bonezman Do you ever combine your vices, and if so, does it tingle?
I've had a pepsi before and after sex....but never during. Hmmm....something new to try?
mat8drb Do you actually really regret any of your choices to date? Or given the chance, would you do it all the same again?
Hell yes!! I will be extremely attracted to someone and just have had no connection with them whatsoever. And there is always that occasional fucktard that you come across as well. If I could do it again, I guess that I would be a little smarter about the choices of dates that I had. Such is life.
mngddss Tell me your craziest sex story.
Well, without going into specifics I will give four words... Oral. Sex. Ferris. Wheel.
Pebbles are you going to be going up north in about a week and a half?
I don't think so
My sister is coming in from out of town and I want to spend some time with her... maybe though.
Tawanise do you like to sleep over, just for fun, hanging out?
Sure. As long as the cops aren't called
Agentofoblivion Why did your primal ritual celebration stack Lois' chicken?
Um....I didn't mean it???......It......won't happen again???
piracy what happened to your babies daddy?
I ate him....
Not really, but it's a very complicated and long story that I do not have the energy to go into right now. I will tell you that he used to be one of the best friends I've ever had and I will also say that he is still a kickass father even though he may or may not like me too much. We try to stay civil with one another because of our kidlets. He is an Excellent artist as well. Good guy.
redairborne22 As of right now, what do you want out of life?
To be happy with who I am and what I'm doing. To get what I want out of life To be financially comfortable, and to do something.....meaningful....
hubble0671 1. What is the one ambition you would like to achieve?
To have either my art or my writing to be recognized....(appreciated?)
2. You can invite three guests for dinner, anyone past or present. Who do you invite?
Emily Dickinson, Jim Morrison, My biological father (whom I've never met)
3. How would you like people to remember you?
As someone that was creative. Kind. And did her fucking best.
tadzi what is your lineage? like nationalities?
I know that my:
paternal Grandfather- african american/ Irish
paternal Grandmother - (all I know about her is that she was a short white woman...?)
Maternal Grandfather - German.
Maternal Grandmother - polish
FunkaBella- fave food you crave like CRRRRRRRRAVE the most and why?
Taco Bell. Because.... it's.....Taco Bell.... mmmmmm....tacos!
last time you got laid? 3 weeks ago.............
boob size? 38C (it's in my profile,
bird- if you had a soundtrack to your about 15 songs or so..what would they be and why?
Hate to do this to you, but that requires way more thinking than I am capable of doing right now....but I will tell you that "People Are Strange" by The Doors pretty much sums it all up right now....
KaraLynn- Tell me about one of your dreams!!!!
I don't remember too many of my dreams, but I used to have this reoccurring dream where I was driving in an unknown town where the streets were filled with faceless creatures wearing cloaks and as I drove by each of them, they would stop what they were doing and screamed some shrill sound at me. I then remember being on a street that was going downhill and I had no brakes and was unable to stop the car.
There was also some sort of an alarm clock on the dashboard that frightened me for some it just kept ticking, but then it would skip a few and that just.....scared me.
oblivion- What did you really think of being John Malkovich?
Brilliant and Bizarre. (sorry, I would say more....but it's been like 3 years since I have seen it!!!)
And are you a muppets fan?
YES!! The Muppets Take Manhattan will forever hold a special place in my heart!!!
And I also liked The Muppets version of "A Christmas Carol" hehe
Micah- What's the best spices to use when eating human flesh?
Salt & Pepper, of course!
SYH- Why is the sky blue?
Because it's prettier that way??
( sky is blue cuz the atmosphere makes blue light when sunlight passes through it. And this is called "scattering" .....or something like that.
Who killed Cock Robin?
I said the sparrow
With my bow & arrow
I killed Cock Robin.
tripleb_79- what is your quest?
The Emerald City! Must find the wizard so he can give me a heart!
what is your favorite color?
black...and pink...
and what is the air speed velocity of an unladin swallow?
really, really fast????!!!!??
Beware_Marc- Do you love me? If you do, how much? And what is it you would do to show me how much you love me? (Assuming you do in fact love me.)
Sure I love you!!! Would a hug and a kiss suffice?
How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop????
I don't Like Tootsie Pops.
Describe your spiritual beliefs.....right now I am very unsure of what those are. I do believe that there is definately something bigger and better than any of us....out there....but....
Rhanrose- What, in your life currently, are you most proud of? Why.........?
I'm most proud of the fact that I am finally able to say that I am comfortable in my own skin because it took me a long time to be able to tell the rest of the world to fuck off and do what really makes ME happy.
providencia- How wide (left to right) are your barefeet when standing and they are placed next to each other?
placed together? about 9 inches
Have you ever taken a box of sequence and while sitting at a coffee shop made pretty sculptures using the sequence and the creamer in the thimbles? (you should)
never even thought about it.
What kind of hugs do you usually give?
the kind where the other person lets go first.
indrarain- What do you most want to accomplish in, of, and from yourself that does not involve other people (with the honorable exception of your kids)?
See one of the above questions...
unique3- have you ever been with another girl?
yes... dated them and actually have had a "relationship" with one.
luXmonroe- why oh why haven't you written me back?
or is it my turn?
It is indeed my turn. And I I am sorry
what are you little one's names?
Ava & Zane
Speedphreak- If you could be any kind of food what would it be, and would you want me to eat you?
If you're going to eat me....I'll be your buffet. You can pick and choose what you want to nibble on
bonezman Do you ever combine your vices, and if so, does it tingle?
I've had a pepsi before and after sex....but never during. Hmmm....something new to try?
mat8drb Do you actually really regret any of your choices to date? Or given the chance, would you do it all the same again?
Hell yes!! I will be extremely attracted to someone and just have had no connection with them whatsoever. And there is always that occasional fucktard that you come across as well. If I could do it again, I guess that I would be a little smarter about the choices of dates that I had. Such is life.
mngddss Tell me your craziest sex story.
Well, without going into specifics I will give four words... Oral. Sex. Ferris. Wheel.
Pebbles are you going to be going up north in about a week and a half?
I don't think so
Tawanise do you like to sleep over, just for fun, hanging out?
Sure. As long as the cops aren't called
Agentofoblivion Why did your primal ritual celebration stack Lois' chicken?
Um....I didn't mean it???......It......won't happen again???
piracy what happened to your babies daddy?
I ate him....
Not really, but it's a very complicated and long story that I do not have the energy to go into right now. I will tell you that he used to be one of the best friends I've ever had and I will also say that he is still a kickass father even though he may or may not like me too much. We try to stay civil with one another because of our kidlets. He is an Excellent artist as well. Good guy.
redairborne22 As of right now, what do you want out of life?
To be happy with who I am and what I'm doing. To get what I want out of life To be financially comfortable, and to do something.....meaningful....
hubble0671 1. What is the one ambition you would like to achieve?
To have either my art or my writing to be recognized....(appreciated?)
2. You can invite three guests for dinner, anyone past or present. Who do you invite?
Emily Dickinson, Jim Morrison, My biological father (whom I've never met)
3. How would you like people to remember you?
As someone that was creative. Kind. And did her fucking best.
tadzi what is your lineage? like nationalities?
I know that my:
paternal Grandfather- african american/ Irish
paternal Grandmother - (all I know about her is that she was a short white woman...?)
Maternal Grandfather - German.
Maternal Grandmother - polish
FunkaBella- fave food you crave like CRRRRRRRRAVE the most and why?
Taco Bell. Because.... it's.....Taco Bell.... mmmmmm....tacos!
last time you got laid? 3 weeks ago.............
boob size? 38C (it's in my profile,
bird- if you had a soundtrack to your about 15 songs or so..what would they be and why?
Hate to do this to you, but that requires way more thinking than I am capable of doing right now....but I will tell you that "People Are Strange" by The Doors pretty much sums it all up right now....
KaraLynn- Tell me about one of your dreams!!!!
I don't remember too many of my dreams, but I used to have this reoccurring dream where I was driving in an unknown town where the streets were filled with faceless creatures wearing cloaks and as I drove by each of them, they would stop what they were doing and screamed some shrill sound at me. I then remember being on a street that was going downhill and I had no brakes and was unable to stop the car.
There was also some sort of an alarm clock on the dashboard that frightened me for some it just kept ticking, but then it would skip a few and that just.....scared me.
oblivion- What did you really think of being John Malkovich?
Brilliant and Bizarre. (sorry, I would say more....but it's been like 3 years since I have seen it!!!)
And are you a muppets fan?
YES!! The Muppets Take Manhattan will forever hold a special place in my heart!!!
And I also liked The Muppets version of "A Christmas Carol" hehe
Micah- What's the best spices to use when eating human flesh?
Salt & Pepper, of course!
SYH- Why is the sky blue?
Because it's prettier that way??
( sky is blue cuz the atmosphere makes blue light when sunlight passes through it. And this is called "scattering" .....or something like that.
Who killed Cock Robin?
I said the sparrow
With my bow & arrow
I killed Cock Robin.
tripleb_79- what is your quest?
The Emerald City! Must find the wizard so he can give me a heart!
what is your favorite color?
black...and pink...
and what is the air speed velocity of an unladin swallow?
really, really fast????!!!!??
Beware_Marc- Do you love me? If you do, how much? And what is it you would do to show me how much you love me? (Assuming you do in fact love me.)
Sure I love you!!! Would a hug and a kiss suffice?
How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop????
I don't Like Tootsie Pops.
Describe your spiritual beliefs.....right now I am very unsure of what those are. I do believe that there is definately something bigger and better than any of us....out there....but....
Rhanrose- What, in your life currently, are you most proud of? Why.........?
I'm most proud of the fact that I am finally able to say that I am comfortable in my own skin because it took me a long time to be able to tell the rest of the world to fuck off and do what really makes ME happy.
providencia- How wide (left to right) are your barefeet when standing and they are placed next to each other?
placed together? about 9 inches
Have you ever taken a box of sequence and while sitting at a coffee shop made pretty sculptures using the sequence and the creamer in the thimbles? (you should)
never even thought about it.
What kind of hugs do you usually give?
the kind where the other person lets go first.
indrarain- What do you most want to accomplish in, of, and from yourself that does not involve other people (with the honorable exception of your kids)?
See one of the above questions...
unique3- have you ever been with another girl?
yes... dated them and actually have had a "relationship" with one.
luXmonroe- why oh why haven't you written me back?
or is it my turn?
It is indeed my turn. And I I am sorry
what are you little one's names?
Ava & Zane
Speedphreak- If you could be any kind of food what would it be, and would you want me to eat you?
If you're going to eat me....I'll be your buffet. You can pick and choose what you want to nibble on
lets talk, lol
We're bound to hug forever... I prefer to be the last to let go... This could get dangerous!