So, after a few days back in town, I am feeling... lazy. No job, no normal routine. So now I need to define one... Already cleaned my entire apartment, so thats nice, but what now?

My thought... keep the normal working day as a standard 'get up/ go to sleep' baseline... I dont want to look for a job and then have to stop going...
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lol yes it is - especially during these economic times.

Thanks smile Ya, MAYBE its cause he was super drunk. People tend to stay on one tangent when they are... lol
Thank you for your comment!

I do miss them. I miss long hair. Then I miss short hair. Then I miss my mohawk. I'm never satisfied!
In Atlanta with my brother and his family... sticking around here until Wednesday to see family and friends, then back to the Bham and flying to SF Friday.

Hooray Bay Area!
Sounds good? I know I would love to get out of NYC! Hope the trip is going well.

Thank you for the comment on my set. I like the pic you picked too P_Mod, Dwam, and I got to know each other while they were in the US and they really picked up on my personality. That was a fun pic and I smile a lot b/c it is hard not too for me. I have even done some other projects that are on the dark side to get away from it mad ... not so much though. P_Mod really picked the photos that reflected me and are not perfect (sun in my face, hair, laughing at myself) and totally on target, I love it. Then it took a serious end that has some (I think) strong imagery. I hope that was the feedback you were asking for... I just went on and on.

Hope you are having a good trip and keep in touch.

Thanks so much for commenting on my new set! I really appreciate it!

Soapy Kisses

Submitted resume to Twitter today... wasnt planning on really looking or considering options until April, but the company is so damned intriguing and the role listed matches pretty well to my background...

I really hope the conversation happens so I can at least learn more about Twitter...

Have fun out there.

Tomorrow- Birmingham Museum of Art with the folks... Bham Museum of Art
How long have you had off work?
Have you figured out what you want to be doing yet?

When I'm running I'm worried that bums will jump out at me. It happens more than you might think.

I almost forgot what humidity was like... Alabama is fine so far, not a lot going on and that is fine by me. Actually slept in for the first time in forever.

Set up wireless internet at my parents house yesterday, going to try and track down some old friends today, and then maybe set up a time to go skeet shooting...

not sure when,...
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Just signed on to Twitter...

so far being jobless is allowing me to find or reconnect to online communities... SG first, twitter, perhaps signing back on to facebook or myspace after swearing both off. But that remains to be seen.

Also... Twitter seems like a badass little company and Evan Williams was interviewed on SG... anyone know any employees? I am thinking of applying for...
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i'd say i did in the long run..
Thanks so much for the compliment on my Member Review set! I like corsets too!
Off to 11am Watchmen IMAX.... cause it's Friday, I ain't got no job, and I ain't got shit to do...
so this is my fourth weekday without a job... decompressing seems to just mean bored. Thankfully I will be heading back to my roots on Monday... the deep south here I come! Birmingham AL from march 9 to 20, with a brief stop over in Atlanta.

Knowing I will not even hunt for a job seriously for a while make me wonder how to fill...
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Got a couple months to figure things out... Figured I would spend some of it figuring out this amazing community, maybe even meet a friend or two in the process.

Oh yeah, and there is also that whole thing of seeing lots of great looking tatted girls when I tired of looking for jobs on Craigslist.
I hate craigslist job searching i get soooo freaking bored!!!!! puke