Thank you Thank you Thank you...thx to all. My BDay was
very cool. Man Thx for all the love shown to me. I heart all
ya'll. I got alot of cool stuff...Like the rare MSI cd "Tight".
Also the out of print Kill Hannah American Jet Set. Wow
yeah fun. Ummmm I feel better thanks again for the love.
Im way happy now.
my job is 20 miles away and biking would probably kill me. unless i had a job here in town, which is my eventual goal if gas prices don't stabilize or go down...
I dont know what to do for my BDAy. I could go to Seoul...but
its going to be nation wide family fun day. So the amusement
park is going to be full to the top! I could also go to Pusan,
to discover the city. Or I can just stay here, and go to the
the city. Man the older you get, the dumber you... Read More
So we are now on an equal terms now....we still got wrinkles in the relationship. We just need time to get settled back down. Love is a funny beautiful, yet so destructive.
Massive trouble in dreamland. Man we had a big fight.....I think....I just put myself bk in the market. So all the pretty ladys in SG land....I my be single. .....yay?....oh man.
The days are going by slow. My girlfriend is goin crazy...this Korea move is makring her moody. She gets us in these agruments that are out of no where. Im getting worn down...i send her I love you cards to cheer her up. I mean im the one in Korea ...shouldnt i be the one getting the cards? I buy her korean stuffed toys...nothing...all i... Read More
I wish I was a Robot. I would the best Robot ever. So Im goin to start mid-shift. Working at mid night kills you slowly. So i f I was a Robot the shift would not kill me. Umm yeah my Birthday is around the cornner. I dont know what I want to do...i dont drink smokey. I may just go into the city.... Read More
The weekend is almost here! Weeeee....I just get games? Wow my life is sad. I can remember when i was 17...just getting drunk..and being a slut. Any girl could have me. Now look at me....not even a shell of my old self. Ok so no yay for the weekend.
what kind of games will you play? I think games are fun, all kinds: Video games, board games, computer games, role playing games, card that all? I guess so
A year in A year away from the girl not helping. A year in a even worse job than i already had....the end of my little fragile sanity. *.....(snap).....* Welcome to shitty down in the dumps town. For a year. Man I hurt. Please send hugs in bottles, boxes, even paper bags. Every little bit counts towards miles on the road to sanity. Thank... Read More
happiness rules.