Hello my few SG Friends
...Its been a nice run here. Tons of really cool ppl met, and equally great tattoos enjoyed.
Thank you to all friends here and those that have gone. If their membership has expired, or they were called to a higher purpose....Thanks for everything. Due to budget constraints...my acct will end this Feb. College is very costly as many of you...
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...Its been a nice run here. Tons of really cool ppl met, and equally great tattoos enjoyed.
Thank you to all friends here and those that have gone. If their membership has expired, or they were called to a higher purpose....Thanks for everything. Due to budget constraints...my acct will end this Feb. College is very costly as many of you...
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Hi there
Goodbye, friend!
Tada! Sooo...for the last 7 yrs, i've spent all birthdays either at work, or over seas. Today was a nice sweet smooth start to a very relaxing day. Yay.

So im free now, With my spare time I find myself wandering around. Aimless if you will....I really forgot how it is to be a civilian...errr normal i mean. Oh well. No more Air Force.

One day left. Then Freedom.....i become a Mr. No longer SSGT.

Today is my 30 day mark. 30 days till i grow long hair, beard, and mustache. 30 days until freedom.

53 days and counting........Then i can be free to grow hippie hair and smoke Salvia! lol Ha ha ha. Also that starts my college career off. Other news...i finally got a faceyspace page lmao. It took forever to get a social networking page. Taking applications for friends.

I didn't take the photo, Erica did. 53 days until what?
Its Official...im getting out of the Air Force. Seven and a half years just flew. That sounds silly right? How does seven yrs just fly...well it did for me. Tons of cool ppl and shitty ppl were met, and its bitter sweet.
hows who?
nah cause I love the rain lol
......and now the battle with the Sun begins.......will my skin survive this summers rage?....or shall the Sun prevail in violating my soft girly epidermis?.....