Vegas was Disappointing to say the least. I think it was because of how many people went and the fucking BS drama that went with it. A double-bachelor party should not have problems. I would think so anyways. Might go deeper into it later. I just woke up.
yeah i think that vegas is better is a small to medium group of people hanging out.
umm, response to side note #2: i have actually done it, twice. its a lot of drama.
Nope. They don't even help you make an appointment with state board either. All they do is send in all the paperwork saying you've done your work and you're ready to take the test to get your license. Job hunting is all you.
I'm having serious sleeping problems.
Starting Friday I went 33hrs, slept 2 hrs, then went another 24~hrs again. I cant sleep.
I had to down nearly half my bottle of Jack D. to sleep the other day. (other day wtf.)
Im messed up
Ah yes-melatonin. I've heard good things about it. You should definitely try that out. Also chamamile (sp?) tea is good.
Oh hellz yeah the shirt is totally taking a stab (no pun intended) at the series. I would LOVE to wear it in the middle of Hot Topic LOL They are so full of the Twilight crap. Buffy could kick Edward's emo ass any day hehe
One of the few people in my life that raised me passed away. (I wasnt raised by my parents except for maybe 1/4 of my life)
A friend who I served in the Air Force died in a car accident by a drunk driver.... Read More
Hmm.. Birthday sucked. Got screwed out of my Cards vs Eagles football ticket.
I think the girl i'm basically in love with at work is leaving already left which bumms me out.
Not a great week so far I must say.
Thanks to all who wished me a birthday of happiness.
Sorry your birthday didn't work out I don't think mine will either.
Mini-boards is basically a practice run of what we will do when we go to state board to get our license. Mini-boards are run exactly the same way as state board. We are required to pass 3 before we graduate.
Anytime you need a break from the daily grind, the offer will always be there
No worries man. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that guy could act or not as he was really quite. I really did like his look and size for the part. Regardless, Wolverine and Gambit? I think we may see a Gambit spin off if they write his character well.
I think I have insomnia. Cant sleep for shit, and when I do fall asleep its only for 3hrs~.
My knee might have something to do with it. I blew it out 2months~ ago (no surgery!).
I still have Ambien(sp?), the sleep drug, but dun wanna take it anymore.
Gonna probably update some pictures soon, since I havent been on in quite a while.
Some serious bullshit happened.
I deposited a check in my bank on monday. Tuesday I decide to go out (I barely go out.) Drink a few.
Go to pay.... declined. I go check the ATM there. -150~ bucks... wtf.
I got it taken care of, but I'm still pissed.
Now January7 is gonna go away which makes me bummed. She is sooooo gorgeous.
Idk about hunters because I mainly play rogues and mages. You'd have to ask DarkRam. He has a lvl 77 hunter. I know they made Ret Paladins more oped so people can't bitch how sucky they were before.
Edit:I hate most of the ppl in the Kittens group. They act like activists. They have their heart in the right place but go about doing it in all the wrong ways. Attacking anybody and everybody that doesnt adopt a kat from a shelter. Rubbed me the wrong way.
If you ever go back to Vegas, just go with a smaller group - like no more than 4 people
umm, response to side note #2: i have actually done it, twice. its a lot of drama.