whew! first time on the ole computer since friday...it seems so far away!
and more boring sets.....so I put up some boys for a limited time in my pictures!!!

and I can still see that man in the corner, with his eyebrows full of question marks....

really though sat. was one of the best nights i have had in a very long time. For the...
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nebel, my nebel. how are you today, sweetie? over the shock of being asked if you do commissions?

i'm gonna send you an e-mail momentarily so i can direct you to pics of the self-loving friend in question--the one i'd like to memorialize in charcoal or pen.

is the sunday gig still on? suitable for SG strangers?

nice pic of you in the SGTC group. sorta looks though like you didn't get out of your pyjamas for the party. wink

humps and kisses.
kiss scottie
oh my! what a crazy butt night!
I wish I could go into more detail...but it is late and i have to get up early tomorrow and still have energy for the gals night out thang!
but hey, there is some of my stoopid art and some new pictures and stuff. so there.
I wish I could insert a picture of mexican bart simpson...you know...
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hey - you are so cool. So glad to have met you last night!

AND i need your email to send you pics.

[Edited on Jan 26, 2004 9:14PM]
they took the playboy while i was going to play the bill frown it made me feel sad, and betrayed
the power went out at work tonight...so I went home early.
also this little girl left behind a wicked cool dinosaur stamp....

with his little arms that make me laugh the t-rex can eat 6 elephants and a half
"who shall I eat next?" said mister t-rex
then he ate the twin towers, just to pass away the hours
but it gave him indigetion, and...
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Yeah, power was out at my house too. no power means no heat! sucked!!! ohh well, We lived. biggrin
hey did you figure out a ride for saturday yet?
I like to refer to him as, Jim "the crotch" Croce.

I thought that car looked familiar!

I sometimes wonder about my writing...like why I do it or why I can't stop sometimes...it just rumbles around like giants playing jumprope and singing miss mary mac.

I just wish I knew what to do with myself...

So maddy there's this boy, right? I saw him the other day on the bus. he had this "look" about him that made me think of you...You...
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your site=wicked cool
call me i'll come get you for saturday

I am back at lastactually Ive been back for awhile nowso I am writing AT LAST. I even added a couple pictures.....what a whirling swirlin couple o weeks! Whheeew!

Being with my dads side of the family has always made me somewhat uncomfortable, and only because my whole life I only see them about once a year. Its like this side of me that Im...
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write us some more, write us some more!!!!..we want more, we mant more!!!..
Texas, Texas. Since I have the mirror-image situation (Twin Cities native, lived in Lubbock for 5 years), I can attest.

Every vacation I took while I lived down there was back to Minnesota. I missed this place terribly. When the movie Fargo came out, I ached inside (and dreaded my Lubbock chums always asking me to talk like the characters from the movie...)

But, when I was back in Lubbock over the Holidays, I was a little nostalgic. Texas *is* different, and it's kind of special. The reason I left was because it never was *home*...I was always an Expat "Yankee". But it was nice to see things you don't see up here. It was nice to have a Whataburger. It was WONDERFUL to go to Ralph's Records & load up on used CD's (their prices are so much better than Cheapo up here). Listening to KTXT again was so refreshing. I like it this way, when I can go there 2-3 times a year, but not stay.

I don't miss the conservatism-without-a-cause mentality. I don't miss the subtle racism that exists still, even in Lubbock. I don't miss litter everywhere.

And, oh yeah...love them Texas names! Don't forget Scoggin-Dickey Chevrolet in Lubbock! (love the lewd sound of that name). And remember H-E-B grocery stores were named after the founder, Harry E. Butts. Speaking of naming things, why does Texas name everything after people? Lake Alan Henry. Lake Ray Hubbard. The Marsha Sharp Freeway.

OK, I'm just rambling now...
"lips like nylon"
sound track: T Spoon - I wanna have sex on the beach

guh! I just sneezed in the middle of eating yogurt!!! can you imagine?!

last night I saw bubbahotep!!! it was BRILLIANT! I want to see it again! the whole time I kept thinking about how I got to meet bruce campbell and how I hit on him, and how he...
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Hey there St. Paul girl, believe it or not you would miss these ridiculously long, dreary and bitterly cold winters if you left. (HINT: go with not)

From one St. Paulite to another, have yourself a merry little new years.

.im comin into andy's this week. i mean it, too.
sound track: wanda jackson, lets have a party

guh! so here is the dang after birthday post! (which I have writen TWICE now!)
and again I don't know what to say because birthdays are still weird. and it was still better than last year because I actually got to spend it with my friends and family. I just wish everyone could have come...but alas THAT...
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no pandas for me either, but i do like lots of sex too!.. wink
hey, are ya still slingin malts?..
oh sweety, happy belated birthday. kiss

yes i did get your email. i have been so busy.

there is a party tonite you are welcomed to attend

3406 43rd avenue

if you want, call me 612.207.6800
i'd like to meet you.

or just call anytime
I have all these things on my mind but am feeling weak and restless and swirly...like I need to lay down. if only there was a way I could take my computer to bed..or have a pen that could write upsidedown...like in space.

so my birthday is tomorrrrooowww!
gimmie something dinosaur shaped.

my mom, brother and I went to the nutcracker today (a family tradition)...
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enjoy the cupcake - but please blow out the candle - its burning my hand
Don't get caught!
If wishes were horses and beggars would ride

I feel inwardly weepy.
like crippled giants are knocking on my door asking me for donations.

art galleries should not make me feel as though I am in a cemetary.
I could maybe look at the art instead of looking at my reflection.
this is unusual. for me.
I need comforting like a punch in the face....
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I grew up close to St. Clair Ave. and several many years ago they ripped up the streets to the dirt to install new storm sewers and in the process they tore up all the streetcar tracks that they had just paved over many moons ago. It literally brought a tear to my eye. What ever happed to those good ol' Days? And also growing up in that neighborhood I can safely say grand ol' days has never been much to get exited about.

I take it my rant and rave didn't help at all. Oh well. I tried. I wonder if I could help make you feel any better? If there's anything I can do, from ice cream to a movie to a one on one roller derby, let me know, ok?
long like a tuna
I think that my trip was too long and too taxing...but just because I was dealing with my family. but new orleans...well its like this weird combo of paris, mexico, and charleston...but with boas and lazy a accents that made me miss the south.
I mean listen to bob wills, he knows what he's talking about...even though I was sad that...
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.oh im not gone just yet..i havent spent a christmas with my family here in six years so im stickin around till jingle bells is over..ill be in for a new malt soon..chocolate with extra chocolate..sorry you had to toss the other one. i fuckin hope youre doin the fuckin best!..have a great fuckin day! kiss
Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Read carefully, I've subjected myself to this kind of shit quite a bit in my life and I know a thing or two about it. Even still, I might make an ass out of myself here, but understand I have good intentions.

First of all... Your ex is hurting because he was either in love with you or in love with the time he got to spend with you. It wasn't right for you, for whatever reason, so you made a change. Now he's having a hard time being able to think straight, probably because you're on his mind a lot and he misses you so bad it hurts him in the chest. Perhaps he is crying a lot.

He feels sad and alone and he doesn't want to feel that way. He is not emotionally strong enough to be friends with you. Not when your pressence made him feel the way he did. It's scary for him to not be with you that way - even scarier to be with you, but in a different way, knowing your feelings for him have changed.

But you did the right thing. If he was not the one for you, you cannot flinch in the face of doubt, you did the right thing. He was happy with you because of his attitude when he was around you. Surely, you helped facilitate his joy, but now he's sad because of his attitude as well. Let him go through this pain and let him go.

I know it's hard and I'm not saying you can't miss him and be a little sad that he's so sad right now. On the contrary, it says you have a heart and a general concern for others.

Sometimes you have to choose between hurting someone and really hurting someone. It's a hard lesson of life to learn. Being nice is a luxury and it's relative. Being honest, true and reliable as an honest and straightforward person, that's a philosophy you can stick to for life. It's not always pretty, but you build strength of character that way.

Give him a guiltless goodbye. And try to give him some optimism, too. That way, he'll have a hard time being self-destructive, which is how he's being when he says stuff like that.

Say, "OK, I'll let you go. I never meant to hurt you, ever. I hope you feel better soon. Good luck in life, I know you'll succeed in whatever it is you do. If one day, long from now, you ever want to say hello, find me. I'll be happy to see you again. Take care and be strong. With love, Nebel."

Of course, use your real name. I always wanted my exes to say that to me when they broke my heart. But be warry. He's giving you more of a guilt trip than you deserve, I think.

But it's injustice for you to let yourself hurt over him any more. He should join you in happiness and in moving on. You should not join him in sorrow. But it's part of the process. There's nothing wrong. Especially with you.

yeah, for real I am like alive and stuff...though barely, cause I am all sickly and coughing and flu like...it is bad news. I have been crazy busy too because of the holidays and what not, but I promise I will write more about my trip and stuff...cause I have a lot on my mind about that whole thing and want to air it all...
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so you werent eaten by bourbon street!..nice to see you made it out!.. kiss
you aren't looking for work are ya darlin'? i might be able to hook you up.....

yeah we built this city, all facade work and cabinetry. very cool. i did a santa set this summer.

thanks for visiting, i feel speshul.
