Pictures Unrelated but; Would you be so lovely to help me get my sets around? Please? I have two more sets coming out in two weeks. Could we get my sets to 1500 likes each? Please help a girl out
I got two tattoos today. Both for my birthday and one from my husband and one from my friend. I always forget how much tattoos hurt though. I'm no pussy I can handle pain, but my sternum was a though one!
I wanted to write a long sappy post. But I know my true feeling won't convey well in types words.
Every like, every comment, every DM on here has made my year better.
Being here had been de best decision I have ever made and you made it the greatest experience ever!
Yesterday I turned 33. 3 is my lucky number so bring on this year!
Working in retail is hard this time of year
I feel so lived. Like I'm always on auto pilot. I feel numb and trapped.
I always have things to do that don't get done.
And the balance between my work and social life is no where to be found.
Like running a race and the finishline is in grasp, but always just out of reach