Okay super long update here we go *cracks knuckle*
Bonnaroo first!! We left on Wed, the day before, and made pretty good time for the first part. Thanks to my lead foot I made it to the other side of Louisville and then some, with a little traffic jam, from Indy in a little less than an hour and a half. Usually it takes 1... Read More
Oh my I feel like I have been mia on here for fooreeeeveeeerrr! Gots lots ta update on but not enough time right now!! So here is a mini update!
Bonnaroo was awesome!!!!!!! I will give a rundown and picture blog of it later! All you need to know is Robyn and Florence + the Machine were two of the best performances there!
Maaaan have I been busy!! Leaving tomorrow for Bonnaroo!!!!!! Super excited about it! Can't wait to see Sleigh Bells, Girl Talk, Florence + the Machine, Gogol Bordello....and so much more! Get to go with some of my favorite people including capnkillyerself! I was hoping to see Henry Rollins comedy bit but he goes on when Sleigh Bells does I beleive and Sleigh Bells wins!... Read More
I'm so jealouuuuus! I want to see Florence! And don't even talk about HP. I can't even.
p.s. no need to stop playing in words with friends just because i'm kickin' yo butt!
So far this week has been AWESOME for me! Got back from Nashville last night where I met up with the always lovely Lorelei! We shot a new set for SG that I am very excited about!! I'm not going to say much about it other than someone I love made a special appearence in it. Hahaha and i'll leave that for you guys... Read More
I just wanted to make sure you knew how excited I was!!!!!!!!!
On the lines of Batman Vs. Predator...
There's a whole series of D.C. fan vids made by this husband and wife couple (at least I think they're married. It'd be awkard if he shot his sister in Catwoman outfit)
I finally got my computer up and running and the internet is working perfectly!!!! So excited! Hopefully this means I will be able to be on here more often!! Yay!
My Mothers Day was pretty good! Visited my grandma that I hadn't seen in awhile and then spent time with my mom and the rest of the family. We got us some Hardees when we... Read More
Another set? Bout bloody time!
I told my boy about your love of Labyrinth and sleeve and HP tat, and he just looked at me all worried. I'm not allowed to go to Indiana now!
I love the black and whites, especially with the new app! they remind me of the photos they used to put in magazines like Hit Parader back in the day, when rock'n'roll and heavy metal mags were printed on newsprint.
They're good enough to tack up on one's bedroom wall...in anticipation of your world tour!
Oh my god I think I love you! Your sleeve is going to be AMAZING! I love love love the idea of a goblin sleeve, I saw it on the new tattoo thread and my eyes pretty much popped out of my head! I was thinking of a goblin sleeve, but I think the biggest dissapointment about it would be the fact gold ink just does not exist, and I would love it to be gold and browns and sparkly, like lots of the sets in Labyrinth.
For my art foundation I did my big essay thing on how much influence Brian Froud's concept art had on the final look of the film, in particular the ballroom scene.
I'm sorry if I've scared you, I just wanted to say that your sleeve when it is done is going to be incredible.
I didn't get the mailbox part, but I don't really want to Wikipedia it because obviously there was an alien encounter there and i'm actually scared of aliens so I don't reaaally wanna know more...
I loved her too! And Candee. Devastated she's gone
P.s. I love that pic of you drinking your drink, all nonchalant, "yeah, just getting stabbed repeatedly, what of it"
I've been keeping pretty busy! The weather has been yoyoing like crazy but at least the lowest temp is in the 40s instead of the 20s! We even had a few days get up to the 80s!! Which is awesome! Makes me forget that it is still April, I'm more than ready for full on Summer!