Subrosa is coming out to Boston tomorrow. KICK ASS! Should be a good time. The schedule will be full of partying and general tomfoolery. Apparently there will be a SG party on Saturday and that will RULE! I will finally get to meet MissTyrios, too.

School is quite boring now. All the time I spend "working" I'm thinking about the next party or next...
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Good call. Unfortunately ExtraordinarilyAverage is too long, so I chose this one.

What about XtraordnrlyAvg?
Either that one or the one you've got now is pretty good. I think people just got confused with the old name.
OK, so in 4.5 hours I will supposedly be leaving to go snowboarding for the first time in over three years. I'm pretty psyched about it and the place that I'm going seems to have a better terrain park than any place I've ever been to before. Cool deal!

Let's just hope I don't break anything.

In response to my last journal
Subrosa has always...
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Yo. So I heard through our dear friend Subrosa that you want to know what bars we'll hit up next weekend. We certainly have our choice of local dives within a block of each of us - The Kells, The White Horse, Big City, The Model, Reel Bar, Great Scott...I have frequented all of these places, so do you have a preference? Or would you rather venture elsewhere? I am around Thursday night, but Friday night I have law prom. And Saturday, I'm planning an SG Boston even that includes dinner at Pizzeria Uno and a local bar to be determined. LET ME KNOW!
Rock. I will be done with my journal note by Friday, so I might join you guys to watch the game on Saturday too (yes, I'm totally going to stalk you this weekend, deal with it).

Saturday - the plan is dinner at Uno's on Comm and Harvard at 7 - it's gonna be an official SGBoston event, so lots of local SGers will be there. Then, to the Model, I say. And whatever else afterwards.
OK, so how do people make choices between potential significant others? I know that I'm not the only person with this problem. Hell, I'm barely arrogant enough to say that I have the problem. However, here it is.

Seems to be something that is so basic that most people don't even really think about it. They make the decision using whatever system they've thought of...
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*Subrosa is completely unable to contribute anything to this conversation, as it's already been said... ad nausum*
B-6... is that Bingo or Battleship or Both?
Hello to anyone random enough to be reading this. Either you know my friend Clint or you were so bored that you wandered onto my profile. Either way I feel sorry for you.

So this is my first journal entry and I have been told that it is necessary to really get going in the SG world. This picture format is also a bit weird....
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Burritos? In BOSTON!? Bwuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

I laugh at you.
Well Xtraordnarily, I know, and as subrosa will say "all you really wanted to do was see my girlfriend nekid" and yes I did.

fight the man Xtraordinary.