so many assholes around me lately. i just finished reading Day by Day Armageddon J L Bourne. good zombie book, definitely recommend it. kinda short tough. i wish some people around here would turn into zombies, so i could them what for. i want to play left for dead now, but my xbox isn't functioning, sad.
What a day! first of all got up at 430 this morning to run a 7K for the army birthday. I only got 4 or 5 hours of sleep before hand. Then after that had to sit through 4 hours of briefs, staying awake only thanks to a few energy drinks. Not to mention the weather today was sunny, reaching 118 degrees. Totally way to... Read More
Ah, why is time going by so slow. It's seems like it is so close yet so far till the day I'm going home. Just a few months to go. I'm so bored here. We spend most of the days doing almost nothing. I have plenty of free time but it's so boring spending it here. Anybody want to chat with a bored soldier in... Read More
You are the sun, You are the only one. I've waited for you here everlong. You and me, we're in this together now. None of them will stop us now, we will make it through somehow. You have stolen my heart. How do you it, make me feel like I do. How do you do it, it's better than I ever... Read More