I have severe writer's block, so, failing anything interesting to say, I leave you with this haiku...

Am I wrong to say
No one likes haikus?
They pretty much just waste time.

Alright so it ain't gold. But God DAMN if my drunken attempt at a journal last night wasn't crap. They can't all be winners folks...
Well the main draw back...is that it isn't a haiku. But other than that it's good. smile Enjoy the vacation bub. biggrin
...I'm drunk so bear this message with a grain of salt...

I have come to the halting conclusion that friendship, no matter how long removed, is the one constant in our lives. I'll tell you why.

I met this kid, and I mean kid, Brian, when I was a kindergartener. I was the token nerd, he was the asshole that ate my retromutagen ooze (TMNT...
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.A Rambling Monologue

So I've been having this dream that seeps into those moments, you know the ones, in your waking life where you're anywhere but out in the world. I'll have it asleep, I'll have it driving down route 9, I'll have it when I see a gorgeous girl straddling the bar as I try to smile politely and act like strip clubs...
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You're a brilliant writer love
Aw thanks. You aint so bad either. Nice talking to you tonite. biggrin
I've come to the conclusion that I am in love with strippers. And I dont mean the love a man feels for a bunny or a fine wine. I mean that if anyone can love a thing wholeheartedly and without remorse, to want to worship someone because they do what they do so well, well, you get what I'm sayin.

I went to the Gold...
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HAHA! I know exactly who u r talk'n bout. She is my old highschool buddy. U know they all use stage names. And K.B. can sure defy gravity with that pole.

[Edited on Jul 21, 2004 7:57PM]
You know my most recent muse?!? You sir, are a Golden God. Its the first time I've been to a club and not wished I had the 60 bucks in singles I blew back the next morning...
Hey there. I am a 21 year old straight male, an actor, a libra, and officially a suicidegirls virgin. I'm loving it so far. Just signed up as of this posting, and from the looks of it, it seems like this is just what the ol' "mundane stuck-in-CT until I get back to NYC lifestyle" needs.

So please, IM me (specially if you're cute and...
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HAHA! I told ya.
connecticut does not suck.....your erics friend...hello.