no sleep for little girls.....
kickin it with the kids from the club... i will make it to school- i swear.....
i just have to take a nap-maybe!!!!!
have a good night
yes yes yes
another fun filled weekend full of spikes, chains, cuffs and spreader bars
what more does a girl need?
thank you guys for being so supportive
write missy and tell her you want my set up!!! hee hee
otherwise we may be waiting a while...
(longer that is...)
la la la----
as you all know : i want my set to go up to.... at this point i am just going with it- and comming to realize that it may never go up-
its all good - i should have been more creative i guess- i also submited my set just before the headquarters was moved and i am wondering if it... Read More
i drink too much- hee hee
i have been slacking with school a bit- i will get back into it
bad nectar
just went back to work-
had a nice month off
im spoiled....
and school is back in- this term will be a good one-
i have mostly art history classes- but unfortunatly i just found out that one of my classes wont count towrd my minor which means i will not have it completed this term....
graduate next term!!!!
its about damn time!
ramble ramble-
big smooches to all you cuties out there!
man i need a... Read More
well its a good thing i support myself by taking off my clothes! because any other job would have fired my slack ass by now!
hee hee
i havent gone to work in like a week- oops.....
i only like to work when i need money- otherwise- i spend too much-
ah lookie people- its alex jane and shes standing right next to me- dont... Read More
after waiting since april for my set to be released i am seriously begining to wonder if i really am a suicidegirl of if i was just dreaming!!!!
i feel like i cant pump up the site untill they release my set - im tired of telling people im a girl then having them come back to me and say they couldnt find me..........
grrrrrrrrrrr... Read More
i was wondering when you were going up too. but you're not yet. which sucks. and another reason i didn't reapply here. i'd rather go to a site that actually puts girls up and is a little more close to home.
school is almost done for this term.....
thank goodness- that was literally the hardest studio i have had yet- next term will be better because i wont have a studio at all and will be able to relax and do some research on my comprehensive project for graduation- come on june 2nd!!!!!!! will be great to have a degree-woo-mutha-fuckin-hoo .......... am going to have lunch... Read More
so alex and i made an unexpected showing to Sinferno sunday night- we were running late as usual and got there in time for the last hour.... but to my defence i was kickin ass at pool at the dive we were at before arriving.... it was fu none the less- hope to make it up again soon- during the break from school......
hey everybody.... i think of you guys often and at least check the site every few days.... since this is my last year at the university sutdying landscape architecture i am overwelmed!
miss my daily chats with you all -
im begining to wonder if my set will ever go up- its been SEVEN long long months!!!!!! whats up?!?!?!?!?!
i will try to... Read More