So. Moving to Waco Dec 10-11th. Don't know anyone there except dad. Hence the adventure.

Still haven't got my tattoo yet. Shit's been too hectic to be inked, sadly. That and funding. Trying to save up for the move.

And I want to start shaving with a safety razor. Fucking old-school.

I want changes in my life. I'm taking this move as the perfect opportunity...
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Naw. Like I said elsewhere, Family Guy isn't ridiculous enough for me to get away with being occasionally offensive. American Dad, on the other hand, is so ridiculous it's hard to take offense at anything they do.
thank you so much for your sweet comment in my set!
Just played through the new Medal of Honor campaign. Been super stoked about this game for a long time. The game was overall great, except for one (to me) glaring detail:

How hard is it, honestly, to put in a function to switch the triggers? They have controller configurations to change every other button, except the fucking triggers. It can't be too much to ask...
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I agree, because of an accident in high school (I broke my right hand break-dancing) it can get hard to use my right hand in general , but especially in something as repetitive in movement as a shooter. I'd totally sign a petition. A patch would be easy too.
So I decided what I want as my first tattoo. It's a simple arrow pointing straight up, and it was the symbol for Tyr, the Norse god of war and victory. You might be like "angry white boy, of course you want a Norse symbol of war, har har har." But it's more than that, dear friend. Tyr was the one-handed warrior. Why do you...
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Of course you may. biggrin
Thanks for add
Soo....to follow up with Saturday, I'm not getting kicked out of school; it was just a coincidence that the Dept of Education would fuck up my MPN (Master Promissory Note) the same day I drop a class. So I'll be going back to classes tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Good luck!!
Soooo.....I think I'm getting kicked out of school

Because I was full-time, at 14 hours for the semester, but because of all the insane drama lately, I've gotten hella behind. So I tried to drop my worse class, which was math, and now I'm part-time. So I think they're going to pull my financial aid. Which means they'll want payments out of pocket, which means...
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Thank u so much for your sweet comment on my first set,Knubinator! smile

So. Might be moving to Texas. Waco, to be exact(ish). Decided that the move will be good for me. I need out of this area. I want to move on.

I'll be moving in back with a parent, but he's away for work most of the time, so it's not so bad. If anything, I'll be able to focus of school till I go to...
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This is the perfect news after the shitty day I've had. You have pretty much cheered me up all by your lonesome. lovebiggrin
I'm 22. I think I'm fairly good looking. I'm in school. I have a job. I have a car. I live on my own with roommates in a nice house in a pretty nice neighborhood in a rather prestigious town. Hell, I'm even pretty well endowed. I'm a little squishy (due to not being able to work out as much as I used to), and...
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Want to know something else that pisses me off? People who advocate anarchy.Usually, they're scrawny or overweight students who wear the same Che Guevara shirts for 6 days running and refuse to practice basic hygiene. That or that have that stupid "Communism: It's a Party!" shirt, and they alternate day after day. Don't get me wrong, I believe that every person is entitled to an...
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You know what pisses me off? Stupid tattoos.

I saw a girl with at least 6 swallows going down her thigh, all the exact same thing, except turned on an axis. I asked her why she did that. Her response? "Because I thought they were 'sooooo ceeeeuuute'"

Made me want to shank a bitch. I just walked away. I've been to sick lately to deal...
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Dude, you're so right.

What pisses me off about tattoos are when people get trend tattoos. Like stars, swallows, those hideous tribals the big burly have, playboy bunny, Chinese writing, cartoon characters. Basically the kind of tattoos that EVERYONE has either cos they just like them or cos they looked cool on someone else.

Oh, and random tattoos that were put smack on the middle of nowhere. Like a single item on the middle of your upper arm. It looks bland and ugly and generally very boring.
EXACTLY. I live in a college town, and it's kind of a trendy school to go to if you're from around here, and all the girls get the same tattoo from the same shop. I'll give them credit on the shop; it's a really nice, extremely clean establishment with talented artists. But they will go in groups of fives and get the same thing, in the same spot. It's sad. The reason I've put off getting one is because I want to make sure that what I get is something I'm going to want. I think I've got something now, and I'm going to meet with the shops manager to talk about the whole process and get sketches, but I know other artists that are getting to the point that they refuse to do pointless tattoos on younger people and students because they're tired of parents threatening with lawsuits for "ruining the sanctity of their childrens' bodies." This is just such a jacked-up situation.
Blag entry? On what? This is why I hated my English professor last semester. Solid creative writing.

Um, I'm 22? College in progress. Want tattoos, but hate the idea of regretting something stupid. Like "Mom" or something else passe. I'm grumpy by default, but in a pleasant way. I'm really actually delightful. Always have a good story from some fucked up job I had or...
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