As you all know, I'm having a baby. Right now I'm about 7 weeks 2 days along, not very far at all. I'm dealing with lots of morning sickness and running around, and therefore will not be on here anymore. I'm not blowing off messages, I honestly just don't have the time. It's been real...
I'm really tired of everything/one.
My hair is growing so uneven, but I don't have the wig I ordered months and months ago to cover that bit up so I'm stuck looking like a fucking idiot.
Baby weight is getting put on but no baby bump to show for it.
For one minute, I want some fucking attention instead of rushing to fix my doctor's...
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My hair is growing so uneven, but I don't have the wig I ordered months and months ago to cover that bit up so I'm stuck looking like a fucking idiot.
Baby weight is getting put on but no baby bump to show for it.
For one minute, I want some fucking attention instead of rushing to fix my doctor's...
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If you are interested in synth dreads, please visit my store:
khrucified khouture etsy!
big news... :drumroll plz:
i'm having a baby!!
khrucified khouture etsy!
big news... :drumroll plz:
i'm having a baby!!
Taking orders for custom synth dreads now 
$70 gets you:
+a full head of medium length synthetic dreads
+your choice of three colors [refer to Doctored Locks Color List for shades]
+rubber bands for installation
$100 gets you:
+a full head of long synthetic dreads
+your choice of four colors [refer to Doctored Locks Color List for shades]
+rubber bands for installation
If you are...
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$70 gets you:
+a full head of medium length synthetic dreads
+your choice of three colors [refer to Doctored Locks Color List for shades]
+rubber bands for installation
$100 gets you:
+a full head of long synthetic dreads
+your choice of four colors [refer to Doctored Locks Color List for shades]
+rubber bands for installation
If you are...
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Model here
I have been waiting for this post a LOOOOONG TIME! Hit me up and we can discuss what I need to do/when/ and what it will cost

I have been waiting for this post a LOOOOONG TIME! Hit me up and we can discuss what I need to do/when/ and what it will cost

Wow, congrats!!!!! 

My set is in MR and is only at 63%... 

did you have another name?
you look like a friend i had in pgh
you look like a friend i had in pgh
I enjoyed your set, though a few more butt shots would have been appreciated. You are lovely!
Gold Rush
Hopeful Set
Lovin the dreads!
fuck yeah!
I have this song stuck in my head...
I'm making some synth dreads this weekend..
Too much reading, so much working. Feeling bitter about humanity.. It's just the reading material though.
Anyone livejournal? I've been writing like a beast this week. It's weird.
Spacing my ears soon, hopefully Lawson can send my plugs back!
Busy busy bee..
Oh, and I can't get over how...
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I'm making some synth dreads this weekend..
Too much reading, so much working. Feeling bitter about humanity.. It's just the reading material though.
Anyone livejournal? I've been writing like a beast this week. It's weird.
Spacing my ears soon, hopefully Lawson can send my plugs back!
Busy busy bee..
Oh, and I can't get over how...
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I asked her the same thing today in a message and got no reply x.x
Hey, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, since Halloween I've been kind of in the shitter having to give refunds for late orders since my supplier didn't send them express like they usually do. You did get the blue one though right? So you know I'm legit and should give me the benefit of the doubt. I just got my laptop fixed and am working on restoring my files so I can get to my que and I promise your's will be the first I send out.
The show last night was fucking SICK! Iron Age, Earthless [I think that was their name.. hard to hear], and Baroness. Iron Age's set was one of the best sets I've seen ever. I got a sweet shirt [:
Yeah I remember you saying something about a concert or show... oops 

Getting ready for work... for some reason my favorite silvery charcoal eyeshadow is like really hard?? it's a pain.. sigh
Reading lots of interesting things. Working out again and eating so well.....
Baroness tonight!!!!!
Reading lots of interesting things. Working out again and eating so well.....

Baroness tonight!!!!!
Fun fun fun
What is Baroness?
What is Baroness?
Lady Solo wanted me to contact you to let you know that the reason she hasn't gotten back to you is because her computer is having major issues and had to be sent to Dell for repairs, so she isn't able to sign on to get your info to find out the status of your wig. I can assure you as a irl friend of hers that she is not a scammer and is just not able to get onto SG.
and so the smoke rises
billowing black in arizona sky
when your organ stops lilting
my backbone straightens..
you jolt when you hack a laugh
your lungs have rusted, have some polish..?
make you brand new, O droid
eat the bread and rest
Ave Satani, motherfuckers.
That as well as saying Hail Satan haha
It's the theme to the omen
It's the theme to the omen
OH haha, my bad
Well we should watch that then.
I'll rent it & we can get naked & watch it
Did I say naked?
Well we should watch that then.
I'll rent it & we can get naked & watch it
Did I say naked?