Well I cancelled my account today but apparently I still have it so they either charged me for another 3 months and you're stuck with me or it all ends at midnight. My last exam was today and already I am bored off of my ass. Tana is cumming for christmas so I will have a few days of hot sweaty, ravenous lesbo monkey love...
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I want a unicorn now.
nin was awesome. probably the best concert ive been to, but i might be a bit biased.
thank you for the compliment. you're quite the looker yourself
i move back to moose jaw in a few days. maybe there'll be a few sg parties where i'll be able to meet you. but i might only be there for a few months before i hit the road again.
thank you for the compliment. you're quite the looker yourself

i move back to moose jaw in a few days. maybe there'll be a few sg parties where i'll be able to meet you. but i might only be there for a few months before i hit the road again.
My account expires in 14 days. Someone buy me one for christmas so that I don't have to disappear.
I either have the best or the worst luck in the entire world. During my chemistry lab exam this week there was a chemical spill in another class and we had to evacuate the entire building. I have the best luck if we get a re-write...
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I either have the best or the worst luck in the entire world. During my chemistry lab exam this week there was a chemical spill in another class and we had to evacuate the entire building. I have the best luck if we get a re-write...
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hehehe, I think we were in the same psyc230 class last Fall semester (MacAuslaahwhatever
). I couldn't quite remember if you went to *that place* or not, high school was a blur for various reasons! (Now let us never speak of it again...).
DMT: TSM is the ONLY book I've ever been able to read on my own time (adhd and what not
) so I consider it to be like.. the bible... Well the Lateralus album is my bible.. .. well the Tool discography is my bible anthology.. hmm.. ok well if you ignore Tool (and NIN, and a selection of Radiohead and Nirvana), it would be my bible....
AAANYWAAYY... Quake?!?! Oh man.. I was addicted to Quake2 multiplayer. And now that Quake4 is out.. *drools*..
And nipple piercings. well.. they're like my instant "turn me on switches" lol.
I dunno why we haven't talked before, wtf hey?
I just don't have the balls to walk up to someone and start a conversation, I'm pretty reserved in person unless I'm around people I know. The site is rad, lots of cool people with similiar backgrounds/interests. That sucks you're account is going to expire, what's $9!
deftonez56 is my msn.

DMT: TSM is the ONLY book I've ever been able to read on my own time (adhd and what not

AAANYWAAYY... Quake?!?! Oh man.. I was addicted to Quake2 multiplayer. And now that Quake4 is out.. *drools*..

I dunno why we haven't talked before, wtf hey?

Hehe.. Not being tied up does suck, but as far as being in love goes, I don't think I or anyone I know actually knows what 'love' is. I promised myself I would only say 'I love you" to one person and one person only, otherwise the phrase looses its meaning saying it to more than one person. Love isn't a game, so it shouldn't be played around with
The only reason I know Trent is because of elementary school. The first day of Grade 9, when everyone met in the gym.. suddenly people began to cluster into their little cliques, trying to identify themselves by the people they wanted to hang around with. Honest to 'god' I sat right in the middle of all the group bymyself and that's how the rest of high school was for me. I didn't belong to any particular group, but I mingled and talked to everyone because I had somethign in common with everyone (elementary school, music, MATH, drugs, ... whatever). I was a chameleon. I didn't know who I was at the time, but I knew who i wasn't.
Tool is my saviour too! And also the reaosn why I picked the DMT book. (also because of the Alex Grey art!). I 've never seen Tool live unfortunetly but I CANT die until I do. Rumour mill says their next album is coming out arounf April 2006, but who knows. All I know is, I'm going to every show in the prairie vicinity!

The only reason I know Trent is because of elementary school. The first day of Grade 9, when everyone met in the gym.. suddenly people began to cluster into their little cliques, trying to identify themselves by the people they wanted to hang around with. Honest to 'god' I sat right in the middle of all the group bymyself and that's how the rest of high school was for me. I didn't belong to any particular group, but I mingled and talked to everyone because I had somethign in common with everyone (elementary school, music, MATH, drugs, ... whatever). I was a chameleon. I didn't know who I was at the time, but I knew who i wasn't.
Tool is my saviour too! And also the reaosn why I picked the DMT book. (also because of the Alex Grey art!). I 've never seen Tool live unfortunetly but I CANT die until I do. Rumour mill says their next album is coming out arounf April 2006, but who knows. All I know is, I'm going to every show in the prairie vicinity!

HEY!!!!! I wasnt dissing Regina per se... but there is a lot similarities there... anyways, maybe I dont have enough of a good time in Regina becuase the only peopl,e there I knwo are engineers...and although I am one, I certainly done represent the masses of them. So, could be Im hinting at you and your friends taking me out for a few drinks next time Im there...and prooving its a fun place........
Anyways, still working on the set for tonights shoot.....Red Wine/Raw Meat. Tomrrow the pics will be up. Im excited. Very excited. So excited in fact, that Im gonna miss family guy tonight.\
EDIT TO ADD: As you can see, my typing ability goes down as my alchohol intake increases....Im not certain theres a link....
[Edited on Nov 27, 2005 6:20PM]
Anyways, still working on the set for tonights shoot.....Red Wine/Raw Meat. Tomrrow the pics will be up. Im excited. Very excited. So excited in fact, that Im gonna miss family guy tonight.\
EDIT TO ADD: As you can see, my typing ability goes down as my alchohol intake increases....Im not certain theres a link....
[Edited on Nov 27, 2005 6:20PM]
Pretty nurse outfit lady!!
I just searched sexy nurse, and she showed up... and I couldn't stop laughing.
Goddamn school. I think I saw you the other day, but I wasn't sure, and I woulda felt like a nerd if I had just started yelling your name!
I just searched sexy nurse, and she showed up... and I couldn't stop laughing.
Goddamn school. I think I saw you the other day, but I wasn't sure, and I woulda felt like a nerd if I had just started yelling your name!
Kick ass! I'm so jealous!
*hates you secretly*

I'm off to see NIN (twice)!!!
Have fun at school/work, suckers!!!
muah ha ha ha ha
Have fun at school/work, suckers!!!
muah ha ha ha ha
Oooh! So jealous! Have a blast! 

This just in: school blows my fat, hairy ass.
I hate my life.
I hate my life.

Work blows my fat, hairy ass.
I hate my Job I have worked about 100 hours in the past week, 16 yesterday
I hate my Job I have worked about 100 hours in the past week, 16 yesterday
Some how I doubt you have an ass hair problem.

nights on the town with da hoes
Damn! Sorry I missed it.
hey babe, ya well roman did my arm tats. but my other ones are from other people. you probably havent seen those.
Frankly I don't give a damn about updating on here anymore but I am bored so I figure I may as well let you people know what I've been up to lately (not that you care haha). Today was completely uneventful and I like it that way. I had a good conversation with someone I never would have guessed had similar views on life and...
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yeah people sometimes bend over backwards for the ones they love and care about *kisses ur cheek* don't cry sweetie 

Awww. It's terrible when you put yourself out there for someone else and they don't really show any affection in return. Believe me, I have totally been there. I hope that your night turns out alright hun!
So what the hell is going on here? I don't go on SG for a few days and when I return everything is all fucked up. Lynx left not too long ago which was upsetting enough but now 3 of my favorite suicide girls are gone???? Kasara, Apnea, and Katie have all left. Where the hell did they go? Since when do they do an...
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Hey Just checked out your site. Gotta say it rox hun 

that's what i've been saying too!
it's a pussy factory now, not an alt-erotica site!
fyi - apnea and katie are shooting sets for a competitor's site. do what you will with this information
it's a pussy factory now, not an alt-erotica site!
fyi - apnea and katie are shooting sets for a competitor's site. do what you will with this information

Hey everyone! How are ya'all doing?
I just finished my second week of school and already I hate it. I can't even do my first chemistry assignment... I think I'm fucked. Also, I am convinced that one of my psych teachers is a little nuts (figures). He was a Canadian Idol contestant, he's obsessed with Dr.Who, he made me add him to msn and he...
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I just finished my second week of school and already I hate it. I can't even do my first chemistry assignment... I think I'm fucked. Also, I am convinced that one of my psych teachers is a little nuts (figures). He was a Canadian Idol contestant, he's obsessed with Dr.Who, he made me add him to msn and he...
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Wow, sounds like you are dealing with some pretty crazy professors! Good luck! 

what biology class are you taking? ways to kill boredom - bellydance, drink a lot, party with SG folks, read something other than text books.