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- on Show your Photoshop Art in photoshop
so slept like hell last night and really didn't to do anything when I woke up. But I really want this exorcise thing to work. So I did the right thing and got up and went for a good walk.
No great distance but it's a start. That's all I can ask for right?
On top of that 've been fiddling with Photoshop more. nothing...
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So, I'm overwheight, but luckily that is the only issue I have with my health now. About a year ago I finally got myself a doctor and had a few minor health issues that were actually caused by my weight. Those are taken care of. But I just had no drive to even want to try and loose weight.
But then this year slowly and...
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these are several years old now, I need to do some new ones!
for a different project I often have to manipulate photos of celebs in some minor but interesting ways, not always great but always fun
very small scale models made from seel
ok so it's been way to long since I've been here. Part of that was my fault. Part was just life.
Lots of changes since then. I've moved, gotten a new roommate, got a few raises at work. Life is good overall
Still single, honestly need some female friends in my life and not just the relationship kind. I honestly think I enjoy having female...
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You. Me. We.
This is what my sister does, this type of stuff is important. Every year she and others like her spend weeks at a time going to communities.. going to places where something as simple as water to drink.. or even a roof over your head are luxuries. In a couple weeks she is going to Pakistan to help insure that the women...
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thanks for the add.