The sunlight cut through the blinds and into Kurt's brain as he awoke to an unnecessarily bright morning, though it wouldn't be morning for much longer. The night before was mostly a blur. Tina's side of the bed was empty, and he wasn't entirely sure that he hadn't spent most of the night alone. He climbed to his feet and remained on them for a...
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Mrs. Ratliffe watched the little boy patiently as he sat in her office, coloring studiously as she tried to figure out how to approach him. His teacher had told her that he had always been a quiet boy, and that lately she began to suspect that he may have been receiving some sort of abuse at home. As a counselor, she was prepared to handle...
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I have read back through a the last several posts and am finding time flying. I have so much too do today but will eventually come back and read all of your entries. Will that be okay? I like your view, outlook, stance, whatever we call it. I am going to see my mom right now because it has been too long. Would it be okay to add you as a friend so I can keep in touch?
PS, I don't think Love can be defined, but I stirred inside everytime I hear "in your eyes" by peter gabriel.
PS, I don't think Love can be defined, but I stirred inside everytime I hear "in your eyes" by peter gabriel.
did you write that? i apologize for my ignorance if it is a well known source.
I find it strange that so much suffering comes from the pursuit of love. It is so perplexing to me that something which is supposed to make people so happy, and certainly to be the most important and worthwhile thing that we can live for, should cause so much pain and unhappiness in people. Why is it that it wounds us so? Why is it...
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Do you ever wonder why there are some scenes or events that take place in your life that make you bristle with recognition. It's like everything halts and your entire body becomes a conduit for emotion. There is nothing questionable about it, and in fact, no questions arise during such a situation. Just intense feeling and emotion. I get like this when it comes to...
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Seeing someone having everything taken away from them makes people feel better sometimes since you know that there is someone else worse off than you are.
I didn't know Beck was coming out of with a new CD.
I didn't know Beck was coming out of with a new CD.

sweet. beck should be president. then everything would be hot pink.
my voice is annoying based on films i've acted in where everyone else's voices sound nice and normal, and then i come in and ruin the day
my voice is annoying based on films i've acted in where everyone else's voices sound nice and normal, and then i come in and ruin the day

From now on there will be a section of this journal entitled "So We Have A Goddamn Idiot for a President...Again. Look at the bright side"
This week's installment includes the site that led me to the discovery of the wonderful Suicide Girls. I recommend the NES portion for particular enjoyment.
This week's installment includes the site that led me to the discovery of the wonderful Suicide Girls. I recommend the NES portion for particular enjoyment.
i like it because it is my home, and because my city has a great independent music and film scene. however, there are only 750,000 people in my city, and it is bloody cold here in winter, and fiercely hot in summer. so it takes getting used to.
also, canada's healthcare is free, but that's why people wait years for hip replacement surgery. there is no private health sector, everyone is treated equally, but if you have health insurance in the states, you will notice the quality of care drops once you get here.
if you are seriously considering moving to canada, i recommend moving to Vancouver, BC. its a beautiful city, its bigger, and the climate is milder. but it does rain a lot. winnipeg (my city) or vancouver. thats my two cents
also, canada's healthcare is free, but that's why people wait years for hip replacement surgery. there is no private health sector, everyone is treated equally, but if you have health insurance in the states, you will notice the quality of care drops once you get here.
if you are seriously considering moving to canada, i recommend moving to Vancouver, BC. its a beautiful city, its bigger, and the climate is milder. but it does rain a lot. winnipeg (my city) or vancouver. thats my two cents

I've talked to some people and they were honestly surprised that things went the way they did. I suppose for a while that I was hoping it would not turn out this way, in contrast to the fact that I was fairly certain it would. Any realist, regardless of their level of optimism, would probably have to admit that they never expected the number of...
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no, i feel lonely because the present isn't supposed to be like tis.
right, like I said, SHORT'm I gonna move my whole life to another country? besides, everybody's gonna be immigrating to Canada now 

Right now I'm killing time until Farenheit 9/11 starts playing. My school is showing it for free, and I'm rather interested in it, even though at this point it is preaching to the choir. I already dislike Bush immensely and I don't need a movie by Michael Moore to convince me further. Right now I should be reading for the paper I have due Thursday,...
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Micheal Moore came to my school to do a speech last month and he was awesome. I still haven't see F9/11 yet though.
but I've had about four beers and I don't really feel as if such activity would be constructive.
HaHaHa that sounds like something I would say.
Yeah the "just friends/dating" line is always tricky. I think everyone has had problems with that at one point or another, some more than others though. *Le Sigh*

but I've had about four beers and I don't really feel as if such activity would be constructive.
HaHaHa that sounds like something I would say.
Yeah the "just friends/dating" line is always tricky. I think everyone has had problems with that at one point or another, some more than others though. *Le Sigh*
I finished reading No Death, No Fear by Thich Naht Hanh the other day. There were several times when he was talking about the Bodhisattvas that I started crying. The concept of the bodhisattva has always moved me. Here you truly have someone that is without fear, their utmost concern being the alleviation of the suffering of others. Angelic in purpose, but very real and...
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Time for a moment of critical self-analysis.
What I know to be true:
-running away from your problems only causes them to grow.
-the state of longing and wanting that most people live in cannot be alleviated by getting what they think they want.
-obsession with the past and future is toxic and takes you away from the only moment that we have, the only...
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What I know to be true:
-running away from your problems only causes them to grow.
-the state of longing and wanting that most people live in cannot be alleviated by getting what they think they want.
-obsession with the past and future is toxic and takes you away from the only moment that we have, the only...
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i like number 2 of what you know to be true....actually, it makes me incredibly sad, but i know you're right.
"No art that I draw, no story that I write, will ever make me what I want to be."
"No art that I draw, no story that I write, will ever make me what I want to be."

When you have spent your whole life running, you have a lot of habitual momentum built up. I cannot escape you. You are forever a part of me now, and I have no other choice but to honor you. Everytime I read certain books or hear certain songs, I am going to think of you, and the time that I have spent with you. I...
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Its time to turn over another leaf! Move on and uncover what life has to offer. Life is a puzzle , solve it! Dont lay at anchor any longer! Your starting to ferment! And that isnt healthy!!!

I've been sitting here for about five minutes trying to reason away what you just told me; but I can't, obviously, because I know you're right. I still feel resistant. I can't comprehend why. I'm not good at NOT projecting, at NOT wondering what will be in the future; at asking questions about what I'll be like when I accept Truth fully and can no longer hide behind all the things I WISH were true. I'm inclined to say I'll be afraid; but maybe I will be only because I think so...
My head hurts.
My head hurts.
Recently I have come to believe that I have found enlightenment. At first when I considered the possibility I doubted that someone who is as young as I am, living in the society that I do, without having the disciplined training that some monks do, could have reached such a state. But then I realized all along that my texts have been telling me that...
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Yes little grasshopper you have done well, but there is MUCH more to learn!

It's is inspiring to think of the power that we have at our disposal. though most of people ever realize it. Liberation is the key to realizing this power. Only once I knew liberation was I able to look at the problems that I had in love, and see that only now do I truly know love. The mind attempts to make all sorts of...
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The ending was a bit too murky for me. The story didn't allow for many but realistic options for what happened when the door closed, yet 61 yrs of screaming away...
anyhow, I did enjoy it...just thought to give my 2 cents and hope it's not rude to do so
And I believe its from reading this I ended up dreaming about my own father.