Speaking with my boy, the PizzaMan last night, I said something I realized later to be at least marginally wise. He said that you can't be happy all the time, and I replied, "But you have to try really hard to be sad all the time."

That said and being true, I decided today would be better.

My computer died at work, so I got...
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Shit, that reminds me. I need to catch up on my Ultimate Universe TPBs.
I'd trade hot for incognito somedays.
Quiet music and black thoughts are not the way to spend an evening. I should probably have eaten something today; shame is best taken on an full stomach.

You hear a whistling overhead
Are you alive or are you dead?
It's only Thursday
You feel a shaking on the ground
A billion candles burn around
Is it your birthday?

Tomorrow never comes until it's too...
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Even though you're the guy who comes in 15 minutes late every day but sneaks in the side entrance so nobody sees you? wink
My trips to the dentist are always so anti-climactic. The visit today was so low-key that the hygienist and I ended up talking real-estate. Nothing like someone holding a sharp metal hook in your mouth and trying to make small talk to kill some time; God knows that if I were in and out in under ten minutes I wouldn't feel like I'd gotten that...
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It's about seven here in Seattle. I've been home for a couple of hours, and I've been knocking around doing this and that. I just picked up some tofu phad thai and grabbed a couple bottles on Aranciata. My feet are curled up under me as I scan through the day's RSS feeds and sneak a bite or two out of my dinner. Blade Runner...
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Well, as long as we're all in agreement about the matter.
A cloud of guns controlled by murder thoughts.
Layer Cake on the screen, Word open to a new chapter in my writing project on the computer, half a pint of chocolate and peanut butter on the desk, and the outline of a vague plan to go to Tokyo for Christmas and record myself doing the robot in different places on my mind: late Sunday is treating me well. The cashew stir fry I...
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When you're watching a plume of your own skin drift away in the breeze as you apply a high-speed rotary tool to your own feet per doctor's advice, there comes a moment that you question your decision-making process.
I also question your decision making process. I'm a little bit horrified.
Uh oh. Sounds like it was a not-so-good trip to the podiatrist.
I have no freakin' clue who Maite Perroni is, but I kinda wanna do 'er.
Thank you! Why can't anyone else realize that I'm not looking for advice?
Originally, I'd planned to post a tried-and-true entry about my lazy Sunday, the sweet haircut, the pleasant little meals, and the rediscovery of Neuromancer.

Then I found some videotapes that I wish I had the facilities to watch right now, but I haven't had a TV in the better part of half a decade. So sitting here listening to Radiohead's "Talk Show Host", I'm...
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As long as you're doing well for yourself.
Did you ever catch the Planetary/Batman crossover?

Crazy. You live in a super-weird future that I can't even imagine most of the time.

From an email today where I was trying to explain the contortions I went through getting the latest RAM upgrade to fully recognize in my work computer.

Vacation was relaxing. It didn't start out that way, but things got better. On the flight out, I was in a window...
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Reccomend me a book. I'm bored.
Christ, you saw Crank? My little brothers saw that and thankfully couldn't stop laughing as they reenacted scenees from it. Damn you Statham! You had such a chance.

Oh, and news bit? Just start submitting stories or know the right people.
By my calculations, my company made $4000 an hour off my work today, of which I will see about $40 for the same hour after taxes.

I made up for this inequality by wandering around the office singing a do-wop version of "Holiday in Cambodia".

They did take me to dinner, which was nice, but it's usually customary to take people to dinner before you...
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A citrusy slap across the face? Yeah because that's what I want, my dessert to be so unpleasantly tart/sweet/rich/etc. that my face muscles recoil involuntarily. "You sir, have SOLD ME!" whatever
I think "a citrusy slap across the face" wins the award for Gayest Phrase of the Day.

Vacation fabulously, and come back to us in one piece plz.
This weekend I watched Beerfest and learned how to say "stop, my ass hurts" in Japanese. It was a good weekend.
I often dream that I do stuff naked. Not a particularly comforting thought to those of you that know me in real-life, I'm sure. I just spent about twenty seconds on Google trying to analyze my latest dream, and yes, Google is oddly good at this if you know how to phrase your queries well. What I learned:

For a small percentage of you, dreaming...
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