it that way. So, apologies to those I did not chase...
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I had a lovely weekend in DC. Kept it pretty small, other than the party. I had some things on my mind, increasingly so as the weekend wound on, that preferred it that way. So, apologies to those I did not chase...
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Hello Lady. I hope your week has taken a turn for the better. Thank You for stopping by my page. I will produce more words of memory to read at some point, it comes in spurts. Smile.
Thanks, lady.
Your comment helped. I'm getting there. Baby steps.