WELL my semester is over and now that I have had some decent sleep I feel a million times better! This semester was a trial for me but I know I learned a lot and came out with some great pieces for my portfolio. I also started using Zbrush! woo!
I also want to post some of my stuff but I was told not to... Read More
just finished my final projects at 6am...so I am making coffee since my first class is at 8am...no point in sleeping now. Hopefully they will like my stuff and I won't have to redo anything really fast.
wish me luck!
~Nuka <3
"The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to pass HB 1077, the so-called "Women's Right to Know" Act. This bill operates under the guise that women aren't smart enough to understand their own bodies. It requires all women seeking an abortion to... Read More
So I have decided...I am going to take down my set....reason:
I realized how much it would bother me if my parents found out about SG. They have done so much for me this past year and I can't think of a way to repay them. The thought of them finding out and being disappointed makes me sad. Also I don't think I have a... Read More
<3 thanks love please do bc ur a beauitful girl and deseve to go pink and trust me maybe your parents wont take it as personal as u think i never wanted to tell my mom but randomly for the first time in a couple of years i randomly got a text saying please dont post it on facebook do you idc im proud of you because your my daughter and your grown and can do what you like plus your momma had a naughty side once too lmao so tell them when your ready <3
okay so I apologize to semiretiredpunk since I was supposed to post a blog when I felt better... AND I DO... okay update on all the crap that happened:
-my late projects I still got a B and a C in. I wish I could of done better but at least I didn't fail them. Also I got a B on my mid term so... Read More
Okay so apparently I needed a new blog according to semiretiredpunk so here goes...my week:
I was late turning in my 1st project which were 2 cars, both poly and NURBs. They sucked and I know I am going to get a crappy grade on them but whatever! I finished them and now need to move on.
I am now behind in my other class... Read More
Nothing here to perk you. But I believe you are wonderful and full of character. If only I had the power to make the closest tree shed a bit of cash for you. (That would be a tree near you not me. Not that I couldn't use the cash too. Anyway, I love casually checking in on your adventures---sick or not). Keep going lady. It is worth it. Not everything we create works out but some of it does. You are an ARTIST. Courageous. I admire you.
I'M BACK BITCHES! the stupid internet here is finally back up woo!!! I have lots to talk about and post.
I first wanted to say thank you for all the awesome amazing comments on my last blog! I will be responding to them soon...also all the awesome messages I have in my inbox you all make me so happy!
SO I am back in GA... Read More
girl i thought u left me! i missed you like crazy thanks for the love on my set but this blog is beyond awesome i want you to ship me cookies one day hahaha!!!!
When I was younger I was so free spirited then middle school and high school hit and I was the invisible girl that just acted like who ever was around me and kind of lost myself. So I have been on a kind of self exploring journey since I have come home. I have been thinking a lot about who I am and building self... Read More
We all love you for who you are. the pictures are great-but its about YOU! I hope you get that amazing job and everything works out for you. I would say do the shoot and just be you and we will all love it more because it is you and not something fake....
You are absolutely breath taking, and i wish you the best no matter what you decide to do. I hope that you choose the path that means the most to you, and keep in touch with all of us here in the community.
Revealing yourself and posing naked is an art form within itself, but i hope that you can focus again on creating other works which you enjoy.
The best of luck, and Happy New Years.
Hey all! So I know I haven't been on much. I got really sick from something I ate and I'm still nursing a sour stomach I am so upset because it made me miss the SG Philly party which made me really depressed! I was looking forward to meeting some awesome people.
I've been in kind of an awkward mood...I had a whole journal entry... Read More
okay so I realize I fail at updating recently!!! Sorry!!! gah! I was in fact very busy though. I was making earrings for a fundraiser I was helping out with. A friend of my family had a daughter that was born with Lissencephaly also known as smooth brain...(if you want to know more about it click -> here <-) Anyway, it is really hurting them... Read More